Minutes Wed 17 Jan 1917

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Wed 17 Jan 1917


Canal Association asked questions as to what changes war had occasioned in personnel and wages of the staff, what tonnage had been in year ending September 1916 compared with 1913, what men employed of military age and other matters.
Stroud Gas Co, tendering for supply of coke to Gloucester Wagon Works, asked what toll would be if coke sent as return load, instead of boat going back empty. 5d per ton, 7d usual toll.
Mr Humphries again requested increase in salary. Further 2s 6d per week. 12s 6d a week from Company.
Letter from Messrs Marling saying freight for coal to their Stanley Mills was now 5d per ton more than total cost of getting it by rail. No changes in rate of charges to various mills justifiable. Different boat owner might do carrying at less rate.
Repairs to wharf by Gas Works to be carried out. Hope that Gas Co would share cost.
Tonnage 1 October to 16 January £234 5s 6d, 1916 £238 12d.

Verbatim text

[1917 Jany] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 17^th day of January 1917 @ 3.30 o'clock pm
Present: [Mr S S Marling was present but did not sign this book] Philip Jas Evans, Edward P Little, F S Whittingham, A J Morton Ball, Jack Magetson.
The Minutes of the last Meeting were read and confirmed.
A letter had been received from the Canal Association asking various questions as to what changes the War had occasioned in the personnel and wages of the staff - what the Tonnage had been in the year ending September 1916 as compared with 1913 - what men employed are of Military age and other matters - and had been fully replied to.
The Stroud Gas C^o having the opportunity of tendering for supply of Coke to Gloucester Wagon Works had enquired what the toll would be if the Coke was sent as a return load instead of the boat going back empty and the Committee agreed to charge 5^d per ton for such loads - seven pence per ton being the usual toll.
It was resolved that the £100..- no invested in the 4½% war Loan - 1925/45 should be converted into the new 5% War Loan and a further sum of £95..- now uninvested should be put into the same and Mr Whittingham was asked to carry this out.
Mr Humphries had again put in a request for increase of his salary and the Committee agreed to give him a further 2/6 per week making it up to 12/6 a week from this Company.
Messrs Marling & Coy had written pointing out that the cost of freight for coal to their Stanley Mill was now 5^d per Ton more than the total cost of getting it by Rail and after discussion the Committee decided that no difference in rate of charges to various Mills would be justifiable but suggested that a different Boat Owner might do the carrying at a less rate.
The necessary repairs to Wharf by Gas Works were ordered to be carried out and the hope expressed that the Gas C^o would share the cost.
October 1^st to Jan 16
1917: 234..5..6
1916: 238..12..0.
Credig Balance at Bank:
1917: 391..14..0
1916: 353..15..5.

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