Minutes Wed 16 Apr 1924

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Wed 16 Apr 1924


Gloucester Harbour Board Trustees accepted subscription of £1 1s per annum.
Tenant of cottage at Dudbridge, John Ashenford, left without notice, not paying £1 17s 6d rent due 25 March. Irrecoverable. Walter Thomas Mills as tenant.
Application from West Gloucestershire Power Co for permission to lay cable under and along towing path from main road bridge at Ryeford to wharf at Dudbridge and for land on wharf at Dudbridge on which to erect brick building for housing switch gear and apparatus.
Estimate of Ryeford Saw Mills for supply of oak planking for Gas House Bridge, £17 9s 9d, accepted.
Mr Hopson’s estimate, £2 5s for repair of certain ceilings at wharf house at Dudbridge. Clerk to obtain estimate for painting and papering.
George Cook, Company’s ganger, £3 bonus for three months to 19 March.
John Richings, rent not paid for wharfage room on wharf at Stonehouse £6.
New pair of bottom gates for Blunder Lock in hand. Material required, 360 ft run of 2”x9” red deal, Messrs Price Walker’s estimate 5½d per ft run in yard at Gloucester, 1 cwt of 5 inch x ⅜ inch spikes, 4 bars of ⅝ inch round iron, 2 bars of ½ inch round iron, 2 bars 2½ inch x ½ inch flat iron.

Verbatim text

Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 16^th day of April 1924 @ 3 o'clock pm
Present: Jack Margetson, S S Marling, Henry R Hooper, W R Bloxam, R J C Little.
[Wharfage A/c] _Mr Smith - Wharfage A/c_
Considerable surprise was expressed at the absence of a reply to the Committees letter of the 19^th Mar asking for a settlement of the account.
After discussion the Committee decided to write a further letter to M^r Smith to inform him that unless a Cheque in full settlement was received by May 1^s the matter would pass out of its hands.
It was Resolved failing a response that the Companys Solicitors take such action as they should think necessary for the recovery of the amount claimed.
The Chairman undertook to draft a letter for the Clerk to sent to M^r Smith.
[Wall at Stonehouse] _Gloucestershire County Council_ Wall at Stonehouse
In accordance with minute of last Meeting a letter had been sent to Mr Larque setting out certain conditions and to these M^t Larque had agreed.
The Clerk was directed to point out to M^r Larque that the Committee understood that the coat of tar varnish would be put on the fence after erection and tha thte fence would be continuous and spiked.
[Glos Harbour Board] _Gloucester Harbour Board_
A letter had been received from the Secretary of the Gloucester Harbour Board stating that the Harbour Board Trustees were prepared to accept a subscription of one guinea per annum.
_Cottage at Dudbridge_
The Clerk reported that the tenant -- John Ashenford - had left the premises without giving any notice and not paying the rent which fell due on the 25^th March amounting to £1..17..6 which amount appeared to be irrecoverable.
After discussing the several applications to rent the premises the Committee decided to accept Walter Thomas Mills as tenant on and from 25^th March on the same conditions and terms as held by late tenant, and subject to his signing the usual agreement to be prepared by the Companys Solicitors.
[West Glos Power ^o] _West Gloucestershire Power C^o Ltd_
The Chairman read an application put in by the West Gloucestershire Power C^o Ltd for the Companys permission to lay a cable under and along the towing path from the main road bridge at Ryeford to the Wharf at Dudbridge and for land on the Wharf at Dudbridge on which to erect a brick building for housing certain switch gear and apparatus.
It was arranged that the Committee should meet a representative of the Power Company.
The Clerk was directed to acquaint the Power C^o of the Committees decision, and to appoint the 15^th May @ 2.30pm at Ryeford for the Meeting.
[Gas House Bridge] _Gas House Bridge_
The estimate of the Ryeford Saw Mills C^o for the supply of oak planking for Gas House Bridge amounting to £17..9..9 was accepted.
[Wharf house at Dudbridge] _Wharf-house at Dudbridge_
Mr Hopsons estimate amounting to £2..5..0 for repair of certain ceilings at above premises was accepted.
With regard to the painting and papering required the Clerk was requested to obtain an estimate.
[Bonus G Cook] The Clerk was authorised to pay George Cook the Companys ganger the £3..- bonus for the three months ending March 19.
[Rents] _Rents_
The Clerk reported that John Richings had not paid the rent for Wharfage room held by him on the Wharf at Stonehouse amounting to £6..0..0.
It was decided to inform him that if the rent due was not paid forthwith the matter would pass into the hands of the Companys Solicitors.
[Blunder Lock] _Blunder Lock, bottom gates_
The Clerk reported that the new pair of bottom gates were in hand, and that the following materials were required, viz;-
360 feet run of 2"x9" red deal (Messrs Price Walkers estimate 5½^d per ft run in their yard at Gloucester)
1 cwt of 5"x⅜" spikes, 4 bars of ⅝" round iron, 2 bars of ½" round iron, 2 bars of 2½"x½" flat iron.
[Tonnage] _Tonnage_
The tonnage for the period 1^st January to 15^th April 1924 was £261..4..9 comparing with £122..2..2 (stoppage) last year and £334..2..10 in 1914.
[Tonnage] _Tonnage_
The tonnage for the month of March 1924 was £109..8..4 comparing with £86..2..9 (stoppage) last year and £93..14..4 in 1914.
[Bank balance] _Bank balance_
The balance at the Bank was £143,,8..2 against £102..5..9 last year and £463..14..2 in 1914.
Cheques drawn: £ s d
Committee fees: 1..12..6
Little & Bloxam Legal Expenses: 7..10..0
Dudbridge & Sons Fee: 2..12..6
A H Grant Heelas Tythe: 2..13..3
W Fredericks Coal for Office at Junction: 1..10..0
E G Godsell Ladders: 4..13..4
Post Master General Telephones: 3..13..2

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