Minutes Wed 18 May 1921

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Wed 18 May 1921


Stroud Swimming Club granted permission to hold display at Framilode Lock 1 August. Club committee responsible for any damage.
Mr Manning Lewis met at Wallbridge boat owners and coal users of district re charge of 3d per ton for use of tip at Sharpness which had become necessary by action of joint Railways concerned.
Request for cheque for £94 19s, overpaid by Government during period of control.
New oak heels fixed to top gates at Newtown Lock costing extra wages £12 10s. Heads much worn but could go on for some years.
Two new top paddles fixed at Ryeford Double Locks.

Verbatim text

[May 1921] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 18^th day of May 1921 @ 3.20 o'clock pm
Present: Edward P Little, W R Bloxam, W^m Davies, F A Little.
An application had been received from the Stroud Swimming Club for permission to hold a display at Framilode Lock on August 1^st next which was granted on the understanding that the Club Committee was responsible for any damage done.
The Clerk reported that M^r Manning Lewis had met at Wallbridge the Boat owners and Coal users of the District with respect to the charge of 3^d per Ton for user of the Tip at Sharpness which had become necessary by the action of the Joint Railways concerned.
A letter had been received requesting a cheque for £94..19..0 being the amount overpaid by the Government during the period of control and it was agreed that this should be sent.
New oak heels had been fixed to the top gates at Newtown Lock costing in extra wages £12..10..0. The heads were much worn but it was hoped they would go on some years.
Two new top paddles had been fixed at Ryeford Double Lock other necessary work will be undertaken as soon as possible of which due notice will be given.
The tonnage to date amounted to £549..15..5 (which would have been much more but for the Coal strike) comparing with £333.0..11 same period in 1920 and £432..15..5 in 1914. Credit balance at Bank £441..10..5 as compared with £360..12..11 same period in 1920 and £264..18..11 in 1914 but in this latter case a Dividend absorbing £200 had just been paid.

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