Tue 21 Jul 1896
Annual inspection took place on 23 June.
Stones and yard at Eastington in good order. New pair of gates for Westfield Lock. Trifling repair to gable end of dock. Mr Whiting, tenant of coal yard, warned of pressure of wood and coal against railings next the road.
At Bristol Road Wharf the tenant, Tudor, drew attention to decayed stabling. Company not responsible. Wash house needs some little repair.
Sharpness Dock Co responsible for repair at the Shallow Lock. Their duty to cut reeds in Whitminster pound undischarged.
At Junction conversation with Mr Fredericks re telephone connection in interests of traders. Two stop gates to protect Stroudwater supply of water in case of emergency appear to be falling into disuse.
At Framilode, Benefit Club to relinquish tenancy of Company’s room. Top gate at Framilode needs early renewal.
A few bridges need repair of planking, especially at Whitminster, Saul and Bond’s Mill. Cutting of weeds in bed of canal and on banks urgent.
Mr Clark of Brimscombe loaned the steam launch ‘Stella’ for survey.
Mr Payne, Secretary of Stroud Gas Co, attended. No increase of rent in respect of gas pipes laid through Canal Co property. Pipe mileage extended 15 years ago from 4 to 5½ miles. Rent is £20 p.a. Canal Company’s retains right at any time to require full rent £5 per mile.
Messrs Apperly, Curtis & Co of Dudbridge Mills applied for permission to take water by six inch pipes for new water softening tanks.
Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 21^st July 1896 @ 3 o'clock pm
Present: Mr C H Hooper Chairman, Sir W H Marling Bart, Mr H H Mills Solicitor, Mr W J Stanton, Mr W Davies, Major Fisher, Mr E P Little.
Report of Survey
The Annual Survey was attended by Mr W J Stanton from Stroud to Stonehouse, and by Messrs C H Hooper and W Davies also, from Stonehouse to Framilode, on Tuesday June 23^rd 1896.
The Stores and Yard at Eastington were found in good order, a new pair of Gates for the "Westfield Lock", in course of construction. A trifling repair to the Gable End of the Dock was the only outlay called for. Mr Whiting, tenant of the Coal Yard was warned that the under pressure of wool & coal placed by him against the railings nest the road was endangering them, & that the Company would hold him responsible.
At "Bristol Road" Wharf, the servant, Tudor, again drew attention to the decayed stabling, but was told that the erection was tenants' property, and the Company could not take responsibility for it. He appears to do but little business bringing revenue to the Canal. The Wash-house needs some little repair.
At the "Shallow" Lock, the responsibility of the Sharpness Company for its repair was discussed, and their duty to cut the weeds, etc, in the "Whitminster Pound" was again found undischarged.
At the "Junction" a general conversation was had with Mr Fredericks, and his strong desire for telephonic connection with Stroud was elicited, mainly in the interests of traders. Two "Stop Gates" here, designed to protect the "Stroudwater" supply of water in case of emergency were noticed as appearing to be fallen into disuse.
At Framilode, all was in excellent order; the Benefit Club relinquish their tenancy of the Company's Room. The Survey arranged what of the fixtures they were entitled to remove.
The general condition of the Canal. Locks. Gates, etc, seemed satisfactory, the top Gate at Framilode Entrance will need Early renewal. a few bridges need repair of planking, especially at Whitminster, and Saul and one at Bonds Mill.
The cutting of weeds in the bed of the Canal and on the banks is now urgent in the lower reaches and, no doubt, in spite of a good deal of dredging recently done, it is generally the case that much is yet required.
The "Survey" was indebted to the courtesy of Mr Clark of Brimscombe for his proffered load of the "Stella" an excellent Steam Launch, and it was only to be regretted that a larger number of the Committee did not find it possible to avail themselves of a very favourable opportunity of seeing the property.
Mr Payne, Secretary to the Stroud Gas C^o, attended with the minute book of the C^o and explained the views of the Directors of his C^o as to the proposed increase in rent in respect of the Gas pipes laid through the Canal C^os Property, they being of opinion that no increase should be made. It was clear that while Four Pounds per annum had been accepted by the Canal Company for the last 31 years their legal claim to "Five Pounds" per mile of pipe had been continuously maintained. It was noted that some fifteen years ago the pipe mileage had been extended from 4 to about 5½ miles, without extra charge, and the full rent now payable would be about £27..10..0. It was resolved to adhere to the resolution of the 23^rd April last and to charge the Gas C^o a rent of £20 per annum from Michaelmas next in respect of the pipes without prejudice to the right of the Canal Company at any time hereafter to require payment of the full rent under the provisions of the Stroud Gas Act 1864.
A letter from Messrs Apperly Curtis & C^o of Dudbridge Mills, of this same date, was read by the Chairman, applying for permission to take water by means of six inch pipes from the Canal at Dudbridge, for the supply of their new water softening Tanks, which are now in course of construction; and offering to give any particulars desired. The Clerk was directed to see Messrs Apperly and learn full details, and report to the next meeting of the Committee.
Cheques Drawn:
Messrs Nicks & C^o: 5..1..0
Messrs Edwn Clark & C^o: 1..-..-
[Total] £6..12..0