Minutes Tue 19 Apr 1904

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Tue 19 Apr 1904


Letter from Mr Waddy 9 April. Six inches sufficient to raise the Shallow Lock and banks. Greater raising of lock than 6 inches wise, but no difficulty raised. Statutory obligation of Company safeguarded.
Application from post mistress at Stonehouse to permit use by messenger with bicycle of towing path from Ocean Bridge to Meadow Mill declined.
Mr Lambourn’s application for reduced rent declined.
Mr J J Bassett of Ebley applied for convenience for storing petroleum on Stonehouse Wharf.
Application by Parish Council of Cainscross to permit bathing in canal at Hilly Orchard declined.
Proposal by National Telephone Co to lay wires under Wallbridge Wharf instead of over. Yearly agreement and some increase of rent desirable.
Vans of carriers Messrs R J Smith & Co had gone over Gas Works swing bridge with “skid pans” on wheels to detriment of bridge. Letter from Clerk. Promise to see to it.

Verbatim text

[1904 April] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 19^th day of April 1904 @ 3 o'clock pm
Present: Mr C H Hooper Chairman, Mr H Hamilton Mills, Mr W Davies, Mr P J Evans, Mr E P Little, Mr A J M Ball, Sir W H Marling Bart
Mr Whittingham, Solicitor in attendance.
[Accounts] The various Accounts Books & Vouchers signed by the Auditor and certified to be correct were produced and passed.
[Treasurers Book] The Treasurers Book was produced and signed by the Chairman.
[Shallow Lock] The Chairman explained that the letter to the Sharpness Docks Company proposed at the last meeting, had _not_ been written by the Clerk, in consequence of the receipt of a letter from Mr Waddy, of April 9^th, which he read, conveying the opinion of Mr Keeling that _six inches_ would suffice to raise the 'Shallow Lock' and the banks to make the Lock effective. Also desiring that this Company should undertake the future care of and responsibility for those banks after being duly raised.
A discussion too place thereon, and the Committee adhered to their opinion that a greater raising of the Lock than six inches would be wise, but left it to the judgment of the Sharpness Docks C^oy, seeing that their statutory obligation to this Company would still remain, to efficiently safeguard the level of the Stroudwater, from its junction with the newer Canal. It was decided not to raise any difficulty as to the banks above the 'Shallow Lock' and to undertake their care and responsibility, after the present work is completed to the satisfaction of this Company, as desired by the Sharpness Docks C^oy.
It was committed to the Chairman and Mr Evans and Mr Mills to arrange the terms of the Clerk's reply to Mr Waddy.
[Bicycle riding on the Towing path] An application from the Postmistress at Stonehouse to permit the use by necessary with bicycles of the towing path from the Ocean Bridge to Meadow Mill, was declined.
[Wallbridge Warehouse] A letter from the Tenant of the Wallbridge Warehouse, Mr Lambourn, renewing his application for a reduced rent was read. The Committee directed the Clerk to reply declining to entertain it, especially having so recently met Mr Lambourn, by complying with his wishes for additional conveniences.
[Mr J J Bassett rental of portion of Stonehouse Wharf] Mr J J Bassett of Ebley having applied for convenience for storing Petroleum on the Stonehouse Wharf, Mr Snape was instructed to see him there, and report to the next Meeting of the Committee.
[Bathing Cainscross] A application from the Parish Council of Cainscross to permit bathing in the Canal at Hilly Orchard bridge was declined, as a very unsuitable position for such.
[Telephone C^oy Agreement re wires under Wallbridge Wharf] A proposal by the National Telephone Company to lay their wires _under_ the Wallbridge Wharf instead of, as a present, overhead, and suggesting a seven years agreement at a Rent of £1 per annum, was handed to the Company's Solicitors with the expression of opinion that a yearly agreement, and _some_ increase of the proposed rent was desirable.
[Gas Works Swing Bridge] The Clerk reported that the vans of the carriers Messrs R J Smith & C^o had gone over the Gas Works Swing Bridge with 'skid-pans' on the wheels to the detriment of the bridge - that he had remonstrated by letter, and received a promist from them to see to it in future.
[Stores] In accordance with minute (fo 320) a list of Stores in hand, prepared for the Half Yearly Meeting, was presented by the Clerk, signed by him, as of the value on March 31^st 1904 £111.19..11.
Cheques drawn: £ s d
W J Snape: 1..12..6
Messrs Little & Whittingham: 7..10..0
S J Dudbridge & Sons: 2..12..6
[Total] 11..15..-

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