Minutes Wed 19 Nov 1919

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Wed 19 Nov 1919


George Minett, Dudbridge lock keeper, had violently assaulted the ganger, George Cook. With shorter hours being worked, men must be punctual in beginning work. Minett discharged but had not left lock house, asserting he would not get fresh quarters. Subsequently wrote he would quit 25 November. Promise of a house. George Cook to take his own course as to prosecuting Minett.
Notice to shareholders. In consequence of Navigation being taken over by Board of Trade, accounts would be made up to end of year and a meeting of shareholders held subsequently.
Agreement with Stroud Electric Supply Co read, sealed and attested.
Correspondence with Secretary of Dockers Union and Secretary of Staffordshire and Worcestershire Canal Co and Mr Manning Lewis of Berkeley Canal. Clerk to write to Mr Abel Evans, Secretary of Dockers’ Union. Advance of 5s a week reasonable. If not agreeable, matter would have to be decided by Canal Control Committee.
Repairs carried out at Westfield Lock.

Verbatim text

Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 19^th day of November 1919 @ 3.20 o'clock pm
Present: Jack Margetson (Chairman), W^m Davies, R J C Little, W R Bloxam.
The Clerk reported that George Minett the Dudbridge Lock-keeper had violently assaulted the Ganger, George Cook on its being pointed out that with the shorter hours now being worked it was absolutely necessary that the men be punctual in beginning work. Minett had been discharged but had not left the Lock-house asserting he would not get fresh quarters. He had however subsequently written that he would quit on November 25^th - having got the promise of a house on that date. It was decided that George Cook (the man assaulted) should be left to take his own course as to prosecuting Minett.
A notice had been sent to the Shareholders informing them that in consequence of the Navigation being taken over by the Board of Trade the A/cs would be made up to the end of the year and the Meeting of Shareholders held subsequently.
The Agreement with the Stroud Electric Supply Company was read and it was ordered to be duly sealed and attested.
Correspondence with the Secretary of the Dockers Union also with the Secreatry of the Staffordshire and Worcestershire Canal C^o and Mr Manning Lewis of the Berkeley Canal was read and discussed and the Clerk was instructed to write Mr Abel Evans the Secretary of the Dockers Union that this Committee considered an advance of 5/- a week was reasonable but if not agreeable the matter would have to be decided by the Canal Control Committee.
Repairs had been carried out at Westfield Lock.
Tonnage to date was £1122..5..6 compared with £108..0..6 this time last year and £125..13..0 in 1914.
Credit balance at Bank stood at £117..15.7 as against £78..10..5 same date last year and £315..8..3 in 1914.


A receipt from 22 June 1793 was found inserted in this Minute Book at this point. It reads:
22nd June 1793
Mr Chas Freebury of Stroud this Day deposited in our Hands a Cash Note of Glover and Co of Worcester, Value Five Guineas which we propose to receive their Instalments, and be accountable for such Payments, when received, on Demand, Niblett & Self.

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