Wed 21 Oct 1925
Letter from Gloucester Corporation asking what bodies and Navigations agreed to continue former contributions for two years recorded in minutes.
In reply statement that 1. Complete list mentioned in letter 15 July, 2. Cirencester U D C, Counties of Wilts and Berks (contributors under Act 1895) not expected to pay and 3. Deficit to be met from County Fund.
Boundary line of Ship Inn premises fixed. Plan sharing this, and right of way to rear of premises, submitted to Messrs Lee Bros’ solicitors.
Canal wharf at Eastington. Mr Whiting paid ¼ year rent £5 5s. Had not vacated premises. Three weeks to hand them over. Mr Beard, new tenant, asked for cart weighbridge (1879) on wharf, to be enlarged to accommodate Ford Tow Truck.
Estimates for scantling required for renewal of bottom gates of Dock Lock. Ryeford Saw Mills Co.£60 8s 8d, Workman & Co £73 4s. Ryeford Saw Mills Co’s estimate accepted.
Mr Arthur Vowles, Managing Director of Messrs Vowles & Son Ltd attended Committee to discuss danger notice on Stonehouse swing bridge. Proposed renewal of swing bridge to their mills at Stonehouse. Company prepared to maintain an iron bridge. Estimates to be requested when information on load weight obtained from Messrs Vowles.
Application by County Council for £75 from Company in accounts of Thames & Severn Canal to stand over. Last contribution under 1895 Act.
Bonus £3 to George Cook.
Estimate of £1 submitted by Mr Turvey for painting of office door at Wallbridge accepted. Estimates for outside painting of wharf house at Wallbridge to be obtained.
[1925 Oct] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 21^st October 1925 @ 3 o'clock pm
Present: Jack Margetson, Edward P Little, Henry R Hooper, W R Bloxam, R J C Little, J R Morton Ball.
Only three Members of the Committee being present at the last Meeting, there was no quorum, but there being some matters requiring immediate attention, it was decided to proceed with them, subject to confirmation by the next Committee.
The proceedings at that Meeting of the 16^th September 1925 were accordingly read and confirmed.
[M^r Gardom 205 210] Thames and Severn Canal
The Chairman reported a letter he had received from M^r Gardom, under date 22^nd September, asking whether this Company had any reply from the Gloucester Corporation, and how the matter stood generally.
The Chairman's reply was read and approved.
24^th September 1925
E T Gardom Esq
Shire Hall
Dear Sir,
Thames & Severn Canal
In reply to you letter of the 22^nd inst we have had no reply from the Gloucester Corporation and I assume they have held no meeting since the holidays.
I have not other information to pass on to you as my Navigation is awaiting to receive the instructions which your promised to send me in your last letter relating to the withdrawal of the various objections. As the signatories to these objections will have to be communicated with, I am waiting until I get the above mentioned instructions, before communicating with the traders generally.
Yours faithfully
The Clerk reported the following letter from the Gloucester Corporation, under date 16^th October 1925:
16^th October 1925
Dear Sir,
In reply to your letter of the 13^th instant my letter to you of the 20^th May and 14^th July last explained that the decision of the Council to continue for two years their former contribution of £75..- per annum towards the deficiency of the work of the above canal was conditional upon other public bodies and navigations united into the Public Trust agreeing to continue their former contributions for two years; and I stated that I should be glad to receive your assurance that such bodies had agreed to adopt that cource.
Your letter of the 16^th July last explained how the £770 was made up, but you have not stated what Bodies and navigations have agreed to continue their former contributions for two years, and I shall be glad to hear from you as to this.
Yours faithfully
G Sheffield Blakeway
Town Clerk,
Ordered that a letter be sent in reply stating that: 1 The Public Bodies mentioned in this Companys letter of the 15^th July were the complete list, 2 the Cirencester U D C, the Counties of Wilts and Berks (contributors under the Act of 1895) could not be expected to continue to pay, and 3 the deficit would be met from the County Fund.
The consideration of writing for the contributions promised by the Traders and others was postponed,
Ship Inn Premises
It was reported that the boundary line had been fixed. A plan showing this, and a right of way to the rear of the premises, had been submitted to Messrs Lee Bros' Solicitors. No reply had been received.
Canal Wharf at Eastington
It was reported that Mr Whiting had paid the rent (¼ year £5..5..0) down to 29^th September last but had not vacated the premises. A letter from M^r Whtiting was read. The Committee decided to give M^r Whiting two to three weeks in which to hand over the premises.
Mr Bloxam was instructed to write to him.
M^r Beard the new tenant had asked the Committee for the cast weighbridge (fixed in 1879) on the wharf to be enlarged to accommodate a Ford Ton Truck.
The Clerk was instructed to obtain estimates 1 for the enlargement of the present plate 2 for a new weighbridge.
Westfield Lock
The new pair of bottom gates for this lock had been fixed.
Dock Lock at Eastington
The Clerk reported that certain repairs had been carried out to the bottom gates at this Lock: - In accordance with minute of last Meeting estimates had been obtained for scantling required for the renewal of the bottom gates at this lock:
Ryeford Saw Mills C^o: £60..8..8
Workman & C^o: £73..4..0
The estimate of the Ryeford Saw Mills C^o was accepted.
Stonehouse Swing Bridge
It was reported that the danger notice had been put up at this bridge.
Mr Arthur Vowles, Managing Director of Messrs Vowles & Son Ltd, attended before the Committee to discuss the proposed renewal of the Swing Bridge to their Mills at Stonehouse and after discussion intimated that if an arrangement could be com to as to the cost of erecting an iron bridge his Company would be prepared to maintain it in the future.
The Clerk was directed to obtain estimates from some reputable firms, first ascertaining from Messrs Vowles the load weight the proposed bridge would have to sustain.
Stonehouse Wharf
Mrs Penn had paid the rent due from her down to 29^th September last.
Thames & Severn Canal Contribution
The application by the County Council for the payment of £75 the Companys contribution towards the deficit as shown in the accounts of the Thames & Severn Canal for the Half Year ended 31^st March last was Ordered to stand over. It was noted that this is the last contribution under the Act of 1895.
The Clerk was authorized to pay George Gook the bonus of £3..- for three months ending September.
The Estimate of £1..0..0 submitted by M^r Turvey for the painting of the Office Door at Wallbridge had been accepted and the work carried out.
Wharf house at Wallbridge (Tenant M^r Lee)
The Clerk was directed to obtain Estimates for the outside painting of the Wharf-house at Wallbridge.
Ordered that the next Meeting of the Committee be held on the 18^th November next @ 3 o'clock pm.
The Tonnage for the period 1^st July to 20^th October was £252..14..3 comparing with £313..12..2 last year and £291..16..1 in 1914.
The Tonnage for the month of September 1925 was £53..2..7 comparing with £108..1..6 last year and £73..2..2 in 1914.
The Balance at Lloyds' Bank Ltd, Stroud was £171..11..? against £190..15..0 last year and £311..7..10 in 1914.
Cheques drawn:
Committee fees: 1..12..6
A H Grant Heelas Tythe: 2..13..2
H Turvey Maintenance Buildings: 1..0..0
Clutterbuck Bullock Maintenance Buildings: 3..10..0
James & Owen Ltd Stationery: 2..2..2
PostMaster General Office Expenses: 3..8..1
Little & Bloxam Legal Expenses: 9..6..0