Minutes Wed 19 Oct 1921

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Wed 19 Oct 1921


Messrs W H Vowles & Sons to pay half cost of repair of swing bridge at Stonehouse as before.
County Council Highways Committee to be asked for full rent for Stonehouse Wharf from 1 January.
Messrs E T Ward & Son asked to quote for delivery of coal from Staffordshire to Chalford. Owing to tolls now in force on canals, if brought up canal, freight charges would be about 4s 7d per ton more than Railway freight. Mr Ward thought trade would be done if canal tolls (colliery to Chalford) reduced by 1s 5d, reducing canal charges by about 2s per ton. He would meet the 2s 7d.
Mr Smart of Chalford gave like information. If present tolls remained in force, he would have to get supplies by railway to compete with other merchants who have their (Staffordshire) coal by railway.
Mr Ward applied for a special rate for Forest coal to the Electric Supply Works at Bowbridge. Wanted 1s 3d per ton instead of 1s 8d per ton. Coal could be delivered by rail and road at about 1s 6d less than by canal. Committee could not make a special rate to any one trader. Clerk to do what he could to secure trade. Mr Ward to supply Clerk with further information to put before Committee at November meeting.

Verbatim text

[1920 October] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 19^h day of October 1921 @ 3.30 o'clock pm
Present: Edward P Little, F A Little, Gd Evans, W R Bloxam, R J C Little, J R Morton Ball, W^m Davies, Jack Margetson.
The Clerk was instructed to proceed with the repair of the Swing Bridge at Stonehouse. Messrs W H Vowles & Sons to pay half cost of repair as before.
Stonehouse Wharf re County Council Highways Committee. It was proposed by M^r J Margetson and seconded by Mr J R Morton Ball that we should ask for the full rent from January 1^st last. M^r Bloxam to draft letter for the Clerk.
The Clerk reported that 1^st Messrs E T Ward & Sons Ltd had informed him that he had been requested to quote for the delivery of coal from Staffordshire to Chalford but had found that owing to the tolls now in force on the Canals it brought up the Canal freight charges to about 4/7 per ton more than the Railway freight. Mr Ward thought that a trade would be done if the Canal tolls (Colliery to Chalford) were reduced by 1/5 which would reduce Canal charges to about 2/- per ton, he would arrange to meet the 2/7.
2 Mr Smart of Chalford had also given like information and stated further that if the present tolls remain in force he should have to get his supplied by railway in order to be able to compete with other Merchants who have their (Staffodshire) coal by Railway.
3 Mr Ward applied for a special rate for Forest coal to the Electric Supply Works at Bowbridge viz: 0f 1/3 per ton instead of 1/8 per tone, pointing out that coal could be delivered by rail and road at 1/6 per ton less than by the Canal. After considerable discussion it was decided that the Committee could not make a special rate for any one trader, at the same time the Clerk was instructed to do what he could to secure the trade. It was understood that M^r Ward would supply the Clerk with further information to put before the Committee at their November Meeting.
Tonnage to date was 394^£..15^s..7^d compared with 386..18..7 in 1920 and 332..12..3 in 1913.
Credit balance at Bank was 226..13..11 against 327..1..6 last year nad 332..12..3 in 1913.

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