Minutes Wed 20 Jun 1923

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Wed 20 Jun 1923


Report of inspection of canal Framilode to Wallbridge by Chairman, Messrs H R Hooper and Bloxam.
Renewal of bottom gates at Pike Lock, Eastington. Clerk to obtain necessary materials and labour. Challow Saw Mills Co. Ltd, lowest tender for oak scantling, £44 8s, accepted.
Offers for purchase of stone tile roof, about 33½ squares, of dock at Eastington listed.
Messrs Bomford & Evershed Ltd would not estimate vost of dredging canal unless particulars supplied. Mr Cullis, Dock Co. Gloucester, estimated cost of dredging mile of canal 18 feet wide x 1 foot deep £260.
Messrs Ward & Son Ltd offered to pay £100 in settlement of Company’s claim re Bristol Road Lock. Mr Bloxham to write back that Committee would settle matter on payment of £200.
Clerk to inform County Surveyor of rent for wharf at Stonehouse £1 per week from 1 July. 10s present rent inadequate.
Re use County Surveyor’s employees made of Dudbridge Wharf, usual wharfage charge for road material recently deposited on wharf 1s 6d per day for any engine and plant brought on to wharf.
Lean-to roof of stable on wharf Wallbridge, rented by Mr C Lambert at £7 p.a., very leaky. To replace with slate £21, Mr Hopson’s estimate. Clerk to obtain another estimate from Mr Wager, builder of Stroud.
Mr W Mourbey to rent warehouse on wharf at Dudbridge for 30s p.a.

Verbatim text

[1923 June] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 20^th day of June 1923 @ 3 o'clock pm
Present: Jack Margeston, Henry R Hooper, W R Bloxam, Edward P Little, R J C Little, G Evans, W^m Davies.
The report by the Chairman, Messrs H R Hooper and Bloxam following the inspection of the Canal from Framilode to Wallbridge was read and discussed.
{Pike Gates complete removal and housed] Bottom Gates at the Pike Lock, Eastington. The Clerk was instructed to obtain the necessary materials and labour for the complete renewal of the above gates.
The Challow Saw Mills C^o Ltd, the lowest tender for the Oak scantling amounting to £44:8:0 was accepted.
The Clerk submitted offers he had received for the purchase of the stone tile roof, about 33½ squares, of the Dock at Eastington:
viz: £ s d
A S Cook & Co: 48..10..0
Baxter & Sons: 50..0..0
Drew Ltd: 65..0..0
Gardner & Sons: 70..0..0
Orchard & Peer: 73..0..0.
It was decided to let this matter stand until next Meeting.
The Clerk had made enquiry, at the Chairmans request, at to the cost of dredging the Canal and had communicated with Messer Bomford & Evershed Ltd of Evesham and the Dock C^o at Gloucester. The former, they could not see their way to estimate unless certain particulars were supplied, and Mr Cullis (Dock C^o) estimated the cost of dredging a mile of Canal 18' x 1' would amount to about £260..-.
Bristol Road Lock: The Chairman read a letter from Messrs Ward & Son Ltd, in which they stated they would pay £100..- and no more in settlement of the Company's claim. After discussion Mr Bloxam was desired to write Messrs Ward and to inform them that the Committee would settle the matter on their paying £200 to the Company's Solicitors.
The Clerk was directed to inform the County Surveyor that the rent for the Wharf at Stonehouse would be £1..- per week on and from the 1^st July, it being considered that the present rate of 10/- per week was inadequate.
With regard to the use the County Surveyor employees made of the Dudbridge Wharf, the Clerk was instructed to write that the usual Wharfage charge would be made for the road material recently deposited on the Whart, and that a Wharfage charge of 1/6 per day would be made on and Engine and plant brought on to the Wharf.
Stable on Wharf at Wallbridge, rented by Mr C Lambert @ £7 a year: The lean to roof of the Stable is very leaky. To replace it with slate would cost £21..-. as per Mr Hopson's estimate. The Clerk was directed to obtain another estimate from Mr Wager (?) of Stroud.
An application made by Mr W Mourley to rent the Warehouse on the Wharf at Dudbridge was accepted subject to a signed agreement. Rent 30/- a quarter.
The Tonnage for the period 1^st January to 19^th June was £318..10..0 comparing with £596..1..0 last year and £498..3..6 in 1914.
The balance at the Bank was £1..10..2 overdrawn comparing with a credit balance of £532..13..1 last year and £264..18..11 in 1914.
Cheque drawn:
Committee fees: £1..12..6.
It was ordered that the next Committee Meeting be fixed for the 25^th day of July 1923 @ 3 o'clock pm and that the General Half Yearly Meeting to be held @ 3.30pm on the same date.

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