Minutes Thu 28 Jul 1921

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Thu 28 Jul 1921


Messrs F Steel & Co. Ltd applied to place additional electric cable on Company’s land for 50 yards by their mill at Ebley but withdrew request. Decision to place fresh cable on their own wall, about 9 feet above ground.
Mr Harrison granted permission to take, by cart, a small quantity of water from canal at Gas Works Bridge for his gardens for nominal charge of 1s per annum.
Canal weeded and mown from Ocean Bridge at Stonehouse to Wallbridge.
Tenancy of cottage at Dudbridge arranged with Mr Ashenford. Mr Tanner carried out necessary repairs, as agreed. Suggestion that Company might repay him 25s he paid towards cost of agreement refused.

Verbatim text

[1921 July] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Thursday the 28^th day of July 1921 @ 3.20 o'clock pm
Present: Philip Jas Evans, F A Little W R Bloxam, W^m Davies, Edward P Little, S S Marling.
Application had been made by Messrs F Steel & C^o Ltd to place an additional Electric Cable on the Companys land for some 50 yards by their Mill at Ebley but they had written subsequently withdrawing this request as they had decided to place the fresh cable on their own wall about 9 feet above the ground.
Mr Harrison of Brightside, Stroud had called at the Office for permission to take (by cart) a small quantity of water from the Canal as Gas Works Bridge for his Gardens. As it was urgent and could not wait for a Committee the desired permission had been given him but the Committee decided to make the nominal charge of 1^s/- pre ann.
The Canal had been weeded & mown from the Ocean Bridge at Stonehouse to Wallbridge.
The tenancy of Cottage at Dudbridge had been arranges with Mr Ashenford and agreement signed and Mr Tanner had carried out the necessary repairs as agreed.
He had suggested that the Company might repay him the 25/- he had paid towards the cost of agreement but it was decided that this could not be done.
The A/cs were gone into and Mr Dudbridge who attended for the purpose explained them whereupon it was decided to recommend a Dividend for the Half-Year of 20^s/- per share less Tax payable 31^st August.
It was decided not to hold a Committee Meeting during August.

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