Minutes Wed 14 Apr 1920

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Wed 14 Apr 1920


County Surveyor accepted that repair of wall at Eastington should be carried out at joint expense of County Council and Stroudwater Company. Wall to be 18” thick instead of 14”. Cost of extra width, £15 10s, to be borne by County. Navigation to pay £27 15s, one half of Mr Hopson’s original estimate, and County £43 5s.
Bomford & Evershed unable yet to inspect canal with view to dredging needed. Mr Evershed’s continued absence from business.
Chairman of Canal Control Committee sanctioned increase in war wage of 5s from 1 January. Further shilling from 1 April.
Letters from Canal Association and Chairman of Canal Control Committee re proposed taking possession permanently by Government of canals at present controlled under D.O.R.A under Section 3.(i)6 of the Ministry of Transport Act. Mr Preston had referred inquiry re terms and conditions to the Ministry and would write again when he had received a reply.
Severn Fishery Board agreed to continue their tenancy of Angling on the canal for present year.

Verbatim text

[1920 April] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 14^th April 1920 @ 3.20 o'clock pm
Present: Edward P Little, Philip Jas Evans, W^m Davies, F A Little, R J C Little.
The County Surveyor had accepted the proposition of the Navigation that the repair of the wall at Eastington where it had slipped should be carried out at the joint expense of the County Council and the Stroudwater Company but as the Surveyor wished to make the wall 18" thick instead of 14" it had been arranged that the cost of this extra thickness viz £15..10..0 should be borne by the County so that the Navigation will pay £27..15..0 (one half of Mr Hopsons original estimate) and the County £43..5..0.
Bomford and Evershed had written that they were unable yet to inspect the Canal with a view to estimate for the dredging needed owing to Mr Eversheds continued absence from business.
The Chairman of the Canal Control Committee had written sanctioning an increase in the war wage of 5.- for 1^st Jany and a further shilling from the 1^st April.
Letters had been received from the Canal Association and the Chairman of the Canal Control Committee in reply concerning the proposed taking possession permanently by the Government of Canal at present controlled under the DORA under section 3(1)b of the Ministry of Transport Act and M^r Preston had referred our enquiry concerning terms and conditions to the Ministry and would write again when he received a reply.
The Severn Fishery Board had written agreeing to continue their tenancy of the Angling in the Canal for the present year.

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