Gloucestershire Archives D1180/1/8
Minutes from 21 June 1904 to 30 June 1919
of the Committee of Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation
Mr H Hamilton Mills’ appointment on Committee not to be renewed. Lateness of getting home in winter. 3.15 instead of 4.15 agreed.
£3 payment to Gloucester Harbour Board.
General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage since 1 October 1907 £655 15s 8d. After wages, etc, balance £212 6s 2d. Dividend of 10s declared.
Reserve Fund balance £569 4s 5d.
Continuation from page 101:
£3 rent of stable built for Mr Whiting at Eastington Wharf in 1889. Cost £56 2s 4d now replaced, amount £56 5s. In future rent to Current Account.
Fixed payment of £150 to County Council on account of Thames & Severn Canal Co considered as a liability.
Clerk to purchase timber for repairing Ocean Swing Bridge £35.
National Telephone Co 71 poles in agreement running to 1910. Others, 72 poles, in earlier agreement which might be terminated with 6 months’ notice. Circuits made up rest of list.
Messrs Whittingham and J R M Ball undertook annual survey of lower portion of canal. Date for survey of rest to be decided at next committee meeting.
Bruce Jacomb Asbury claimed shares nos .57,107, will of Mary Susanna Asbury.
Messrs Holland & Price applied to rent stables in wharf at Dudbridge. £6 per annum or less.
Clerk to purchase necessary pitch pine for repairing the Shallow Lock Bridge. Cost £6.
Clerk renewed policy for Workmen’s Insurance with Henry L Riseley & Sons of 33 Cornstreet, Bristol, for year ending 30 June 1909. Premium £1 15s.
Stroud Metal Co purchased house at Dudbridge with water connection with canal.
Annual inspection of canal on 25 June and 25 August.
Framilode: Record to be marked of height of highest tide, 1889. One void cottage, since let. Warehouse vacant since 1896.
Eastington Yard: All materials for new Hilly Orchard Bridge lying there. Completed 17 August.
Stonehouse Court Farm: Annual payment for right to take water from canal should include right to use piece of land connected with farm yard between boundary stones and water.
Stonehouse Wharf: Rail borne coals placed there by Messrs Ward. Porch desirable at door of dwelling house rented by Messrs Dickinson Prosser & Cox.
Wycliffe College bathing: School much increased. Increase charge of £1?
Trespass by night of donkeys on towpath at Ryeford.
Ebley Swing Bridge: Messrs Marling & Co responsible. Does not open or shut without difficulty. Needs attention.
Mud tip at Stonehouse getting filled up.
Eastington Bridge now indicated by County Council as ‘dangerous corner’.
Premises on Dudbridge Wharf let, including stable and loft, small office and two rooms, with ²/3 of shed to Messrs Holland & Price at 5s per week. To pay £13 p.a.
Question re Notices on Bridges as to motor traffic deferred till next meeting.
Application by Stroud Brewery Co for supply of water to house at Dudbridge. Clerk to interview secretary of company.
Exceptionally high spring tides (17feet 1inch) last week in Severn. Stop gate at Framilode raised seven times. Men now clearing sand and mud from dock.
Fishing in canal without tickets. Two men fined by Magistrates at Whitminster Petty Sessions 13 August.
R A Price demurred to signing tenancy agreement of buildings at Dudbridge Wharf. Partner Holland left him. Clause about maintaining condition cancelled. Clerk to ask him to sign.
Cost of notices limiting responsibility as to heavy motors crossing bridges considered.
Payment by Stroud Metal Co for supply of water from canal to house at Dudbridge occupied by Mr Newsome. Tenant to continue payment.
Stroud Brewery’s wish to carry 1 inch pipe from canal to their house, Victoria Tap, at Dudbridge. 5s to canal, 10s along towpath.
General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage since 1 April £649 12s. After wages, etc, balance £343 18s 9d. Dividend of 15s declared.
Reserve Fund balance £583 12s 2d.
Continuation from page 112:
Letter from Mrs Wright, Westend Farm, Eastington, claiming compensation for loss of a calf which strayed through a stile on Westfield Bridge into her own field and died of overfeeding on mangolds. Her own fences mostly responsible. Company would not entertain claim.
