Gloucestershire Archives D1180/9/4
Letters written by William James Snape between June 1872 and February 1876
Please send another copy of your tonnage table with alterations re the charges on traffic for this canal.
Are your instructions for the half rates between the Junction and Gloucester and Gloucester and the Junction the same as the other way.
As the completed claim form is correct, the enclosed dividend warrant is made out to you.
Your letter has been given to the Company's solicitor, who will write to you.
Charge lockage as set out for cargoes under 20 tons unloaded between Framilode and The Junction.
Cheque enclosed in settlement of enclosed account, please receipt and return.
Cheque enclosed in settlement of enclosed account, please receipt and return. PS. Re payment for old tiles
Complaint from Mr Jefferies about the time given for removal of his stone from our wharves, instructions to see him and read this letter to him to explain the situation. Send up the cupboard and floor boards when convenient. A note after Mr Snape's signature: No one has permission to have a canoe on the canal, so you will know what to do if you see one.
The Committee give you a caution for strapping your barge Mollie to the hand rail of the top gate at Eastington; should this happen in the future the Committee will deal with it in another way.
Let me know by return your charge for cargoes as set out below coming up the G&B Canal onto the Stroudwater. Give the enclosed to Dangerfield.
Instructions to collect from Mrs Williams and Mr Dangerfield their proportion of the Poor Rate due 29 April 1875 which I have paid in full for them and for Buddings Cottage.
I apply for the amount due for washing sheep in the canal. You did not ask permission.
Instructions on security whilst the Bridge is being built; Instructions re labour and materials; instructions re Davies & Sons cargoes of coal unloaded at Stonehouse wharf.
Enclosed copies of Resolutions past at the Board meeting on the 20th May regarding use of Wallbridge Wharf for coal brought by rail and new rate for petroleum products.
The price per ton of Benzoline and Petroleum from 20th May; plus ticket for Boat Ralph.
Complete and return the enclosed form, to enable me to send you the Dividend for last half year.
Complaint from Mr Stanton about the Hopewell leading to instructions to put down strapping points between the top lock of 5 and Mr Hooper's property.
Salary cheque enclosed. Let me have the last numbers in your ticket book.
Pass addressed to lock keepers and other workmen giving permission for Mr H O Davies to have a canoe on the canal up to December 1875 - the usual lockage charge to be paid extra.
Please reply to my letter 407 re permission and payment for sheep washing.
Conditions given for permission for letterbox to be inserted in the wall of the house at Dudbridge.
Thanks of the Committee for helping to get tonnage charges papers from G&B Canal
Enclosed Dividend Warrant for last half year. Information on sale price of shares, and ability to obtain a purchaser.
Fine for being short handed. Also fine for the Barge running into the outside bottom gate at the top lock of the five, both to be paid on demand or summons taken out in each case for full penalty.
Stop trucks loaded with coal and other goods (except wool for Davies & Sons) being put into the siding at Stonehouse Canal Wharf.
Cheque enclosed re account for work done re New Roof, Dudbridge Cottages.
Information on the setting up of a quarterly account; how the ticket system works; and that Sherman(?) gave up his ticket (now in this office and available to be seen at any time) at Dudbridge Lock on payment of the tonnage,
Your attention is drawn again to the shafts of your wagons being allowed to lie in the road at New Wharf at Eastington when unloading vessels to the state that the Road Commissioners have hinted that they will withdraw their permission to have the wharf there. After the signature: There are no wagons with dropdown sides yet as promised.
Cheque enclosed. I think it correct to say the Captain made a mistake re boats on 8 May, should have been Industry not Wave.
Complete list of stores required; get the July account for Stonehouse Wharf wharfage for Davies & Sons and Wall & Hook.
We shall hold you responsible for any damage to the Stonehouse canal bridge arising from you taking heavy weights over it. Let me have the amount due for wharfage.
Stop all Messrs Davies & Son's and Messrs Wall & Hook's traffic from going on the siding at Stonehouse until you hear from me further. Wool for Davis & Sons can go on the siding..
Wall & Hook's traffic can go on the Stonehouse siding as they've paid their account.
Receipt of your cheque acknowledged for wharfage at Stonehouse canal wharf.
The Board instruct me to apply again for tonnage due for quarter ending June 1875; otherwise instructions will be given not to allow any vessel onto the canal until the tonnage is paid.
Your cheque returned as we require the full amount, otherwise your credit will be stopped and every vessel entering the canal must pay her dues.
Messrs Ford Bros credit account is stopped from today, therefore, from next Monday all traffic belonging to them has to pay the tonnage. Let me have all their tickets as soon as you can.
