Tue 28 Jun 1887
Annual inspection took place on 13 June.
Repairs needed to garden wall at Downfield and fence at Bristol Road Wharf.
Withy beds at Stonehouse and Junction looked at, and new tanks erected by Mr Hooper at Bond’s Mill. Tenant of coal pen at Bristol Road Wharf applied for stable accommodation. Stable there disused. Clerk to prepare plan of some stabling.
Damage done by barge Endeavour to top lock at Eastington on 13 June. Bill for repairs to owner Mr James Webb of Chalford.
Tarring of barge Ceres contrary to Company’s regulations by George Powell on canal at Ryeford. Letter to Powell.
Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 28^th day of June 1887 @ 3,o,clock pm
Present: Mr E C Little - Chairman, Mr H H Mills, Mr W Davies junr, Mr C H Hooper, Mr E P Little, Sir W H Marling, Mr F Gyde.
[22] The Chairman reported that the inspection of the Canal took place on Monday the 13^th June as arranged at the last Meeting, including the several buildings, Locks & Bridges as well as the stores at the Depot at Eastington.
That, with the exception of the repair of the Garden wall at Downfield and some repairs to a fence, etc, at Bristol Road wharf, no other repairs appeared necessary.
That the withy beds at Stonehouse and the Junction were looked at as well as the new tanks erected by Mr Hooper at Bond's Mill, and that the Tenant of the Coal pen at Bristol Road wharf applied for stable accommodation but nothing definite was decided upon.
The Chairman reported that the Committee (or such of them as attended the Inspection) were able to report most favourably of the state and condition of the Company's property generally.
[7] The stable accommodation at Bristol Road wharf was discussed and directions were given to the Clerk to prepare a plan of some stabling to be submitted and considered at the next meeting.
[12] Damage done by the Barge "Endeavour" to the Top Lock at Eastington on the 13^th inst was reported & the Clerk was directed to send in the bill for repairs to the owner Mr James Webb of Chalford.
[12] The tarring of the Barge "Ceres", contrary to the Company's regulations by George Powell on the Canal at Ryeford was also reported and the Clerk was directed to write to Powell on the subject.