Minutes Wed 20 Dec 1922

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Wed 20 Dec 1922


Three members of Committee at last meeting. No quorum. Matters requiring immediate attention read and confirmed.
To save expense ordinary Bankers cheques to be used in future instead of copy of balance sheet with Dividend Warrant to each shareholder. Also to save expense, Clerk to use ordinary receipt forms instead of specially printed forms for rent receipts.
Messrs A J H King & Co. Ltd requested payment of 80% of £115 contract price for swing bridge at Bond’s Mill. Col J R Morton Ball had made preliminary inspection of bridge. When swung, bridge would be well above road level at each end. Letter to Messrs King with cheque for £57 10s, 50% of contract price.
Committee cannot assent to plans of County Surveyor for Pike Bridge at Eastington. Serious interference with Canal Works and property. Proposed alterations would not reduce danger to any substantial extent.
Clerk to obtain oak balance pole for inside bottom gate at Double Locks.
Timber for various urgent repairs bought for £11 6s 5d.
Mr G A Evans undertook to arrange for barge Perseverance to take full load of coal to Brimscombe Mills and to accompany barge and let Committee have a report. Clerk to be present.
Minute continued on page 89.

Verbatim text

[1922 Dec] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 20^th day of December 1922 @ 3.20pm
Present: Jack Margetson, W^m Davies, Gd Evans, J R Morton Ball, R J C Little, W R Bloxam, F A Little.
Only three Members of the Committee being present at the last Meeting, there was no quorum, but there being some matters requiring immediate attention it was decided to proceed with them, subject to confirmation by the next Committee.
The proceedings of the Meeting of 15^th November were read and confirmed.
The present form of Dividend Warrant was considered and after discussion it was decided that to save expense the practice of sending a copy of the balance sheet to each Shareholder with the Dividend Warrant should be discontinues and that instead of having specially printed forms of Warrants with counterfoil certifying the deduction of Income Tax, ordinary Bankers cheques should be used with a covering letter to meet the requirements of the Inland Revenue Authorities and Colonel Ball kindly undertook to have a sufficient number of each covering letter duplicated.
At the Clerk required a new rent receipt book it was decided that, with a view to saving the expense of the specially printed form hitherto used, the Clerk should purchase a book of ordinary receipt forms obtainable from any stationer.
Swing Bridge at Bonds Mill: Messrs H J H King & C^o Ltd had requested payment of 80% of the £115 contract price. Col J R Morton Ball had mad a preliminary inspection of the bridge, he thought the bridge when swung would be well above the road level at each end. The Chairman drafted a letter for the Clerk to send to Messrs King informing them that hte Committee would be glad to learn that they are taking steps to remedy this. A cheque was drawn fro £57..10..0 viz 50% of contract price.
Pile Bridge Eastington:- The various letters and plans sent in by the County Surveyor were considered and the Clerk was requested to inform the County Surveyor that the Committee cannot see its way to assent to the proposals. Apart form the very serious interference with Canal Works and property, it did not seem to the Committee that the proposed alterations would reduce the danger to any substantial extent.
The Clerk was authorised to obtain an Oak balance pole for the inside bottom gate at Double Locks.
Timber had been obtained for various urgent repairs amounting to £11..6..5.
With regard to the present condition of the Thames and Severn Canal, Mr G A Evans undertook to arrange for the barge Perseverance to take a full load of coal to the Brimscombe Mill, and would accompany the barge on its voyage from Stroud to Brimscombe and let the Committee have a report. The Clerk was requested to be present with Mr Evans.
It was ordered that the next Committee Meeting be fixed for the 25^th day of January 1923 @ 4 o'clock pm and the General Half Yearly Meeting to be held @ 4.15pm.
The Tonnage for the period 1^st July to 19^th December was £609..19..6 comparing with £530..10..11 last year and £457..4..2 in 1914.
Bank balance was £460..3..9 against £406..0..1
To page 89


Minute continued on page 89
Notice for the January 1923 Shareholders Meeting attached to page with paper clip.

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