Minutes Mon 2 May 1904

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Mon 2 May 1904


Letter from Mr Hubert Field asking for reduction on tonnage charged to Stanley Mills, to carry coal in competition with railway.
Question of a through rate on stone from Staffordshire to T&S Canal. Mr Thomas Baines of Gloucester applied for through rate to be fixed with view to his tendering for the carriage of 5000 tons. Toll for stone passing over canal to any point on T&S Canal reduced to 3d per ton. Present toll to Brimscombe 6d and any place beyond 4d.

Verbatim text

[1904 May] 'Special' Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Monday the 2^nd day of May 1904 @ 3 o'clock pm
Present: Mr H Hamilton Mills Chairman, Mr P J Evans, Sir W H Marling Bart, Mr E P Little, Mr F A Little
Mr Whittingham, Solicitor in attendance.
[Mr Hubert Field application for reduction Tonnage Charges to Stanley Mill] A letter was read from Mr Hubert Field asking for a reduction in the tonnage charges to Stanley Mills in order to enable him to carry the coal in competition with the railway and after some discussion the matter was adjourned for the Clerk to obtain further information.
[Through Tolls. Stone from the Midlands to Thames & Severn Canal] Sir William Marling stated that he had asked the Chairman to convene the present meeting for the purpose of considering the question of a through rate on stone from Staffordshire to the Thames and Severn Canal, Mr Thomas Banes of Gloucester having applied for a through rate to be fixed with a view to his tendering for the carriage of 5,000 tons. It was unanimously resolved that the toll for stone passing over this Canal to any point on the Thames and Severn Canal should be reduced to 3^d per ton, the present toll to Brimscombe. being 6^d and to any place beyond 4^d per ton.
Cheque drawn:
W J Snape, Committee fees: £1..12..6

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