Wed 22 Apr 1925
Chairman, Mr Hooper and Mr Bloxam met sub-committee of County Council about results of Company’s efforts to obtain financial assistance. Feelings of district towards abandonment. Work to put canal in condition to take traffic (Mr Milne’s report) discussed. If past contributions were continued for further two years, Council might be asked to continue to maintain for that period.
Letters to Sharpness New Docks Co., Severn Commission and Staffordshire & Worcestershire Canal, Messrs Kimmins Drew & Co., Messrs Townsend & Stacey. S N D to consider matter, refusal from Townsend & Stacey.
Mr Hopson’s £40 rent not subject to deduction for insurance.
Messrs Smart & Son paid their account, less ⅔ they disputed.
Mr Whiting to give up premises on canal wharf at Eastington. Clerk to obtain definite date on which Mr Whiting would vacate premises.
Clerk to pay George Cook bonus for three months ending March.
Messrs Lee Bros to discuss purchase of “Old Ship Inn”. Committee viewed property with him re defining boundary against wharf and a right of way. No definite decision. Mr Bloxam to use his discretion re right of way. To negotiate sale at £400
[1925 April] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 22^nd day of April 1925 @ 3 o'clock pm
Present: Jack Margetson, Henry R Hooper, Edward P Little.
_State of Canal at Lodgemore_
The Chairman stated that this matter would be settled in due course.
_Thames and Severn Canal_
The Chairman reported that he had with Mr Hooper and Mr Bloxam met a sub-committee of the County Council, at the Shire Hall, Gloucester, and had discussed with them the result of the Companys endeavours to obtain financial assistance. He had also mentioned the feeling of the district towards the proposed abandonment. The work considered to be necessary to put the Canal into condition, to take traffic, on the lines of Mr Milne's report had also been discussed.
No definite decision had been arrived at and the sub-committee were anxious to know to what extent the other navigations were prepared to assist.
If their past contributions were continued for a further two years, he thought the County Council might be asked by its sub-Committee to continue to maintain, for that period.
Letters had been written to the Sharpness New Docks C^o, The Severn Commissioners and the Staffordshire and Worcestershire Canal, also to Messrs Kimmins Drew & C^o and Messrs Townsend & Stacey. The Sharpness New Docks C^o had replied that the matter would be considered by their Committee on the 6^th May. Messrs Townsend & Stacey had written to the effect that they could not see their way to joining any financial scheme as proposed. No reply had been received from either the Severn Commissioners or the Staffordshire and Worcestershire Canal.
Premises at Wallbridge, Mr Hopson
It was decided that the rent (£40 pa) fixed at the last Meeting was not to be subject to any deduction for Insurance, as desired by Mr Hopson.
Tonnage Account, Messrs Smart & Son
It was reported that Messrs Smart & Son had paid their account to the end of February less 2/3 which they disputed.
Shed at Dudbridge, Mr Mourbey
A letter had been written to Mr Mourbey in the terms of minute of last Meeting, to which he had agreed.
Canal Wharf at Eastington
It was reported that Mr Whiting had informed the Clerk of his intention of giving up the above premises held by him as tenant under the Company.
The Clerk was instructed to obtain a definite date on which Mr Whiting would vacate the premises and at the same time point out to him his liabilities with regard to the fence against the road and the inside of the Wharf-house.
Rent in Arrear, Mrs Penn
Mrs Penn had not paid the quarters rent to 25^th March for premised at Stonehouse.
The Clerk was directed to call and see her thereon.
The Clerk was directed to pay George Cook the bonus for three months ending March.
Ship Inn Premises: Messrs Lee Bros Ltd
Mr Lee was granted an interview to decide the purchase of the "Old Ship Inn".
The Committee viewed the property with him with a view to defining the boundary against the Wharf and also as to the right of way but no definite decision being come to it was left to Mr Bloxam who was authorized by the Committee to use his discretion as to the right of way and to negotiate a sale at the price of £400..-.
The Tonnage for the period 1^st January to 21^st April 1925 was £346..13..7 comparing with £300..17..2 last year and £381..14..1 in 1914.
The Tonnage for the month of March 1925 was £90..11..8 comparing with £109..7..7 last year and £89..11..7 in 1914.
Balance at the Bank
The Balance at the Bank was £175..14..2 against £100..14..10 last year and £463..14..2 in 1914.
Cheques drawn:
Committee fees: 1..12..6
A H Grant Heelas "Rates A/c": 2..13..3
W Fredericks Wharfingers A/c: 1..10.0
Stroud Gas C^o "Office Expenses": 1..9..9
PostMaster General "Office Expenses": 3..4..1
R J Verney, Canal Maintenance: 6..11..10.
It was Ordered that the next Meeting of the Committee be held on Wednesday the 20^th May 1925 @ 3 o'clock pm.