Height of highest tides at Framilode: 18ft 11ins January 1869, 19ft 7ins January 1877, 20ft 1in February 1899.
Mr E A Price can only rent stable and offices. If prepared to sign agreement for 3s per week, Clerk to accept him as tenant from 28 November.
Heavy Motor notices for bridges. More definite indications to be sought, especially from Gloucestershire County Council & Rochdale Canal Co. Mr Snape to obtain personal interview with Mr Gardom.
Clerk had forwarded chain of crane at Dudbridge Wharf to Messrs Connop Bros, Cradley Heath, Staffs, for annealing, testing and any repair necessary.
Mary Alice Stephens and Beatrice Helena Stephens claimed shares nos.15,18,19,88,123,124,130,132,161,165, will of John Stephens.
Mrs Price to take stables, office and rooms on Dudbridge Wharf. Rent £7 16s.
Report on chain of crane from Messrs Connop Bros, Cradley Heath. Chain 70ft long, links 15/16 iron (worn) weighs 5cwt 3qrs, tested and found capable of sustaining degree of tension equal to 9 tons 2 cwt 2 qrs. Certificate of the Testing Works, Cradley Heath C10676. Signed by F J Coborne Suptd 25 November 1908 in compliance with Factory and Workshops Act 1901 Regulations for Docks. Particulars entered on Form 75, September 1907 and given in charge of wharfinger at Dudbridge. Form for filling up according to requirements of Census of Production Act considered. Clerk to fill up and return.
Mr Price unwilling to complete Agreement for tenancy at Dudbridge Wharf. Gave notice to leave premises 28 January. Advertised in Citizen, rent 5s per week.
Statements of accounts and balance sheet of Thames & Severn Canal, year ended September 1908, received.
Mr Evans appointed Chairman to follow late Chas Hooper. Sir William Marling referred in sympathetic terms to death of late Chairman and proposed ‘that this Committee deeply regrets loss of its esteemed Chairman, Mr Hooper, and expresses its sincere and respectful sympathy with Mrs Hooper...’.
Vacation by Mr Price of warehouse at Dudbridge. No replies received to advertisements. Notices to be put in prominent places.
Correspondence with Mr Gardom, Mr Jebb, Engineer of Birmingham Canal, and Mr Curbishley, Surveyor of Trent and Mersey Navigation on required notice under New Motor Acts.
Through traffic on Thames & Severn Canal, year ended September 1808 £350 6s 0d. £416 19s 3d average of past three years. Decrease of £32 4s 0d. No payment due under Thames & Severn Canal Trust Act 1895.
Water required by Mr W Grey Robinson of Parklands, Whitminster. Cost 20s p.a.
Notices on property at Dudbridge. Warehouse and stable still unlet.
Usual £150 to County Council on account of Thames & Severn Canal Trust sanctioned.
Agreement with Mr Grey Robinson for supply of water to tank for garden use read and approved.
Ice breaking necessary. Cost £5 7s 9d.
Proposed changes in practices of Committee.
Draft of notice to be placed on bridges under recent Motor Act discussed.
Agreement with Mr Grey Robinson sealed on 19 March. £1 paid.
Mr Hopson to pay £6 per annum for tenancy of lower floor of warehouse at Wallbridge.
Mr James Smart of Chalford, charges made for docking his damaged vessel. Mr E P Little to arrange with Mr Smart.
National Telephone Co applied for leave to erect poles at Stonehouse. Some danger to towing path bank. Mr Davies and Mr Little to inspect place.
Henry Robert Hooper and Charles Alexander Hooper claimed shares no.145, will of Charles Henry Hooper.
General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage since 1 October 1908 £661 16s. After wages, etc, balance £195 11s 3d. Dividend of 15s declared.
Reserve Fund balance £598 3s 9d.
Procedure of Committee: Members of Committee to sign Minute Book on entering room, not to sign Minutes.
Committee for next year: P J Evans, Chairman, H Hamilton Mills, Vice Chairman, Sir W H Marling, W J Stanton, W Davies, A J Morton Ball, E P Little, A B Hooper, S S Marling, F A Little, F S Whittingham, J R Morton Ball.
Property at Dudbridge still unlet.
