Thu 26 Oct 1899
Ebley Bridge again discussed.
Easement allowed to Nailsworth Brewery Company for stable confirmed. 2s 6d p.a.
Connexion of water at the Downfields cottages deferred till it might be made clear whether former water supply would return later in season.
Repairs to Gas House Bridge completed. New boiler had passed safely over it.
Mr George Taylor’s son had paid up father’s rent. Notice withdrawn. No fowls or ducks to be kept or other nuisance created. Extension of new stable to create a small warehouse for use of National Telephone Company. Probable rent 1s per week.
Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 24^th day of October 1899 @ 3,o,clock pm
Present: Mr C H Hooper Chairman, Mr H H Mills, Mr P J Evans, Mr A B Hooper, Mr E P Little, Sir W H Marling Bart.
The various Accounts Books and Vouchers signed by the Auditor and certified to be correct were produced and passed.
The Treasurers Book was produced and signed by the Chairman.
The matter of Ebley Bridge was again discussed and the arrangement to allow the Easement to the Nailsworth Brewery Company for their stable was confirmed. the consideration being half-a-crown per annum.
The connexion of the water at the Downfield Cottages was deferred that it might be made clear whether the former water supply would return later in the season.
The Clerk reported the repairs to Gas House Bridge satisfactorily completed, and that a new Boiler had passed safely over it.
The Chairman reported that Mr George Taylor's son has paid up his fathers rent, and asked to be accepted as guarantor of same in future, to avoid removal of the family. It was decided to withdraw the notice given and to accept this, continuing the terms of present Agreement, but stipulating that no fowls or ducks be kept, or other nuisance be created to the detriment of the Company's Yard or the premises of their tenants.
On the recommendation of the Clerk it was decided to extend the new Stable, by erecting, next the entrance gate, a small warehouse for the use of the National Telephone Company at a probable rent of 1/ per week.