Wed 9 Dec 1925
Messrs Lee Bros paid £50 towards £500 purchase money of Ship Inn premises.
Mr A E Chandler to pay £5 p.a. for 50 sq yards wharfage room at Wallbridge.
Notice from Commissioners of Sewers, Lower Level of the County of Gloucester. Notice claimed company had not done work in accordance with previous notice. After seven days work done at Company’s expense, portion of Frome not sufficiently done. Letter, in full, to surveyor. Surveyor needs to meet Company’s representative. Failure to keep appointments on previous occasions.
[Dec 1925] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 9^th day of December 1925 @ 3 o'clock pm
Present: Jack Margetson, Henry R Hooper, J R Morton Ball, W R Bloxam, R J C Little, S S Marling, F A Little.
[205 221] Thames & Severn Canal
In accordance with minute of last Meeting the Contributors and Objectors had been circularized with the following results to data: £ s d
Messrs C Hooper & Son Ltd: 25..0..0
Messrs Critchley Bros: 5..0..0
Messrs Stroud Brewery C^o Ltd: 10..0..0
Messrs Cainscross Co-operative Society: 3..3..0
Messrs S G Bailey: 2..10..0
Messrs W C Chambers: £2..10..0
[Total] £48..3..0.
Ship Inn Premises, Messrs Lee Bros Ltd
It was reported that Messrs Lee Bros Ltd had handed £50..- to the Companys Solicitor's towards the amount of purchase money £500..- and that the matter would be completed in ordinary course.
Canal Wharf at Eastington
The premises had been in the hands of the Company since November 25^th.
The estimate of £12..0..0 submitted by Messrs Clutterbuck & Bullock for inside painting and papering was accepted.
The question of a new weighbridge was in abeyance.
Stonehouse Swing Bridge
The consideration of this matter was postponed.
West Gloucestershire Power C^o Ltd
The Chairman read a letter from M^r C Manning Lewis. It was decided to let the matter rest for the present.
Wharfage Room, Wallbridge Wharf: Area 50 sq yards
M^r A E Chandler had agreed to the Companys terms, to pay £5 a year rent, and to sign an agreement.
Commissioners of Sewers, Lower Level of the County of Gloucester
A further notice, dated 13^th October 1925, has been received signed by M^r Knight, their Surveyor, stating that as this Company had not done the work in accordance with previous notice sent the Commissioners would after seven days do the work at the Companys expense. The Commissioner Surveyor had been asked, under date 15^th October, to let this Company know exactly what he required to be done, he had replied, under date 20^th October, that our portion of the Frome had not been sufficiently done.
The following letter, under dare 23^rd October, had been sent to the Surveyor,
Dear Sir,
Adverting to your formal Notice of 13^th inst, and to your letter of 20^th inst,
I understand that all you complain of is that we have not sufficiently widened the River but as I explained to you when I last met you on the spot, it is impossible for us to widen the River on our side without running the risk of weakening the original canal bank constructed under the Companys Act of Parliament which might have the most disastrous results.
I also understand that more could be done on the opposite side and under these circumstances I must give you formal Notice that if you attempt to carry out any work which may in any way interfere with this Canal you will do so entirely at your own risk.
I am quite willing to meet you again and explain the risks.
Yours faithfully
Percy G Snape.
A letter, under date 1^st Dec, had been received from the Surveyor stating his intention to at once start work on the Frome.
A copy of this letter together with a copy of this Companys letter, dated 23^rd October above mentioned, had been sent to the Clerk of the Commissioners with a covering letter saying the Company had not wish to evade its obligations, asking where the Company had failed, and would their Surveyor make an appointment to meet this Companys representative. Further, that their Surveyor had on previous occasions failed to keep his appointments.
No reply had been received.
The Tonnage for the period 1^st July to 8^th December was £303..14..8 comparing with £450..18..3 in 1924 and £423..13..1 in 1914.
The Tonnage for the month of November 1925 was £96..15..1 comparing with £82..18..3 in 1924 and £74..12..7 in 1914.
The balance at the Bank was £234..5..10 comparing with £108..17..7 in 1924 and £365..11..9 in 1914.
It was Ordered that the next Meeting of the Committee be fixed for the 27^th day of January 1926 @ 3 o'clock pm and the General Half Yearly Meeting to be held @ 3.30 o'clock pm on the same date.
Cheques drawn: £ s d
Committee fees: 1..12..6
E C Govier Income Tax: 2..11..9
The Ryeford Saw Mills Co Canal Maintenance: 3..14..0