Minutes Wed 17 May 1922

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Wed 17 May 1922


No reply to letters about swing bridge near Messrs C Hooper & Sons’ Mills at Eastington.Clerk to prepare a specification for steel bridge and ask for further prices for next Committee Meeting.
Notice to traders and others of intended stoppage of canal at Ryeford for fixing middle gates of the Double Locks.
Swing bridge at Lodgemore in bad state.
Mrs Penn agreed to extra rent of £2 10s per annum for stable on wharf at Stonehouse. Mr Hopson’s estimate, £18 10s accepted, work in hand.

Verbatim text

[1922 May] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 17^th day of May 1899 @ 3.20 o'clock pm
Present: Edward P Little, W^m Davies, F A Little, Jack Margetson, W R Bloxam, S S Marling, Gd Evans.
Swing Bridge near Messrs C Hooper & Sons Mills at Eastington
As directed at the last Meeting the Clerk had written on 28^th April to Messrs Hooper & Sons in the terms of the Minute of that Meeting to which they had replied 29^th April. A further letter of 9^th May was written them to which no reply had been received.
The above correspondence was read and discussed.
The Estimates sent on for the erection of a Steel Bridge were examined. After discussion it was decided that the Clerk should prepare a specification and ask for further prices for the next Meeting of the Committee.
The Clerk was directed to give the traders and others notice of an intended stoppage of the Canal at Ryeford for the purpose of fixing the Middle Gates of the Double Locks.
The Clerk reported 1 The bad state of the Swing Bridge at Lodgemore.
2 That Mrs Penn had agreed to the extra rent of £2..10..0 per annum for Stables n Wharf at Stonehouse, that Mr Hopson's estimate (£18..10..0) had been accepted and the work put in hand as directed at the last Meeting.
Tonnage to date was £487..9..8 compared with £547..16..2 last year and £429..11..3 in 1914.
Credit Balance at Bank was £326..19..0 against £441..10..5 in 1921 and £464..18..11 in 1914.

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