Wed 21 Sep 1921
Chairman had written to Mr Henry Hooper re coming on Committee. Mr Hooper could not accept position. Mr Gerald Evans of Stanley Mills willing to serve.
Canal weeded a second time from Ryeford to Double Locks. Rapid growth in hot weather.
Middle longditudinal beam of swing bridge at Stonehouse broken at spindle bearing in centre of main carriage beam causing nose to drop. Clerk to write to Messrs Vowles & Sons Ltd. Must pay half cost of putting bridge right.
Highways Committee of County Council using wharf at Stonehouse for storing coal, brought by railway, for their steam rollers, transport, etc. In past Company took no notice of Council’s steam rollers on their wharves, considering stone traffic on canal. Now making wharf depot for plant used for general purposes over large area, including delivery of stone from all railway stations in district. It was time they repaired surface of road cut about by them. Enquiry of Highways Office re stone by water showed that no stone has been delivered by canal since December 1920. Payment of 10s a week must made for area restricted to suitable space agreed with Mr Snape.
Messrs Strachan & Co took exception to charge of 1s 9d per ton for railway borne coal hauled to their mills over Company’s wharf. To be paid as in past.
Messrs Bowater asked why 2s 1d per ton charged for haulage over and storage on wharf. Firm likely to do business over Navigation. Good policy to waive extra 4d for depositing on wharf. Total charge 1s 9d per ton.
Letters from Canal Association re action Government proposed to take re continuance of present increased tolls and rates after 15 February 1923. Chairman to write to Ministry of Transport supporting views expressed by Col Rayner of Trent Navigation re urgency of this vital matter
[1921 Sept] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 21^st day of September 1921 @ 3.20 o'clock pm
Present: J R Morton Ball, R J C Little, W R Bloxam, F A Little, Philip Jas Evans.
The Chairman reported that he had written Mr Henry Hooper respecting coming on the Committee and that Mr Hooper had replied regretting that at present he could not see his way to accept the position.
Mr Gerald Evans of Stanley Mills had been sounded on the subject and was willing to serve on the Committee if elected and on the motion of Mr F A Little seconded by Mr Bloxam he was duly elected a Member of Committee.
It had been found needful to week the Canal a second time from Ryeford to Double Locks owing to the rapid growth during the hot weather.
The middle longitudinal beam of the Swing Bridge at Stonehouse had been broken at the spindle bearing in the centre of the main carriage beam causing the nose to drop. Correspondence with Messrs Vowles & Sons Ltd as to this was read and the Clerk was instructed to write them that they must pay one half the cost of putting the Bridge. right.
The Clerk reported that the Highways Committee of the County Council had been making use of the Wharf at Stonehouse for storing coal (brought by Railawy) their Steam Rollers, Transport plant, etc.
For times past the Company had not taken any notice of the Council putting their Steam Rollers, etc, on the Company's Wharves taking into consideration their stone traffic on the Canal but they were now making the Wharf a depôt for plant used for general purposes over a large area including the delivery of stone from all the Railway Stations in the District. It was time that they have repaired the surface of the road cut about by them.
Enquiry had been made of the Highways Office respecting stone by water and they were reminded that they had had no stone by Canal since December 1920.
The Committee decided that a payment must be made of 10/- a week till further notice for an area restricted to a suitable space to be agreed on with Mr Snape.
Messrs Strachan & C^o had taken exception to our charge of 1/9 per ton for Railway born coal hauled to their Mills over the Companys Wharf but it was decided that this must be paid as in time past.
Messrs Bowater had written asking why 2/1 per ton had been charged to them for haulage over and storage on the Wharf. It was decided that as this firm was likely to be doing considerable business over the Navigation it would be good policy to waive the extra 4^d for depositing on the Wharf and make the total charge 1/9 per ton.
Letters from the Canal Association were read on the question of what action the Government proposed to take as to the continuance of the present increased tolls and rates after Feby 15 1923 and the Chairman undertook to write to the Ministry of Transport supporting the views expressed by Col Rayner of the Trent Navigation as to the urgency of this vital matter.
Tonnage to date was £298..13..10 compared with 191..5..11 in 1920 and 239..12..10 in 1913.
Credit Balance at Bank was £158..8..2 against 365..5..1 last year and 202..16..8 in 1913.