Minutes Wed 15 Oct 1924

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Wed 15 Oct 1924


Dredging at Lodgemore. W Falconer, Achitect, inspected length of canal at Lodgemore. Onus lay with Messrs Cook. Request to Mr Cook to meet Mr Bloxam.
Clerk to print letter and send to various Public Bodies, Traders and others in area of T&S Canal.
Estimates for oak framing for pair of new bottom gates at Westfield Lock. Messrs Shipway’s estimate 5s 6d per foot cube accepted.
West Gloucestershire Power Co carried electric cable over Dudbridge and Ryeford Bridges.
Temporary measures taken on canal bank at Stonehouse pending replacing of Gas Co.’s broken mains pipe.
Ryeford Saw Mills estimate of 2s 6d each for larch piles accepted.
Gas House Bridge. Mr Hawkes, haulier, damaged flooring of bridge.
Estimate, with plan, submitted by Messrs Daniels Ltd for renewal of Lodgemore Bridge. Mr Hooper to examine estimate and report.
Reported leakage of water from Pike Lock Eastington.
Clerk to request estimate and drawing of bridge capable of taking extra heavy loads from Messrs Daniels to replace Gas House Bridge.
Robert Johnston Caruthers-Little claimed shares nos.181,182, will of William Davies.

Verbatim text

Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 15^th day of October 1924 @ 3 o'clock pm
Present: Jack Margetson, Henry R Hooper, W R Bloxam, R J C Little, S S Marling, Edward P Little, J R Morton Ball, F A Little, ? Mr G A Evans.
Dredging at Lodgemore
The Chairman stated that M^r Falconer has inspected the length of Canal in question, and had expressed the opinion that the onus lay with Messrs Cook. It was decided to ask M^r Cook to meet Mr Bloxam to discuss the matter.
Thames & Severn Canal
The Committee discussed and drafter a circular letter which the Clerk was directed to have printed, and sent to the various Public Bodies, Traders and others in the area of this Canal.
Ship Inn Premises
It was reported that no reply had been receive from Messrs Bretherton & Sons re tenancy of above premises.
The Committee left the matter in the hands of Mr Bloxam.
Westfield Lock (bottom gates)
[Shipwarys estimate 37..11..9] Estimates for the oak framing for a pair of new bottom gated at this lock were considered. It was decided to accept Messrs Shipways estimate of 5.6 per ft cube - cost £37..11..9.
West Gloucestershire Power C^o
It was reported that the above Company had carried their electric cable over the Dudbridge and Ryeford bridges.
Canal bank at Stonehouse
It was reported that temporary measures had been undertaken pending the replacing of the Gas Companys broken main pipe.
Messrs The Ryeford Saw Mills C^os estimate of 2.6 each for Larch piles was acccepted.
Pike Lock at Eastington
The Clerk was instructed to ascertain whether the County Council had taken land in excess to that shown on the original plan.
Gas House Bridge
It was reported that Mr Hawkes haulier had damaged the flooring of the bridge to the extent of £2..0..5, for which amount the Clerk had submitted a claim.
After discussion it was decided to withdraw the claim.
Lodgemore Bridge
An Estimate, with plan, submitted by Messrs Daniel Ltd, for the renewal of this bridge, was discussed. M^R Hooper undertook to examine the Estimate, and report at next Meeting.
Pike Lock Eastington
The Clerk was instructed to attend to a reported leakage of water from this lock.
Gas House Bridge
The Clerk was instructed to get from Messrs Daniels estimate & drawing of a bridge capable of taking extra heavy loads now being passed over the existing bridge, and report.
Post Office Telegraphs
An application by the Post Master General for the consent of the Company to the placing of one stay and stay pole on the Wharf at Wallbridge was agreed to.
Claim of Shares N^0 181 & 183
Robert Johnston Caruthers Little of Stroud in the County of Gloucester Solicitor attended as Executor of the Will of William Davies late of Amberley Court near Stroud in the County of Gloucester who died on the 21^St day of December 1923 at Amberley Court aforesaid and made out his claim to two shares numbered respectively 181 and 182 of the Undertaking of the Stroudwater Navigation and now standing in the name of the said William Davies aforesaid in the Books of the said Company by producing the tickets or titles of the said two shares and the Probate of the Will of the said William Davies proved by the Executor Robert Johnston Caruthers Little aforesaid and Mary Ann Davies of Amberley Court aforesaid Widow in the Principal Probate Registry of His Majesty's High Court of Justice on the 27^th day of March 1924 and the Claim was admitted accordingly and new tickets or titles ordered to be made out on the tickets or titles of the said William Davies being delivered up.
The Tonnage for the period from 1^st July to 14^th October 1924 was £299..12..6 comparing with £320..3..0 last year and £276..11..0 in 1914.
Tonnage: The Tonnage for the month of September 1924 was £106..19..0 comparing with £103..15..10 last year and £74..11..7 in 1914.
Balance at the Bank
The balance at the Bank was £142..2..6 against £75..19..0 last year and £522..19..8 in 1914.
Cheques drawn: £ s d
(P G Snape) Committee fees: 1..12..6
H H Grant Heelas Tithe: 2..13..2
S Hopson Buildings 10..12..7
S Hopson Maintenance: 6..17..6
[S Hopson Total] 17..10..1

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