Minutes Tue 21 Oct 1890

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Tue 21 Oct 1890


Public auction of garden ground at Dudbridge wharf delayed till Spring. Mr Barnard failed to give definite answer.
Letting of house and premises at Dudbridge wharf to be advertised. Mr Ward’s tenancy about to terminate.
Completion of swing bridge at Stonehouse leading to Mr Davies’ mill.

Verbatim text

Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 21^st day of October 1890 @ 3,o,clock pm
Present: Mr E C Little Chairman, Mr C H Hooper, Mr E P Little, Mr Jno Howard, Mr W J Stanton, Mr W^m Davies.
The various accounts, books, & vouchers Signed by Mr F Sturge the Auditor and certified to be correct ware produced and passed.
The Treasurer's Book was produced and signed by the Chairman.
[F^o 72] The sale of the land or garden ground at Dudbridge wharf formed the principal subject of discussion at this Meeting where it was unanimously resolved that filing a successful negociation with Mr Barnard the offering it by public Auction should be delayed until early Spring. Mr Hamilton Mills informed the Committee that he had written & saw Mr Barnard who had failed to give a definite answer promised & Mr Mills was requested to urge this answer being given by the next Meeting.
Mr Snape was instructed to advertise in the local papers the letting of the House & premises at Dudbridge wharf (exclusive of the above land or garden ground) Mr Ward tenancy being about to terminate.
Mr Snape reported the completion of the Swing Bridge at Stonehouse leading to Mr Davies' Mill, and other matters.
Cheques drawn: £ s d
H H Mills Esq: 7..10..0
F Sturge: 5..5..0
Coles Shadbolt & Co: 5..16..8
[Total] 17..11..8

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