Tue 16 May 1899
Saul Parish Council paid £3 towards extended embankment.
Mr Thomas paid £4 for repairs to weighing machine at Eastington.
Mr Philip James Evans of Burleigh Court to represent Company on Thames & Severn Canal Trust in place of Mr E Carruthers Little.
Solicitor to watch proceedings on Rural District Council in connection with new sewerage scheme.
Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 16^th day of May 1899 @ 3 o'clock pm
Present: Mr C H Hooper Chairman, Mr H Hamilton Mills Solicitor, Mr A B Hooper, Sir W H Marling Bart, Mr A J M Ball, Mr W J Stanton.
The Clerk reported the payment by the Saul Parish Council of the £3 towards the extended embankment.
The Clerk reported the satisfactory completion of the new gates at Dudbridge last week.
The Clerk reported the payment by Mr Thomas Clark of the £4 for repairs to the Weighing Machine at Eastington.
Mr E Carruthers Little, having resigned his seat as representative of this Company upon the Trust of the Thames & Severn Canal, Mr Philip James Evans of Burleigh Court was appointed thereto.
The Solicitor of the Company was requested to watch the proceedings of the Rural District Council in connection with the new Sewerage Scheme in case it should affect the interests of the Stroudwater Canal.