Minutes Wed 21 Jun 1922

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Wed 21 Jun 1922


Estimate for a steel bridge at Bond’s Mill from H J H King & Co. Ltd, H & J Daniels Ltd and Dudbridge Iron Works Ltd. Messrs King’s tender accepted, provided they used 12”x5” in all five longditudinals and put three 14”x6” cross girders by pivot instead of two 8”x4” and two 14”x6” as in drawing. Only best material to be used. Right to inspect at any time during construction and building of bridge. Price £130, including new pivot, king post and straining bars or £115 if old pivot can be utilised. Work to be completed during intended stoppage of Bond’s Mill for a month to put in new engine.
Letter from Chancery Lane Safe Deposit and Offices Co. Reduction on rate of interest for deposit. Amount small, should be withdrawn.
Meeting in Birmingham to advocate formation of a National Council for Inland Waterways. Company invited to support same and to suggest a representative on the Executive. No action at present.

Verbatim text

[1922 June] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 21^St June 1922 @ 3.20 o'clock pm
Present: F A Little, W^m Davies, W R Bloxam, R J C Little, Jack Margetson, Philip Jas Evans.
Estimates for a Steel Bridge at Bonds Mill were put in from H J H King & C^o Ltd, J H & J Daniels Ltd and Dudbridge Iron Works Ltd, and compared. After discussion it was decided to accept Messrs Kings tender provided they would use 12" x 5" joists in all the five longitudinals and put three 14" x 6" cross girders by the pivot instead of two 8" x 4" and twi 14" x 6" as shown on their drawing only the best material to be used and right be given to inspect at any time during the construction and building of the Bridge. The whole to be done to the satisfaction of the Company price to be £130..- including new pivot, King post and straining bars or £115,,- if it be found that the old pivot can be utilised. The work to be completed during the intended stoppage of Bonds Mill for a month to put in new engine.
A letter had been received from the Chancery Land Safe Deposit & Offices Co Ltd intimating a reduction in the rate of Interest they could allow for deposit. It was decided as the amount being there was so small now that it should be withdrawn as the Deposit Company had suggested.
A meeting had been held in Birmingham to advocate the formation of a National Council for inland Waterways and this Company had been invited to support same and to suggest a representative to the Executive. It was decided not to do anything in it at present.
The Tonnage to date came to £613,,1,,5 against £619..6..7 last year and £5100..12..2 in 1914.
Bank balance was £407..6..1 as compared with £241..0..7 last year and £294..13..6 in 1914.
It was ordered that the next Committee be fixed for Wednesday the 19^th July next @ 3.20 o'clock pm and the General Half Yearly Meeting on the same day @ 3.45pm.

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