Minutes Tue 14 Jan 1890

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Tue 14 Jan 1890


£107 from Reserve Fund to be used for piece of land near Midland Railway bridge at Stonehouse.

Verbatim text

At a Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 14^th day of January 1890 @ 3,o,clock pm
Present: Mr E C Little Chairman, Mr H H Mills Mr W Davies, Mr C H Hooper, Mr W J Stanton, Mr E P Little, Mr E F Gyde.
The business of this Meeting consisted for the most part of ordinary routine work.
[23] A Cheque was drawn upon the Reserve Fund for £107 the price agreed to be given to the Trustees of the Stonehouse Court Estate for the piece of land near the Midland Railway Bridge at Stonehouse.
Cheque drawn:
Messrs Vizard & Co "Tithe charge Eastington": £3..19..6

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