Minutes Wed 21 Feb 1940

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Wed 21 Feb 1940


Water pipes over canal at Whitminster, Saul and Framilode: following a meeting with Mr Scudamore of the Gloucester Corporation it was agreed the clerk would recommend a wayleave sum sufficient to provide £9 per annum to the Committee.
Sperry Gyroscope to be given permission to erect a cable over the canal for 5s p.a. and to place a guard rail at the swing bridge.
Stroud District Fire Brigade granted permission to drill at Wallbridge Wharf.

Verbatim text

[1940 Feby] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 21^St day of February 1940 at 3 o'clock pm
Present: W R Bloxam, G A Evans, R J C Little, Henry R Hooper.
There being only four Members of the Committee present there was no quorum but there being some matters requiring immediate attention it was decided to proceed with them subject to confirmation by the next Committee.
Gloucester Corporation: Water pipes crossing the Canal at Whitminster, Saul & Framilode
Letters from the Corporation were read. The Clerk reported his interview with M^r Scudamore at Whitminster Bridge on the 13^th February and their visits to each of the other crossings. With reference to the annual wayleave of £3..- for each of the crossing the Committee while averse to accepting a capital sum in respect to the Wayleaves decided to write to the Corporation to as for a sufficient sum to secure the income (£9 per annum) & it would be considered at the next Meeting. The Chairman undertook to settle the letter.
Sperry Gyroscope C^o Ltd Stonehouse: Wayleave at the Roving Bridge
A letter from the Company was read, they had paid the £1..- wayleave rent due December 25^th last.
Cheltenham Billposting C^oy: Billposting Stations
The Committee directed that the Billposting Company be informed that the Committee can see no reason for reducing the rent, which is considered very moderate.
J & H B Jackson Ltd, Dudbridge Wharf
A letter form the Company was read. After discussion the Committee directed that Messrs Jackson be informed that they cannot see their way to accept any reduction but will put on obstacle in the way of subletting the whole or part of the Wharf.
Sperry Gyroscope C^o Ltd, Stonehouse: Cable over the Canal at Stonehouse
The Companys application for permission to erect a Cable over the Canal next their works at Stonehouse was agreed subject to a payment of a wayleave rent of 5^s/- per annum.
Sperry Gyroscope Coy Ltd, Stonehouse: Guard Rail at Swing Bridge
The permission granted was confirmed.
Ganal Towing Path at Dudbridge
A letter from M^r Garroway on behalf of Miss Kimmins was read. The Clerk was instructed to reply that there was no right of way for the public.
Ministry of Transport Iron & Steel
It was decided to estimate for five tons.
Committee Meetings: Mr S S Marling
A communication war read from M^r Marling. The Clerk reported that he had written to M^r Marling stating the Committee's decision at their Meeting held on the 18^th October last that future Meetings should be at 3 o'clock.
Stroud District Fire Brigade: Drill at Wallbridge Wharf
A letter from the Chief Officer was read, and permission granted.
Wallbridge Wharf, Towing path Door next Lodgemore Mills
The Clerk was directed to replace the lock and repair door at the Lodgemore end of the Wharf.
Tonnage £ s d
Jany 1^st 1940 to February 21^st 1940: 0..0..0
Jany 1^st 1939 to February 21^st 1939: 6..12..0.
For the Month of January 1940: 0..0..0
For the Month of January 1939: 3..6..0.
1940 Overdrawn: 52..11..11
1939 In credit: 87..1..8.
Cheques drawn:
Committee Expenses: 1..12..6
Stroud U D C Rates, Wallbridge Offices: 12..7..6
Ryeford Saw Mills Coy, Canal Maintenance: 12..6
Stroud District Water Board, Water Rate Lock-house at Eastington to 25/3/40: 0..14..0
Stroud Gas Coy, Office Gas, Dec 1939: 0..13..2
F Cookley, Fuel & Light, Tidesman's A/c: 2..10..0

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