Mr F A Little with Mr Davies reported on visit to place at Stonehouse where Telephone Co wished to erect fresh poles. Permission undesirable. In view of action taken by Mr Winterbotham, owner of land by canal there, matter to remain in abeyance.
Stroud Gas Co applied for supply of water to fill a new gas holder tank. Granted on payment of 8d per 1000 gallons or £50.
Letter from Saul Parish Council re tidal gate at Framilode. Matter to be looked into at Annual Inspection of canal.
Letter from Mrs F Grafton claiming compensation for injury in consequence of Lodgemore Bridge being out of order.
Expected extraordinary traffic by use of traction engines between Stonehouse and Dursley. Metalling of canal bridges would be affected. Clerk to write to contractor.
Mr Whittingham and Mr Hooper to inspect Framilode to Eastington, Mr F A Little and Mr Evans Eastington to Stroud.
Committee to procure and affix plates for bridges with wording as that of Thames & Severn Canal.
Claim of 7s 6d on Mr Smart for use of dock at Eastington. If cost of damage to Lodgemore Bridge, 12s 7d, paid by the Captain of the boat, claim should not be pressed. Captain promised to bear cost of repairing damage to post at Lodgemore Bridge.
National Telephone Co had adopted plan agreed as to poles, stays and cable, Ocean Bridge to Bond’s Mill, 30s a year.
Stroud Gas Co offered to pay £5 for water supply to their new gasholder tank.
Mr Whittingham to see Mrs Grafton and settle claim.
Mr Z Whiting had seen Mr Morton Ball as to his rents and tolls.
Triangular piece of ground adjoining Mr S S Truscott’s property on canal bank at Newtown: Chairman and Mr F A Little to settle rent to be paid by Mr Truscott.
Mr A R Blick applied for water for Stonehouse Parish Council roads. Allowed on payment of £1 p.a.
Small building at Dudbridge Wharf not yet let. Clerk to see various house agents in Stroud.
Captain of boat that damaged Lodgemore Bridge had not yet paid cost of repair. Mr Smart, owner, to put pressure on captain to pay at once. Committee agreed to waive claim on Mr Smart for dockage at Eastington.
Stroud Gas Co had paid £3 extra annual charge for water to their new gasholder tank.
Mr Whittingham, in letter to Mrs Grafton, repudiated any liability on part of Navigation for her accident at Lodgemore Bridge.
Reports of annual inspection of canal.
Mr Truscott of Eastington to rent small piece of land adjoining his at 1s per annum.
Stonehouse Parish Council intended having water needed for next twelve months from the Stroud Water Co.
Mr John Vick of Quedgeley had not paid 2s 6d due for gate on towing path near Stonepits Bridge.
Claim on County Council for dredging 40 tons of silt from canal at Ebley by swing bridge, 40 tons near the Shipways Works at Ebley and 25 tons at Stonehouse Cross Bridge. 1s 6d per ton.
Discharge of sewage into canal at Ebley. No further action.
Mr Smart had not yet paid account for damage done to Lodgemore Bridge. Intention to attend next meeting but had not done so. Work ordered to be done.
Annual inspection: Top gate at Framilode attended to.
Letter from Saul Parish Council records satisfaction as to provision made for support of stop gate during high tides.
Engineer of Sharpness New Docks Co. to make platforms on gates at Shallow Lock safe.
Windows of house at Bristol Road painted.
Mr Truscott agreed to pay 1s a year for triangular piece of ground at Newtown from 24 June 1909.
Ocean Swing Bridge repaired. Will now go over winter.
Account sent to County Surveyor re dredging silt. Highways Committee unable to admit any liability.
Ryeford Bridge road under repair. Ryeford foot bridge in hand.
National Telephone Co’s stay near Oil Mills Bridge agreed.
Mr John Vick at Quedgeley paid 2s 6d for gate near Stonepits Bridge.
Premises on wharf at Dudbridge still unlet. Particulars with various house agents.
Whole length of dwarf wall on wharf at Dudbridge repaired. New towing path door fixed, warehouse roof repaired, new rafters etc. on west side. Walls underpinned in several places. Barges of buildings repaired and other minor repairs to wharfhouse and lockhouse.
Pair of top gates for Double Lock made.
About ten tons of stone required for repair of bridges. Cost £2 6s 4d.