No special tonnage at the rate you suggest is made on this canal or we should have to make a general reduction. The only rate at the figure you state is for foods and coal to Wallbridge. .
Balance sheet for half year ending Sept 1874 enclosed. Note after signature: Also enclosed half year ending Sept 1874 to March 1875. Please mark on them the amounts chargeable.
You are fined for infringement as set out. Pay up or a summons will be sent and the full penalties enforced. Note. Not empowered by the Act to put on a lesser fine.
Pass to Lock Keepers and other workmen that the bearer J L Smith Esq has permission to have a canoe on the canal until December 1875.
Instructions: put up a gate at Roving Bridge; if J Jackson's fine not paid by 25th, take out a summons; meet me by first Dudbridge train on Saturday; I am to go to Messrs Davies & Sons.
Your salary cheque enclosed due 29 Sept 1875. Note after signature: How is trade looking; give the enclosed to Jackson.
I've taken a copy and enclose original of Thames & Severn Canal Co's half yearly report.
The shares of the Stroud Water Navigation have been selling for £80. This Company is the Stroud Canal Co.
Your forms will be placed in front of next Committee meeting on the 21 October.
The Bridge over canal at Stonehouse is a private way belonging to Mr Davies and not our responsibility.
You can put clay on land recently purchased from Mr Jefferies at Ebley.
Cheque enclosed in settlement of enclosed account.
Cheque enclosed in settlement of your account for survey of T&S Canal from Cirencester to Stroud.
Enclosed cheque made out to your Firm. The reports were read out at our meeting on Thursday but no definite actions arranged.
Enclosed on request of Committee two Resolutions re reports on condition of T&S Canal requiring your attention.
Two Resolutions passed by a Special Meeting of the Committee on condition of T&S Canal.
I send the dividends to Emily Hannah Duberley, Mrs William Duberley and William Fowler as the shares are in their names. Forms enclosed to use if shares 16, 17, 51, 82, and 83 are to be put in your name.
No dividends paid re shares no 149 and 150 since September 1872. No claim put in after Miss Harriett Wills died.
Forms required as a result of death of Miss May Williams and her joint account with Miss Harriett Williams.
Please communicate with the Company's Solicitor, Mr Kearsey, who wrote to you on the 5 May 1873.
Please correct the two bills re nails, iron and rope as per details set out.
Cheque enclosed in settlement of Mr Webb's account for timber.
Cheque enclosed in settlement of Tithe charge for Eastington for one year to 1 October 1875.
Details of how dividends were paid, to whom, and forms required to change payments from the deceased to H O Wills and T J Furness(?).
Your reply will be put before the Committee at their meeting on 16 December. I can only let you have an inspection of the reports, not a copy.
The last shares sold at £90 each.
Instructions re the bricklayer; instruction re the amount Mr Savage is to be charged for breaking stone on Dudbridge Wharf in the way of timber loading near the Crane, and that Clark has been instructed not to let stone leave the Wharf without payment.
Re transfer of share nos 195 and 70.
Instructions: Put off guttering at Dudbridge, Washhouse to be built at Downfield; let Shakespeare go.
I shall not meet you as arranged as Mr Innesbury(?) is coming to Stroud on Friday.
Charges for breaking stone on Dudbridge Wharf, plus present charges for use of Wharfage at Stonehouse, Bristol Road, and Ryeford.
Enclosed copy of Resolution passed at Committee meeting today re T&S Canal re adjournment to another date.
Enclosed copy of Resolution passed at Committee meeting today re T&S Canal re adjournment to another date.
Enclosed copy of Resolution passed at Committee meeting today re T&S Canal re adjournment to another date.
Enclosed copy of Resolution passed at Committee meeting today re T&S Canal re adjournment to another date.
Enclosed copy of Resolution passed at Committee meeting today re T&S Canal re adjournment to another date.
Enclosed copy of Resolution passed at Committee meeting today re T&S Canal re adjournment to another date.
Enclosed copy of Resolution passed at Committee meeting today re T&S Canal re adjournment to another date.
Enclosed copy of Resolution passed at Committee meeting today re T&S Canal re adjournment to another date.
Enclosed copy of Resolution passed at Committee meeting today re T&S Canal re adjournment to another date.
Cheque for 1/4 year's salary to 25 December enclosed.
Please peruse the enclosed and bring it with you to the meeting on Wednesday next.
Acknowledgement of receipt of required forms re death of Miss Mary Williams; dividend enclosed in name of Miss Harriet Williams. Let me have the share certificate.
The Committee are of the same view as before. Re reconsideration of the tolls we agree to both companies setting up sub-committees and meeting as soon as possible, we suggest at Wallbridge.
