Tue 15 May 1883
Charles Hawkins Fisher and Frederick Colborne Fisher claimed share nos.40,101, will of Sarah Colborne;
Percy Witchell claimed share no. 37, will of Samuel Phipps.
Mrs Elizabeth Markey, the owner of the property adjoining the Culvert at Saul, had paid the sum of £1 9s 3d, being the proportional part of the expense payable by the owner of such adjoining property under the Agreement dated 24 June 1863 between the Company and the late Mr John Sims.
Clerk directed to remove the piles from Mr Charles Jefferies of Ebley’s drain into the Canal from his Cottages on receiving Mr Jefferies written undertaking, within six months from this date, to put in a tank or catchpit 6ft long, 4ft wide and 4ft deep and to keep such tank or catch pit properly emptied..
Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 15^th day of May 1883 @ 3,o,clock pm
Present: Mr J T Stanton Chairman, Mr H H Mills, Mr A J M Ball, Mr G H A Beard, Mr W^m Davies junr, Mr J Howard, Major Fisher, Mr W H Marling, Mr E F Gyde.
It was proposed by Mr G H A Beard and seconded by Major Fisher and carried unanimously that Mr E Carruthers Little be Chairman for the ensuing year.
[32] Charles Hawkins Fisher of the Castle Stroud in the County of Gloucester Gentleman attended on behalf of himself and Frederick Colborne Fisher of Walton-on-Trent Clerk in the County of Staffordshire, executors of the Will of the late Sarah Colborne late of Whitehall, Stroud, in the County of Gloucester Spinster (who died on the 23^rd day of November 1882) and made out their claim to two shares numbered 40 and 101 of the Undertaking of the Stroudwater Navigation and now standing in the name of the said Sarah Colborne deceased in the Books of the Company of Proprietors of the said Navigation by producing the Probate of the said will (with two Codicils attached) of the said Sarah Colborne deceased the said will bearing date the 24^th day of May 1867 and proved in the District Registry attached to the Probate Division of Her Majestys High Court of Justice at Gloucester on the ninth day of January 1883.
Also be producing a declaration made by the executors Charles Hawkins Fisher and Frederick Colborne Fisher aforesaid to the effect that the two share certificates numbered 40 and 101 had been lost, a letter of indemnity was also given by the said executors freeing the Company from any loss.
And the claim was admitted accordingly and new tickets ordered to be made out.
Mr Percy Witchell of Stroud in the County of Gloucester Solicitor, attended on behalf of and under a written authority of Edwin Witchell of the same place Solicitor, Executor of the Will of the late Samuel Phipps, of Cainscross, in the said County of Gloucester Solicitor, and made out the claim of the said Edwin Witchell to one share numbered 37 of the Undertaking of the Stroudwater Navigation and now standing in the name of the said Samuel Phipps and Eliza Fryer deceased and Joseph Bellamy deceased as executors of the Will of William Fryer in the Books of the Company of Proprietors of the said Navigation and by producing the Certificate of the said share and the Probate of the Will (with a Codicil thereto) of the said Samuel Phipps who died on the 24^th day of August 1881, the said Will bearing date the 2^nd February 1876 and the said Codicil bearing date the 29^th day of August 1878 and the same having been proved by the said Edwin Witchell in the Gloucester District Registry of the Probate Division of the High Court of Justice on the 1^st day of October 1881 and also be producing the Probate of the Will of the said Eliza Fryer who died on the 8^th day of January 1883 her said Will bearing date the 15^th day of February 1871 and having been proved by Sarah Fryer of Bedford Street Stroud aforesaid Spinster the sole Executrix therein named, in the Gloucester District Registry of the Probate Division of the High Court of Justice on the 30^th day of January 1883 and by producing a letter from the said Sarah Fryer renouncing all claim to the said share.
And the claim was admitted accordingly and a new Certificate ordered to be made out.
[11] The Clerk reported that under the terms of he Agreement dated the 24^th June 1863 made between the Company and the late Mr John Sims he applied to Mrs Elizabeth Markey the present owner of the property adjoining the Culvert at Saul for payment of the sum of £1..9..3 being the proportionate part of the expense payable under the agreement by the owner of such adjoining property of cleaning out the Culvert in the month of December last, and that Mrs Markey had duly paid the same.
[378] Mr Charles Jefferies of Ebley attended and complained of the drain from his Cottages there into the Canal having been piled by the Company notwithstanding an open drain (which he had lately replaced by a pipe) having existed for 70 years and upwards; the Clerk was directed to have the piles removed on Mr Jefferies giving a written undertaking to put in within six months from this date a tank or catchpit 6 feet long 4 feet wide and 4 feet deep and at all future times to keep such tank or catch pit properly emptied as occasion may require.
Cheque drawn: Gloucester & Berkley Canal Co: £47..5..6