Tue 21 Apr 1891
Notice to quit Ship Inn on 29 September received from Stroud Brewery Co. Desirability discussed of selling property rather than accept reduced terms offered by brewery with required access to stables.
Stroud Water Co requested permission of depositing some refuse lime from works at Chalford on land at Stonehouse recently bought for deposit of dredgings from canal.
Messrs Webb & Spring, having given notice to discontinue taking water from canal for engine boiler at Ebley, to pay rent to 29 September.
Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Tuesda the 21^st day of April 1891 @ 3,o,clock pm
Present: Mr E C Little Chairman, Mr C H Hooper, Sir W H Marling Bart, Mr J Howard, Mr W J Stanton, Mr E P Little, Mr E F Gyde.
The various accounts, books and vouchers signed by Mr Sturge the Auditor and certified to be correct were produced and passed.
The Treasurers Book was produced examined and Signed by the Chairman.
A notice to quit the Ship Inn on 29^th Sept next from the Stroud Brewery Co & a letter accompanying the notice was handed to the Committee who discussed the desirability of selling the property rather than accept the reduced terms offered by that Co with the required access to the Stables, when it was left to the Chairman and some members of the Committee to inspect the property & take the Course they thought fit.
A letter from the Manager of the Stroud Water Co to Mr Snape read in which the former applied for permission (subject to terms) of depositing some refuse from the Works at Chalford on the land at Stonehouse recently bought for the deposit of dredging from the Canal, & and it was arranged that the Chairman with Mr Walter Stanton should meet the manager at the Canal Office to discuss the proposal.
Messrs Webb & Spring having given notice to discontinue taking water from the Canal for their Engine boiler at Ebley, the Clerk was instructed to inform them that the rent would have to be paid to the 29^th September next.
The Chairman was requested to obtain from the County of Gloucester Bank particulars of any unclaimed Dividends in their hands.