Wed 17 Jun 1925
Sharpness Docks Co offer to £150 per annum during next two years to meet deficiency in working expenses of T&S Canal.
Canal wharf at Eastington. Estimates from Messrs Clutterbuck & Bullock for repairs nside of wharf house, £12, fence against road. £12 5s, and fence in front of house £5 15s. Do nothing at present. Mr Beard offered premises. Rent £30 per annum. Accepted but asked for installation of large weighbridge instead of existing cart bridge. Refused. Doubt as to date on which Mr Whiting was vacating premises.
Mr Hopson to be told that if definite decision not in Company’s hands in next day or two, another offer for premises at Wallbridge would be considered.
£500 offer for Ship Inn premises accepted.
Mr Smart in arrears for March, April, May, Messrs Ward & Son for May. Mr Bloxam to write to them.
Mrs Penn’s rent for remises at Stonehouse still outstanding. Notice of Ejectment Order unless amount owing immediately forthcoming.
Good pair of tidesman’s boots purchased for £1 10s.
If Canal Association subscription £2 2s instead of £1 1s Navigation would withdraw name from list of subscribers.
Repair of lock house at Eastington to proceed. Approximate estimate £3 10s.
Order re River Frome Lower Level sent to Navigation by Court of Sewers considered. Also letter from Mr Armitage, asking if Navigation would join in Memorial against requisition in order. Decision to:
I. Enter notice of formal appeal at next Court of Sewers 30 June.
II. To advise Mr Armitage that Navigation did not propose to join in Memorial.
III. Approach Surveyor re his meeting certain members of Committee.
Decision to proceed with new gates Westfield Lock and to obtain extra labour and materials for its completion. Two carpenters required for about three months, one blacksmith for a month.
[1925 June] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 17^th day of June 1925 @ 3 o'clock pm
Present: Jack Margetson, Henry R Hooper, W R Bloxam, R J C Little, S S Marling, F A Little.
Thames and Severn Canal the Sharpness Docks C^o and the County Council
A letter was read from the above Company stating that it had decided to make a contribution up to £150..- per annum during the next two years to meet any deficiency in the working expenses of the Thames and Severn Canal.
A telephone message from the Secretary of the Severn Commissioners stated that the Commissioners had no funds at their disposal, and,, that therefore no promise of financial assistance could be given.
It was resolved to write to the County Council giving a list of the amounts promised by the various bodies and Traders, and stating that no further amounts were likely to be collected.
Canal Wharf at Eastington
Estimates had been submitted by Messrs Clutterbuck and Bullock for the repair of the fences and inside of the house as follows:
Inside of Wharf House: 12..0..0
Fence against road: 12..5..0
Fence in front of House: 5..15..0
It was decided to do nothing at present in this matter.
It was reported that M^r Beard had been offered the premises at a rent of £30..- per annum subject to agreement. It was understood that he had accepted this, but asked for the installation of a large weighbridge instead of the existing cast bridge. It was decided to advise Mr Beard that this request could on no account be applied with. As there seemed to be some doubt on the date on which M^r Whiting would be vacating the premises, the whole question was left in Mr Bloxam's hands to deal with.
Premises at Wallbridge
No definite reply having been received from M^r Hopson, M^r Bloxam was asked to write stating that if a definite decision on his part were not in the Navigation Companys hands within the next day or two, another offer, which had been received for the property, would be considered.
Ship Inn Premises
An offer of £500..- having been made for the above premises, it was decided to accept the same subject to agreement as to rights of way, etc, etc. The matter was left in M^r Blocam's hands.
Outstanding Tonnage Accounts
It was reported that M^r Smart was in arrears for the months of March, April and May, and Messrs Wood & Son for May. In view of Mr Snape's accident and inability to perform his duties for a day or two, Mr Bloxam kindly undertook to write these two traders.
Premises at Stonehouse
It was reported that Mrs Penn's rent was still outstanding, and it was decided to give her notice that an Ejection Order would be applied for unless the amount owing was immediately forthcoming.
Tidesman's Top Boots
It was reported that a good pair of boots had been purchased for £1..10..0.
Stonehouse Cross Bridge
The Leak from the water main at this Bridge has been stopped.
Canal Inspection
The report of the committee responsible for the inspection from Framilode to Ocean Bridge was postponed until the next meeting for consideration.
[Canal Association] Canal Association Subscription
The Clerk was instructed to advise the above Association that if they insisted upon the annual subscription of £2..2..0 being paid by the Navigation instead of the £1..1..0 paid last year, that it would be compelled to withdraw its name for the list of subscribers.
Lock-house at Eastington
It was decided to proceed with the repair of the roof of this house. Approximate estimate £3..10..0.
River Frome Lower Level
The order sent to the Navigation by the Court of Sewers and signed by John Wicks as Clerk was considered by the Committee, also a letter from M^r Armitage asking if the Navigation would join a Memorial against the requisition contained in the order. After some considerable discussion it was decided:
I To enter a notice of formal appeal to the next Court of Sewers to be held on June 10^th
II to advise Mr Armitage the Navigation did not propose to join in the Memorial suggested at the present time, and,
III To approach the Surveyor with a view to his meeting certain members of the Committee on the spot at an early date.
New Gates, Westfield Lock
It was decided to proceed with the necessary work at the above Lock, and if imperative, to obtain extra labour and materials for its completion. It was reported that two carpenters would be required for about three months, and one blacksmith for a week.
It was Ordered that the next Committee Meeting be fixed for the 22^nd Juty 1925 @ 3 o'clock pm, and the General Half Yearly Meeting to be held @ 3.30pm on the same date.
The Tonnage for the period 1^st January to 16^th June 1925 was £518..11..9 comparing with £474..7..3 last year and £525..13..8 in 1914.
The Tonnage for the month of May 1925 was £110..2..3 comparing with £108..44..1 last year and £70..14..0 in 1914.
Balance at the Bank
The Balance at Lloyds Bank Ltd Stroud was £153..13..1 against £84..2..8 last year and £316..12..5 in 1914.
Cheques drawn:
Committee fees: 1..12..6
Ryeford Saw Mills C^o Maintenance: 4..11..0
F Cookley Wharfingers and Tidesman a/c: 2..7..0
H C Steel Ltd Incidental A/c: 15..0