Minutes Tue 18 Aug 1891

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Tue 18 Aug 1891


Mr Neames on behalf of Messrs Holmes & Co complained that offer to rent Ship Inn superseded by another offer. £5 claim for expenses allowed.
Dividend warrant for £6 sent to Mr Walter Lymes Harris.

Verbatim text

Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 18^th day of August 1891 @ 1,o,clock pm
Present: Mr E C Little Chairman, Mr H H Mills, Mr E P Little, Mr C H Hooper, Mr A J M Ball, Mr Jno Howard, Sir W H Marling Bart, Mr W^m Davies.
The Ship Inn -- Mr Neames attended on behalf of Messrs Holmes & Co to complain that their offer to rent this property had been suspended without good reason by the offer of another applicant, and claiming £5 for expenses they had incurred in advertising, etc, for a tenant. The matter was fully discussed and although it was pointed out to Mr Neames that he must have known, or should have concluded from the interview he had with Mr Hamilton Mills the Solicitor to this Company, that the offer of Messrs Holmes & Co failed in one material particular with the instructions given to Mr Hamilton Mills, yet it was thought by the Committee that under the circumstances the claim of £5 or such modification as might be consented to by Messrs Holmes & Co should be allowed.
A Dividend warrant for £6 was drawn in favour of Mr Walter Lymes Harris as directed at the last Meeting.
The Seal of the Company was attached to a deed of grant to the Stroud Water Co for taking their pipes over Eastington Canal Bridge at an Annual payment of 10/- from June 24^th 1891.
Cheques drawn: £ s d
J H Morgan: 21..1..8
W^m Millard: 16..11..7
E R Payne & Low: 10..4..7
[Total] £47..17..10

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