Minutes Sat 30 Nov 1940

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Sat 30 Nov 1940


£135 received from Gloucester Corporation for waterpipes crossing canal. Work has commenced at Saul and Framilode.
Repairs sufficient to pass traffic completed at Blunder Lock.
Changes to Lock House at Dudbridge of such a character as to cause depreciation in annual value of property. Company entitled to compensation.
Clerk to provide information to Local Fuel Overseer regarding coal.

Verbatim text

[1940 Nov] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 20^th November 1940 @ 3 o'clock pm
Present: Henry R Hooper, G A Evans, R J C Little.
There being only three Members of the Committee present there was no quorum but there being some matters requiring immediate attention it was decided to proceed with them subject to confirmation by the next Committee.
In the unavoidable absence of the Chairman M^r H R Hooper took the Chair.
Gloucester Corporation, Pipes crossing the Canal at Whitminster, Saul & Framilode
It was reported that a Cheque £135 had been received from Messrs Little & Bloxam amount the Corporation had agreed to pay for the crossings of the Canal with their water pipes. The Corporation had paid the legal costs. The Cheque had been paid to the Company's Account at Lloyd's Bank, Stroud, on the 24^th October last.
The Corporation has commenced the crossings at Saul and Framilode.
Bristol Road Bridge: Damage
In accordance with Minute of last Meeting a letter had been sent to the Ocean Accident & Guarantee Corporation Ltd. A representative of the Insurance Company had called at the Office at Wallbridge and had had a telephone conversation with the Chairman.
Blunder Lock, Damaged by enemy action
The Clerk reported that sufficient repairs had been carried out to pass traffic.
The Ministry had been informed.
Lockhouse at Dudbridge, Home Defence
A letter from the War Department Land Agent Southern Command was read stating that if the works carried out are of such a character that they depreciate the annual value of the property the Company are entitled to the amount of this depreciation. He would forward the necessary claim forms on hearing from the Company. The Clerk was directed to ask for the forms mentioned.
Income Tax, Claim. Messrs Dudbridge & Sons
There was nothing further to report.
Canal Trade
Verbal enquiry had been made by Stroud Gas Company, Butt & Son, and Lambert & Cox.
Wallbridge Wharf
An application made by the tenant of Me Pearce's Garage on the Wharf at Wallbridge for the use of the private door of the Canal Offices and the footbridge leading to the Wharf House was not agreed to.
Bristol Road Bridge: Damage by General Roadways Ltd, 3 Sperry Place, London WC5
The Clerk reported that he had written to the Company and he had received a letter from the Motor Union Insurance Company in reply thereto. There was nothing further to report.
Typewriter - Repair
The Clerk was directed to accept Messrs Dobell Shearman & Company's £2..10..0 estimate.
Gashouse Bridge: A/c respecting replacement
There was nothing further to report.
Messrs Daniels A/c, Gashouse Bridge
The Clerk was instructed to inform Messrs Daniels that he Committee regret the delay in payment of their A/c, owing to not having received from the Gas Company their share of the cost.
A letter from the Local Fuel Overseer was read. The Clerk was instructed to write in reply that any possible information on the points raised should be obtained and that he would write again as soon as he was in a position to say anything.
Tonnage £ s d
July 1^st 1940 to November 20^th 1940: 11..7..10
July 1^st 1939 to November 20^th 1939: 21..11..6.
For the Month of October 1940: 2..7..9
For the Month of October 1939: 5..10..0.
1940 In credit: 83..10.7
1939 Overdrawn: 40..18..2.
Cheques Drawn:
_P G Snape_ £ s d £ s d
Committee Fees: 1..12..6
Revell - Canal Maintenance: 16..11
Stroud Gas Company, Office Gas: 1..6
Office Telephone: 2..16..8
Stroud Water Board Water Rates property at Eastington: 14..0
James & Owen, Stationery: 11;;2;;6: 6..12..9
Tithe Redemption Commission - Eastington: 2..14..8

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