Continuation of letter no. 461.
Enclosed form of transfer and power of attorney re Miss Williams. To whom is the cheque payable?
Betsey Mason has signed in the wrong place, please get her to sign where her name is printed; Mr Snape will send you a cheque on his return, Enclosed charges for power of attorney.
First part of letter illegible. Peter and his gang to do more mudding here.
Explanation of mistake made in the bill sent in for charge of wharfage of stone at Dudbridge Wharf.
In future send me a declaration of the weight in your boats when entering this canal from your canal.
Let me have back the Transfer Book so that I can get it signed and let Mr Snape have his Certificate for share no.10 for which he has paid.
Thank you for returning Transfer Book and £1.
The dividend warrant I made out on 23 November 1875 in favour of Charles Jacomb Junior, H Wood and J S Walker was returned through the dead letter office. You have not replied to my letter asking for the correct address. To whom should the dividend be paid.
A reply required to my letter of 17 November 1875.
Enclosed bill for damage caused by your vessel Severn Bridge obstructing the canal for W Price's boat Wave at Lodgemore and damaging the dock. If your captain won't pay he will be summonsed for obstruction. Also details about other complaints and proposed penalties.
Clear away your rubbish from Ryeford Wharf or the Company will do so and charge you.
Remove your sunken boat at Framilode in next seven days or the Company will do so and charge you.
Remove your sunken boat at Framilode and the two boat helms in the canal near your house or the Company will do so and charge you.
Remove your sunken boat at Framilode or the Company will do so and charge you.
Remove your sunken boat at Framilode or the Company will do so and charge you.
Dividend warrant and returned envelope enclosed re Jacomb Junior, Wood and Walker.
Instructions given to call on Messrs Davies & Sons re charges and the conditions for permission to put in the other pipe to the mill.
Complaint from Mr Butt owner of the boat Fides re your Captain of the barge Rapid whose helm today at Dudbridge tore about 6ft of Rapid's side cloth. Mr Butt feels you and he can deal with this.
No reply to my letter to you of 6 January and I shall not allow another boat to pass on this canal without a declaration of the weight and particulars of the cargo.
The Company will not press for payment of the present charge for wharfage of stone at Dudbridge Wharf. Charges for the future arrangement for wharfage for stone per annum set out for portions of Bristol Road Wharf, Ryeford Wharf, Stonehouse Wharf and Dudbridge wharf for over three days exclusive of Sundays.
Your wife entered upon the Company's land at Framilode, without authority, and cut the Company's thorns. Please give me an explanation or I this will be put in the hands of the Company's solicitor.
Concern about Henry Lewis taking timber from location near to Stonehouse to Nailsworth Railway Bridge to Messrs Davies & Sons and Webbs of Ebley and from Dudbridge without coming up to the office to enter the timber. Send him to me. The timber was about 600ft or more.
Details of charges for iron and coal from Stonehouse Wharf to Brimscombe. The need for authorisation from the Committee before being able to enter into negotiations. Details of what is required from the T&S Company as to weights, particulars of cargoes etc. Details of what is required of Brooks and of the special allowances the Co makes on wheat and flour.
Re tonnage rates on Stroudwater Canal - the Committee are about to have a meeting with Thames & Severn Canal Co on this matter.
I need a reply to my letter no. 481 of 5 Feb, as this matter has to go before the Committee meeting on the 17th and then onto the Co's solicitors.
Further to your letter of the 15th, my Committee cannot enter into discussion prior to the matter been referred to the sub-committees meeting.
Note the advances to be paid to the following men from the next pay day, the 27th inst, viz: Peter Daniels, Charles Saunders, Edward Hill and James Dowdeswell.
Reply required to my letter of the 23 December 1875: when may our sub-committee meet your sub-committee?
Is the meeting of our sub-committee with the T&S sub-committee at Wallbridge on the 2 March convenient to you?
Mr Kearsey and Mr Croome think that our Committee should talk about this matter at our next meeting on the 16 March, and that the Thames & Severn Canal Co fix a day for the meeting after that.
As my Committee meet on the 16 March, could you give us a choice of days as to when the two sub-committees can meet shortly afterwards.
Please remove the dung lying near the Stable for the reason set out; when removed I am going to make an alteration.
Instructions on: the entrance stones level with the wash, rebuilding of the portion of the culvert about a yard from the entrance, repairs to the portion up to the Junction with the two branch culverts, the crown of the arch, the hole in the bed of the culvert near the Junction with the two branch culverts and no necessity to extend the new work more than a yard further. Continued ..
Signature at end of letter on previous page.