Mr James Smart had paid 12s 7d for damage to bridge at Lodgemore.
Ryeford road bridge repaired. Cost £20 13s 11d.
Large stone at heel of Ocean Swing Bridge at Stonehouse badly worn. Lifted, dressed and reset.
Boundary stone placed by the Ocean, marking division between Stonehouse Court property and the canal lands. Lettered SWN.
Chamber of inside bottom gate at Newtown Lock rebuilt.
At Pike Lock leak to be stopped in lock side and patch put on bridge.
Stroud Water Co claimed sole right to supply the public within their parliamentary area with water. Request to Stroudwater Navigation to discontinue supplying water from canal to mill owners and others. Clerk to ask Water Co. to point out on which section of their Act of Parliament they based their claim.
Cost of dredging canal at Ebley and elsewhere. Deposit of silt from roads with storm water. Unable to convince Chairman of Highways Deposit Committee that County was liable.
Engineer of Sharpness New Docks Co had canal between the Shallow Lock and the Junction dredged. 11,808 tons of mud removed.
General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage since 1 April £710 11s 5d. After wages, etc, balance £486 9s 2d. Dividend of £1 declared.
Reserve Fund balance £612 17 7d.
Letters to and from Highways Committee of Gloucestershire County Council re deposit of silt in canal. Mr Whittingham to consider whether under Public Health Act 1875 the Highways Authority had no right to deposit silt or gravel in canal and whether they were liable to make good any damage.
Correspondence with Stroud Water Co re supply by Navigation of water to various mill owners and others. Mr John R Morton Ball to retire before discussion in view of his firm’s connection with the Water Co. Nothing in Water Co’s Act of 1882 they relied on which would forbid supply complained of.
Gloucestershire County Council and deposit of silt in canal. Mr Whittingham stated that clause 308 only relates to Urban District Councils. Mr Evans had seen Chairman of Highways Committee.
Letter to Stroud Water Co. No monopoly.
Letter from Caledonian Railway Co canal department re supplies of water from canals to Public Works, Traders and others.
Application by Stroud Urban District Council to lay water pipe under canal and towing path at Downfield.
Chairman had conferred with Chairman of Highways Committee re introduction of silt with road water at Ebley and elsewhere. No liability on part of county. Mr Whittingham to draft letter for Mr Snape refusing to accept this disclaimer. Request for Highways officials to take special care to keep catch pits clear until satisfactory solution found.
No reply from Stroud Water Co re supply to millowners or other riparian occupiers of water from canal.
Correspondence with Stroud Urban District Council read. Desired trespass on towing path and under canal allowed on payment of 10s per annum.
Messrs Apperly Curtis had approached Mr Snape re purchase of small quantity of land at Dudbridge. Chairman to inspect site and arrange with Messrs Apperley to sell them land reserving right of entry for repairs to building belonging to Navigation and providing for water from roof falling on said ground.
Clerk’s letter to Mr Sinnott, County Surveyor, re silting up of canal. Committee not to press claim for £7 17s 6d. County considered legally liable, amount small. County Council in future should take every care to prevent road drift being washed into Company’s canal.
Stroud Urban District Council agreed to terms proposed but unfair to make them take up pipes again at any time. Necessary to insert powers to give 6 or 12 months’ notice.
Charles Henry White, Framilode, in arrears of rent since Michaelmas. Payment at once. If not, there is property sufficient to distrain to proceed to necessary action.
Mr Whiting depositing railway borne coal on wharf at Eastington rented by him from Navigation. Not permitted. Clerk to try to persuade him to have his coal by water in future.
Sale of land at Dudbridge Wharf to Messrs Apperly at 3s per sq yard for 37 sq yards, £5 11s 0d.
Key of seal box formerly held by Mr H Hamilton Mills handed over to Chairman by Mr Whittingham.
Through traffic for year ended September 1909 £368 0s 2d. £383 10s 14d average of last three years. Decrease of £65 13 9d. No payment due under Section 46 Thames & Severn Canal Trust Act 1875.
Stroud Urban District Council had not signed agreement re proposed laying of water pipes under and by canal.
White of Framilode had not paid his rent. Mr Whittingham to put in a distress if both quarters rent not paid 31 March.
Whiting of Eastington to pay 3½d per ton for all railway borne coal deposited on canal wharf.
