Minutes Tue 19 May 1891

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Tue 19 May 1891


Ship Inn to be let.
Mr Walter Stanton named 1s 6d per ton charge for Stroud Water Co to deposit refuse on mud bank in Stonehouse.
List of unclaimed dividends received from County of Gloucester Bank. To be placed in Reserve Fund and enquiries made to find who they belong to.
Manager of County of Gloucester Bank, Mr Palmer, requested cheque to be drawn for Half Year’s Dividend,
Permission to Messrs Hooper & Co. to put 3 inch water pipe under canal at Bond’s Mill.
Death of Mr Henry Beard.

Verbatim text

Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 19^th day of May 1891 @ 3,o,clock pm
Present: Mr E C Little Chairman, Mr E P Little, Mr Jno Howard, Mr W J Stanton, Mr E F Gyde, Sir W H Marling Bart, Mr A J M Ball, Mr W Davies.
A prolonged discussion took place regarding the sale of the "Ship Inn" as advertised in the nature of a preliminary advertisement, when it was resolved that a sale should not a present be entertained, but that an advertisement to let the same from Michaelmas next should be inserted in the Stroud papers.
Mr Walter Stanton informed the Committee that he had seen the Manager of the Stroud Water Co with reference to the deposit of the refuse lime on the mud Bank near Stonehouse and had named 1/6 per ton to cover tonnage as the charged for such deposit. The Manager was to inform the Clerk to the Canal Co whether the terms would be consented to.
The Chairman produced a list he had received from the County of Gloucester Bank of unclaimed Dividends, which it was resolved should be placed to the Reserve Fund, and that enquiries should be made to whom they belonged.
The County of Gloucester Bank, through its Manager Mr Palmer, having requested that in future a cheque should be drawn for the Half Years Dividend declared, it was ordered that this should be done.
Messrs Hooper & Co having applied for leave to put in a 3^in water pipe under the Canal at Bond's Mill upon the usual payment of 2/6 a year, permission to do this was granted.
[not done put by the side of Roving Bdge 10/- a year. See F^o 95.]
The yearly Canal Inspection was fixed for Monday the 1^st June.
The Committee desire to record their deep regret in the death of their old and valued colleague Mr Henry Beard. For many years Chairman of their Board, he won the esteem of each member, not only by his unfailing courtesy to each, but by the geniality of manner and goodness of heart that characterised his life.

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