Tue 18 Jul 1882
Annual inspection of the canal to take place on Wednesday 9 August; the boat to start from Wallbridge wharf at 9 o’clock.
Mr C Critchley’s notice to give up possession of the house, gardens and stable at Stonehouse Wharf at the 29 September accepted; resolved that the tenancy go to Mr John Butt of Bowbridge, coal merchant and boat owner, from 29 September at the rent of £20 p.a.
Clerk to purchase a few pitch pine logs and red deal floor boarding for about £40.
In reply to Mr Croome’s offer to resign as solicitor to the Company in view of his being away from Stroud during the coming winter, it was resolved unanimously that his offer be not accepted and that he be requested to continue as Solicitor.
Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 18^th day of July 1882 @ 3,o,clock pm
Present: Mr G H A Beard Chairman, Mr H H Mills, Mr Jno Howard, Mr C H Hooper, Mr J T Stanton.
[46] Ordered that the annual Inspection of the Canal take place on Wednesday the 9^th day of August next. The Boat to start from Wallbridge Wharf at 9,o,clock am.
[25] The Clerk placed before the Committee a notice received from Mr C Critchley, to give up on the 19^th day of September next possession of House, Garden & Stable now occupied by him at Stonehouse wharf, & the same was accepted.
The Clerk stated that Mr John Butt of Bowbridge (Coal Merchant and Boat owner) had applied for the House, etc, at Stonehouse now in the occupation of Mr C Critchley.
Resolved that the be accepted as Tenant from the 29^th day of September next at a Rent of £20 per annum. The Cos Solicitor to prepare the demise.
[34] The Clerk applied for permission to purchase a few pitch pine logs, red deal floor boarding, etc, to the Amount of about £40.
Ordered that the same be got.
[53] A letter was read from Mr Croome stating that on account of his health it might be necessary for him to be away from Stroud during the coming winter and intimating his willingness to send in his resignation as Solicitor to the Company if it should be the wish of the Committee that he should do so.
Resolved unanimously that Mr Croom's offer to resign be no accepted and that he be requested to continue his services as Solicitor.