Tue 17 Dec 1895
Canal house at Eastington to be let to Mr George Taylor of Tuffleigh, Gloucester for £12 p.a. 14s for water supply now house connected with the Chalford Mains.
Mr Hooper met James Smart with Mr Snape. Committee, in order to retain wheat traffic on canal, to assist in repairing lighter belonging to Messrs Kemble & Dash. £10 to be paid to them, entire or part deferred toll expenditure secured its object.
Mr Smart complained that canal traffic was restricted by system of charging on coal and grain actual tonnage. Before present Act, rates adjusted to distance e.g. coal 32 or 33 tons as 32 tons, wheat at 10 sacks to ton but 100 sacks of wheat weigh 11 tons. Committee not willing to make changes.
Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 17^th day of December 1895 @ 3,o,clock pm
Present: Mr C H Hooper Chairman, Mr H H Mills Solicitor, Mr W^m Davies, Mr A B Hooper, Sir W H Marling Bart, Mr W J Stanton.
The Clerk reported that the Canal House at Eastington had been let, through advertisement, to Mr George Taylor of Tuffleigh, Gloucester (who had furnished satisfactory references) at £12 per Annum with 14/- additional, for water supply, the house having now been connected with the Chalford mains.
Mr Hooper reported that in accordance with the minutes of November 19^th 1895 he had met Mr James Smart with Mr Snape, and made it clear to him that while the Committee were prepared to assist him in repairing the lighters belonging to Messrs Kemble & Dash, in order to retain their wheat traffic on the Canal, to the extent of a contribution of Ten pounds -- that payment must be direct to Messrs Kemble & Dash, as the Company would not be justified in subsidising any individual Trader on the Canal. He also said it must be left to the Committee whether they would pay the amount entire or defer a portion until it was seen that the expenditure had served its object.
Mr Hooper also reported to the Committee a representation of Mr Smart's that the traffic on the Canal was restricted by the present system of charging both the Coal and Grain, _actual_ tonnage instead of, as before the recent Act which adjusted rates to distances -- on reduced weights. This Coal 32 or 33 tons as 30 tons, and Wheat at 10 sacks to the tone, whereas 100 sacks of wheat weigh 11 Tons. The Committee did not see their way to make any alteration, as their system is in strict accordance with the present Law, and the actual money difference on a boat or barge load is comparatively trifling.