Minutes Wed 19 Jul 1922

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Wed 19 Jul 1922


Order for new swing bridge by Bond’s Mill placed with Messrs H J H King & Co. Ltd of Nailsworth. Messrs Hooper & Co stated that November would be convenient time to erect bridge. Mills then stopped to put in new steam engine.
Double Locks finished and canal weeded before then.
Chancery Lane Safe Deposit and Offices Co sent cheque for £7 5s 8d, part of Reserve Fund.
Mr Gerald Evans and Mr W R Payne met Secretary of Colliery Owners Association in Forest of Dean to discuss truck hire on coal shipped at Sharpness compared with hire cost for coal sent by rail to Stroud.
Minute continued on page 76.

Verbatim text

Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 19^th July 1922 @ 3.20 o'clock pm
Present: Jack Margetson, W R Bloxam, R J C Little, F A Little, W^m Davies, Gd Evans, Philip Jas Evans.
The order for the new Swing Bridge by Bond's Mill had been placed with Messrs H J H King & C^o Ltd of Nailsworth and duly acknowledged. Messrs Hooper & C^o had been seen, and they stated that November would be a convenient time to erect the Bridge, as their Mills would then be stopped for a time to put in a new steam Engine, and this would suit the Canal as the Canal men would have finished the Double Locks and the weeding of the Canal before then.
The Chancery Lane Safe Deposit & Offices C^o had sent Cheque for amount lying in their hands viz: £7..5..8 which formed part of Reserve Fund and it was decided that this sum should be expended in a remunerative investment.
M^r Gerald Evans had in company with M^r W R Payne met the Secretary of the Colliery Owners Association in the Forest of Dean, and discussed the question of Truck Hire on coal shipped at Sharpness, as compared with the hire for coal brought by rail to Stroud, with other matters and he reported as follows:
Report of Meeting at Gloucester
June 21^st 1922 between
Messrs W Payne, G A Evans and Sully Secretary of the Colliery Owners Association in the Forest of Deane,
To page 70


Minute continued on page 76 https://stroudwaterhistory.org.uk/document/9873/.

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