Tue 20 Oct 1896
Solicitor to issue County Court Summons against S Johnson for damage done to Saul Bridge by him and others 4 August.
Repair to be made to roof of Ship Inn stable. Re necessity of connecting water fittings with town supply, Clerk to see Mr Witchell again.
Letter from Gas, Light and Coke Co recorded in minutes.
Early repair of Lodgemore Bridge required outlay of £30 for timber.
New top gates at Framilode to cost £17.
Rate charged to Messrs Wood & Rowe on blue bricks reduced to 4d per ton and 3s 4d per 1000.
Notice to Mr Taylor, again in arrears with rent, to leave canal house at Eastington at Lady Day.
Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 20^th day of October 1896 @ 3,o,clock pm
Present: Mr C H Hooper Chairman, Mr H H Mills Solicitor, Mr W J Stanton, Mr A B Hooper, Mr S S Marling, Mr W Davies.
The various accounts, books and vouchers signed by Mr Dudbridge the Auditor and certified to be correct were produced and passed.
The Treasurers Book was produced, examined and signed by the Chairman.
The Draft Agreement with Messrs Apperly Curtis & C^o Ltd for supplying their reservoir with water from the Canal at Dudbridge was read and signed by the Clerk on behalf of the Navigation.
S Johnson having taken no notice of the Company's claim for damage done to the Saul Bridge by him and others on the 4^th August, instructions were given to the Solicitor to issue a County Court Summons against him.
The Clerk reported a necessary repair to the roof of the Ship Inn Stable, and the necessity of connecting the water fittings with the Town supply. He was instructed to see Mr Witchell again with respect to it.
The following letter from the Secretary of the Stroud Gas Company was read by the Chairman.
Gas Light and Coke Company
Stroud OCt 2^nd 1896
Dear Sir,
Referring to your letter of Aug 17^th last with copy of Resolution passed by your Committee I am instructed to say that my Directors accept the notice of your Committee to increase the rent for the mains running under the Canal Towing Path from £4 to £20 per year. The increased rent to take effect from Michaelmas this year. As the Gas Companys A/c's are made up Half Yearly vic Dec 31^st & June 30^th, If you will send in the A/c then it will be more convenient for us.
Yours faithfully
G F Payne
The Clerk reported the necessity of an early repair of Lodgemore Bridge, involving an outlay for timber of about £30 and new top Gates for Framilode, estimated by him at £17 (for timber).
The Committee confirmed a proposal by Mr Snape to meet a request of Messrs Wood & Rowe for a concession on the rate charged them on Blue Bricks of sixpence per ton, and 3^T 18^Cwt per 1,000, which appeared to be found prohibitive. The rate to be reduced to 4^d per Ton, and 3^T 14^Cwt per 1000.
Mr Taylor being reported as again in arrear with his rent, it was decided to give him notice at Christmas to leave the Canal House Eastington at Lady Day.
A report by the Clerk and Surveyor, of the work done on the Canal during the Half-Year was submitted to the Meeting.
Cheques drawn as follows, viz:
H H Mills Esq: 7..10..0
Mr S J Dudbridge: 2..12..6
Price Walker & C^o: 8..11..0
Coles Shadbolt & C^o: 3..15..0
[Total] 22..8..6