Notices re Motor Car Act affixed to bridges.
Letter from sanitary inspector. No objection to proposed alteration at Stonehouse Mud tip.
Need of connecting Company’s cottages at Dudbridge to main sewer. Estimates for work to be obtained by next meeting.
Probable closing of T&S Canal above Chalford informally discussed. County Council likely to approach Company as to working the Navigation.
Stroud Urban District Council agreed to terms proposed by Company for laying certain pipes at Downfield.
White had paid rent to 25 March.
£5 11s from Messrs Apperly Curtis & Co. Ltd for land at Dudbridge added to Reserve Fund.
Interview with official of Midland Railway Co re Mud Tip at Stonehouse. Suggested piping of stream from main road. Permission from Midland Railway Estate Agents office expected shortly. Not less than 12 inch pipes to be used. Straight course kept.
Tenders for connection of lock house at Dudbridge with main drainage. That of Soloman Hopson £6 5s 0d accepted.
Letter from Mr A S Winterbotham requesting permission to take 2 inch pipe under towing path from canal near Mud Tip at Stonehouse for watering newly planted trees. £5 p.a. reasonable.
Rev E B Teasdale planted gorse on towing path bank west of Walk Bridge, Whitminster under belief bank was his property. Clerk to obtain written acknowledgement that land belongs to Company with all growing upon it.
Letter from Mr Gardom, Clerk to County Council. Overtures made to Thames Conservancy for transference of T&S Canal failed to bring about arrangement. Council contemplated closing canal from Chalford Valley to Inglesham. Letter from Mr Southall, Clerk to Severn Commissioners on same subject.
General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage since 1 October 1909 £715 8s 8d. After wages, etc, balance £494 8s 6d. Dividend of £1 2s 6d declared.
Reserve Fund balance £633 6s 1d.
Sad loss of King Edward, one of greatest if not the greatest of long line of monarchs. Wish that King George V should have a long and prosperous life.
Letters between Mr Snape and Midland Railway Co re drain at Mud Tip at Stonehouse.
Mr A S Winterbotham to meet Mr Snape at Stonehouse re water supply from canal.
Letter from Rev F B Teasdale re gorse planted on Company’s land at Whitminster. Request for plans at time of making canal to be sent to him. Mr Snape to visit office of Gloucester & Berkeley Canal Co and inspect plans there.
Messrs S S Marling and Edward P Little to inspect canal Framilode to Eastington. Mr W Davies and Mr F A Little for upper part.
Traffic 1 April to 17 May £155 against £90 last year.
More names sought for Committee.
Agreement with Stroud Urban Council sealed.
Lengthening of drain at the Mud Tip in Stonehouse. Usual yearly payment stipulated.
Further letter from Rev F B Teasdale. Satisfied that bank of canal belonged to Company. Request that shrubs might be left till Autumn when they could be transplanted.
Mr Whittingham had seen Mr Jack Margetson who would like to join Committee, probably acquire a share and so become qualified. Mr Stanley Marling had seen Mr Henry Robert Hooper of Eastington. Willing to join Committee.
Mr Snape to proceed against persons caught netting for fish in canal near Parklands Bridge. To thank Blick for vigilance.
Inspection of canal not made. Mr Davies and Mr Whittingham to inspect upper section ending at Wallbridge. Mr Marling and Mr F A Little to take lower part.
Fras Law and Wm Harris of Eastington prosecuted for fish poaching in canal at Whitminster. Fined £1 each.
White, tenant of cottage at Framilode, paid £1 on account of rent due 24 June. Notice to leave at Michaelmas.
Reports of annual inspection read.
Swing bridge at Ryeford under construction.
Mr E P Little raised point whether Navigation willing to sell two cottages near Gas Works. Well to do so if terms agreed.
Messrs Apperly Curtis & C. applied to put in a doorway from towpath to property at Dudbridge. Agreed on payment of small acknowledgment.
Catherine Pruen Clutterbuck claimed share no.20, will of Mary Francis Clutterbuck.
C H White had paid his rent to 24 June last and given notice to leave on 29th inst. Question of offering two cottages at Downfield to Gas Company considered. Chairman to meet Mr E P Little on the spot.
