Tue 20 Oct 1903
Piling of bank at Whitminster Aqueduct ordered by Chairman. Clerk to tell Messrs Haines & Sumner that all necessary work had been done.
Rev F B Teasdale and Mr F A Jones alleged obstruction to free flow of water into River Froome below Junction. Requested Company to clear part contiguous to their land. No such obstruction recognised. Soliciitor to draft reply.
Detention of vessel Reliance due to sudden failure of water in canal at Whitminster Reach to be reported to Sharpness Docks Co.
All money received by Clerk to be paid into bank as they come in. Outgoings to be provided by ‘omnibus’ cheques given to Mr Snape at intervals at Chairman’s direction.
Stones in hand worth £85 13 4d.
[October 1903] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 20^th day of October 1903 @ 3 o'clock pm
Present: Mr A B Hooper, Mr W Davies, Mr E P Little, Mr W J Stanton, Mr F A Little, Mr S S Marling, Mr C H Hooper Chairman
Mr Whittingham, Solicitor, in attendance.
The various Accounts, Books and Vouchers signed by the Auditor and certified to be correct were produced and passed
The Treasurers Book was produced and signed by the Chairman.
[Whitminster Aqueduct Messrs Haines & Sumner] A letter was read from Messrs Haines & Sumner with further reference to the piling of the brook at Whitminster Aqueduct, and including a Memorandum from Mr F A Jones, whom they had consulted on the subject, suggesting an outlay of £10 which they proposed to share. The Chairman stated that he had visited the spot with Mr Snape and ordered the necessary piling to be done _at once_ to the part mentioned within Canal boundary, which in vies of the subsequent floods had proved to be timely. The Clerk was directed to reply to Messrs Haines and Sumner that all had been done that was necessary from their point of view.
[Rev F B Teesdale River Froome] Letters from Rev F B Teesdale and Mr F A Jones were read, in regard to the alleged obstruction of the free flow of waters in the River Froome below the Junction, and requesting this Company to share that part of it contiguous to its land there. As this Company recognises no such obstruction, and Mr Teesdale hinted at legal action, the Solicitors of the Company were requested to draft for Mr Snape the necessary reply.
[Detention of the 'Reliance' at the Junction, letter to Sharpness Docks C^o] A correspondence from the Captain of the 'Reliance' was submitted, on the subject of detention of that vessel on September 18/19 1903 by reason of the sudden failure of water in the Canal "the Whitminster Reach" owing to its being drawn away to Sharpness and there being no provision against such loss of water at the Junction. It was resolved to forward a copy of his report to the Sharpness Docks C^o and ask the favour of their remarks thereon, with reference to the provisions of their Acts of Parliament designed to prevent this.
[Accounts] Following a conference with the Auditor, Mr Dudbridge, it was ordered that henceforth _all_ sums of money received by the Clerk be paid into the Bank, as they come in, and all outgoings be paid by Cheque, Wates and minor accounts to be provided by "omnibus" Cheques given to Mr Snape at intervals at the Chairmans discretion.
[Stores] In accordance with minute (fol 320) a list of Stores in hand, prepared for the Half-Yearly Meeting, was presented by the Clerk, signed by him, as of the value on September 30^th £85..13..4 (cost prices).
Cheques drawn: £ s d
Messrs Little & Whittingham: 7..10..0
Messrs S J Dudbridge & Sons: 2..12..6
[Total] £10..2..6