Wed 27 Jan 1926
Continuation from page 227
Thames & Severn Canal Trust Act 1895. £75 from Company towards deficit on accounts of Canal half year 31 March 1925 to stand over.
Estimates for rebuilding chimney of Wallbridge office from Messrs Beavis & Son £19 4s, Mr Hopson £18 10s. 2. Rebuilding with buff bricks, Mr Hopson £16 10s. Mr Hopson’s estimate of £16 10s accepted.
Clerk to object to Mr Lambert about trespass of carts at Wallbridge Wharf.
Messrs Chamberlain Ltd of Nailsworth promised £25 per annum for two years towards upkeep of T&S Canal.
from the 29^th September down to the 24^th November amounting to £3..4..8 nor the £25..- claimed by the Company for repairs.
The Clerk was directed to ask the Companies Solicitors to proceed against Whiting for the recovery of the amounts claimed.
_Stonehouse Swing Bridge_
In view of M^r Vowles illness this matter was postponed.
The Clerk was authorized to let Messrs Vowles & Sons Ltd have the plans & estimates.
_Commissioner of Sewers for the Lower Level of Gloucestershire_
A letter from the Clerk of the Commissioners was reported and as suggested M^r Knight, their Surveyor, had bee written to with regard to an appointment. M^r Knight had not replied.
The Clerk was requested to thank M^r Wicks for his letter and to say that their Surveyor had been written to on the lines of his letter but no reply had been received.
_Thames & Severn Canal Trust Act 1895_
The contribution, £75..- payable by the C^o towards the deficit in the accounts of the Thames & Severn Canal for the Half-year ended 31^st March 1925 was ordered to stand over.
_Chimney, Wallbridge Office_
Estimates for the rebuilding of the Office Chimney were considered.
I Messrs Beavis & Son: £19..4..0
Mr Hopson: 18..0..0
II Rebuilding with buff Bricks, M^r Hopson: 16..10..0
Mr Hopson's estimate of £16..10..0 was accepted.
_Eastington Wharf_
The Clerk was instructed to report the cost of materials for the necessary piling at this Wharf.
_Trespass of Carts, etc, at Wallbridge Wharf, Mr Lambert_
The Clerk was instructed to see Mr Lambert and object to the trespass.
_Messrs Chamberlain Lte of Nailsworth_
It was reported that Messrs Chamberlain Ltd of Nailsworth had kindly promised to contribute £25..- per annum for two years towards the upkeep of the Thames and Severn Canal.
Cheques drawn: £ s d
Committee fees: 1..12..6
W Fredericks Maintenance: 1..10..0
PostMaster General: 4..3..2