Minutes Wed 20 Mar 1940

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Wed 20 Mar 1940


Requested information sent to Canal Association for use in paper on Control of Inland Waterways during the War.

Verbatim text

[1940 March] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 20^th day of March 1940 @ 3 o'clock pm
Present: W R Bloxam, Henry R Hooper, R J C Little, G A Evans.
There being only four Members of the Committee present there was no quorum but there being some matters requiring immediate attention it was decided to proceed with them subject to confirmation by the next Committee.
Gloucester Corporation, Pipes crossing the Canal at Whitminster, Saul & Framilode
A letter from M^r Scudamore was read stating that the Company's letter of the 26^th February would be placed before the next Meeting of his Committee.
Cheltenham Billposting Company: Billposting Stations, Rent
In accordance with Minute of last Meeting a letter had been sent to the Billposting Company. No reply had been received.
J & H B Jackson Ltd, Dudbridge Wharf
A letter in the terms of Minute of last Meeting had been sent to Messrs Jackson. No reply had been received so far.
Sperry Gyroscope Company Ltd, Guard Railing at Swing Bridge
A letter from the Company was read acknowledging and thanking the Navigation for permission granted.
Sperry Gyroscope Company, Stonehouse, Cable across Canal
The Company had written agreeing to the Navigations terms and conditions.
Wallbridge Wharf West Door
The Clerk reported that a lock had been fixed and the door repaired.
Canal Association, Control of Inland Waterways During the War
The Clerk reported that certain information desired by the Association had been prepared by the Auditors and sent to the Association as requested. This was approved.
Canal; Depot at Eastington, Old Carpenters Shop, M^r Telling
The Committee directed the Clerk to inform M^r Telling that his request for permission to demolish the building and to remove the debris could not be agreed to.
Stroud Fire Brigade, Wallbridge Wharf Drill
The Chief Officer had written thanking the Committee.
Committee Meetings, M^r S S Marling
There was nothing further to report.
January 1^st 1940 to March 20^th 1940: 4..8..0
January 1^st 1939 to March 20^th 1939: 11..4..0.
For the month of February 1940: NIL
For the month of February 1939: 4..9..0.
1940 Overdrawn: 81..14..1
1939 In credit: 86..4..11.
Cheques drawn:
Committee Expenses: 1..12..6
Morton Merrett re South Gloucestershire Drainage Board Rate, Lockhouse at Framilode: -..2..6
James & Owen, Stationery: -..3..4
S C Meadows Canal Buildings at Framilode Garden Gate Meadows Cottage: -..10..-

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