Tue 21 Apr 1903
Arrangement with Mr Witchell for execution by Stroud Urban Council of deed providing for security of canal in connexion with electric lighting scheme. Council to pay all charges.
Overdue cheque of £48 19s 3d paid by Stroud District Rural District Council.
Claim for damages on Messrs Peake & Co of saw mills Cambridge for damages done by their timber wagon at Eastington Bridge. 16s 8d for renewal of broken guard post.
[April 1903] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 21^st day of April 1903 @ 3 o'clock pm
Present: Mr C H Hooper Chairman, Mr H Hamilton Mills Vice-Chairman, Mr F A Little, Mr A B Hooper, Mr E P Little, Mr P J Evans, Sir W H Marling Bart, Mr W Davies, In attendance MR Whittingham, Solicitor.
[Auditor] The various Accounts Books and Vouchers signed by the Auditor and certified to be correct were produced and passed.
[Treasurer] The Treasurers Book was examined and signed by the Chairman.
[SUDC Electric Lighting] The Chairman read a letter from the Company's Solicitor (Apr 15) stating that they had arranged with Mr Witchell for the execution by the Stroud Urban Council of a Deed providing for the security of the Canal, in connexion with the Electric Lighting Scheme - which they judged would answer all the purposes of the Clause which had been struck out of the Bill by the Board of Trade. The Urban Council would pay all the charges.
[SRDC £48..19..3] The overdue Cheque £48..19..3 had been paid by the Stroud Rural District Council April 4.
[Peake & Co East Bridge Damage] A correspondence with Messrs Peake & C^o of Saw Mills, Cambridge, was read, in reference to a claim upon them for damage done by their timber waggon at Eastington Bridge. The Chairman had examined the spot, and after having his description the Committee instructed the Clerk to press for payment of the claim (16^s/8^d) for removal of the broken guard post.
An application by the Clerk of the Gloucester ...
see 364
Continued on page 364 (https://stroudwaterhistory.org.uk/document/6227/)