Minutes Wed 15 Mar 1922

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Wed 15 Mar 1922


Charles Hooper & Co stated swing bridge by their mills unsafe. Asked for it to be replaced but made strong, to enable Motor Lorries to cross. Resolved that bridge should be sufficient for ordinary traffic. For Motor Lorry traffic Messrs Hooper must bear extra cost and pay half upkeep afterwards.
Interview between Mr Bloxam and Secretary of Stroud Brewery Co re relative cost of coal from Forest of Dean by water and by rail. If margin reduced, Company would prefer coal by canal. Letters from J H Smart and E T Ward. Invitation to these boat owners to meet as a subcommittee for friendly conference as to tolls and matters of interest.
Reduction of labourers’ and lock keepers’ wages 1 April by 3s a week. Further reduction of 3s per week on 1 June. Tradesmen’s wages to be lowered by 2s per week 1 June. War Bonus to staff of Shire Hall, Gloucester reduced by ₅/₂₆th from 1 March. Applied to bonuses of Mr Snape and Mr Humphries on Thames & Severn and Stroudwater Canals.
Col Marling offered to allow mud to be dumped on land belonging to Marling School. When finished land should be kept free from weeds, levelled and left ready for seeding. Accepted.
Clerk to write again to T Halling as no reply from him re dredging boat.

Verbatim text

[1922 March] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 15^th day of March 1922 @ 3.20 o'clock pm
Present: Philip Jas Evans, W R Bloxam, Jack Margetson, Gd Evans, R J C Little, W^m Davies.
A letter was read from Messrs Charles Hooper & C^o Ltd stating that the Swing Bridge by their Mills was unsafe and asking that it might be replaced but wanting it mad strong enough to enable Motor Lorries to cross.
It was resolved that the Bridge should be made sufficient for the ordinary traffic but that if Messrs Hooper wanted it strong for Motor Lorry traffic they must bear the extra cost this would entail and be prepared to pay half the cost of upkeep afterward and the Clerk was instructed to write them accordingly.
Mr Bloxam reported an interview he had with the Secretary of the Stroud Brewery C^o on the question of the relative cost of coal from the Forest of Dean by water and by rail. The Brewery Company reckoned that there was 1^s/8^d per ton difference in favor of the rail but it was gathered that if this margin could be fairly reduced the Company would prefer having the coal by Canal.
The Committee discussed the matter and letters from Messrs J H Smart & E T Ward were read and it was deemed desirable to invite these last to meet a sub-Committee in a weeks time for a friendly conference as to tolls and other matters of interest.
It was decided to reduce the labourers and lock-keepers wages on 1^st April by 3/- a week to be followed by a further reduction of 3/- per week on 1^st June.
The Tideman's wages to be lowered by 2/- per week 1^st April and another cut of 2/- a week on 1^St June.
On enquiry at Gloucester it had transpired that the War Bonus to the Staff of the Shire Hall would be reduced by 5/26^th as from 1^st March. This would apply to the Bonuses of Mr Snape and Mr Humphries on both the Thames & Severn and Stroudwater Canals.
Letters were read from Col Marling offering to allow mud to be dumped on land belonging to the Marling School on condition that when finished the land should be kept free from weeds, levelled and left ready for seeding. The Chairman undertook to replay thanking Col Marling and accepting these conditions.
The Clerk was instructed to write again to T Halling no reply having come to the last offer made him re dredging boat.
The Tonnage to date was given as £267..15..8 to date comparing with 442..14..6 a year ago and 231..13..2 in 1914.
Credit Balance at Bank was £335..19..11 against 571..7..2 last year and 367..15..10 in 1914.

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