Correspondence with Midland Railway Co re mud tip.
Messrs Apperly Curtis & Co. had decided not to put a doorway in wall at Dudbridge Wharf.
Messrs Smith & Sons Ltd desired to give up Ship Inn. Ten years of lease unexpired. Committee unable to break lease.
Forms for Returns of Values of land for purposes of Finance Act 1910 received. Extension of time to 14 October asked for and granted.
Death of Edward Hill, for many years inspector of canal. Arrangements proposed for his duties in future.
Cheltenham Billposting Co three months in arrears with rent. Mr Whittingham to write insisting on immediate payment of £6 10s due at Midsummer.
Credit balance £497 14s 8d. Traffic returns 1 April £450 against £425 in same period 1909.
Arthur Capel Molyneux Croome and Ethel Nora Mercer claimed share no.46, will of Eleanora Maria Croome.
C H White vacated house at Framilode and paid all rent due. To be let.
Notice boards to be placed near Ocean Bridge erected.
Mr Wibby, owner of saw mills at Ryeford had renewed fence from swing bridge to end of supporting wall of the mill pond.
At Gas Works Bridge preparations in hand for necessary works.
Cheltenham Billposting Co paid rent due after threats of proceedings used. Payment in advance in future.
Best to await further development before filling up Land Values Form and to act with other canal authorities.
Nothing done in matter of two cottages at Downfield.
Death of Chairman of Gas Co.
General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage since 1 April £733 18s 2d. After wages, etc, balance £576 8s 8d. Dividend of £1 2s 6d declared.
No application for vacant house at Framilode.
Company among Navigations making proposals to Canal Association as to filling up forms for land valuation.
Mud dredging boat under repair at Eastington.
Bristol Road Lock: New heels to lock gates, sills and heads lined, new balance pole, new paddle starts, new paddle frames, paddles and gearing, brickwork in chamber of lock repaired. New trunk, 19 feet × 12 inches × 10 inches put under bed of stream from coffin weir just above Bristol Road to convey land water.
Chairman and Mr Snape met Mr E P Little and Mr G Payne at Downfield. Two cottages in good tenantable repair. £500 acceptable price. Mr Little, on behalf of Gas Co, offered £450. Canal Company could not afford to accept less than £475.
Widening of Eastington Bridge. Chairman’s interview with Mr F W Cripps and Mr Sinnott at Gloucester. Proposed modification of Mr Sinnott’s plans.
No applications for empty cottage at Framilode.
Clerk to send Inland Revenue names of Valuation Officers who had sent in forms for Land Valuation, as recommended by Canal Association.
Mr E P Little stated that Stroud Gas Co had decided to purchase two cottages at Downfield for £475.
Richard Pockett, lock keeper and tidesman at Framilode, died 25 November. 22 years service. James Harris, formerly servant of Gloucester & Berkeley Canal Co, to take his place. Widow of Richard Pockett wished to rent house at Framilode. Reduced rent of 2s per week.
After recent flooding stop gate at Framilode had stood well. To be overhauled when tides had gone down. Quantity of sand in lock.
Much damage done to towing path east of Saul Bridge. Men sent down with piles, slabbing and ashes to repair same.
Rubbish washed into canal near Ebley Saw Mills stopped traffic. Clerk had to hire T&S Canal dredger to remove same.
Barge Elizabeth and tow boat removed from Framilode Basin.
Roadway repaired over Nut Shell, Stonehouse and Ebley Bridges.
Plan from County Surveyor’s office of proposed alteration of Eastington Bridge. Modification suggested by Chairman approved.
Traffic since 1 October up to 18 December showed 8 per cent increase over same period last five years.
List of local Land Valuation Officers sent to Inland Revenue Office.
Mrs Pockett had taken vacant cottage at Framilode. 2s per week reduced rent following recent floods. Repairs including reflooring of kitchen with 9 inch squares.
Repairs to stop gate at Framilode. Large stone jambed(sic) between gate and cill. Accident on purpose. Very large quantities of sand deposited on pier by high tides during recent floods. Serious damage to banks and towpaths.
Letter from Rev Francis Teesdale re gorse plants he was desired to remove from canal bank. To remain on payment of 1s per annum.
Formal notice to terminate tenancy of walls received from Cheltenham Billposting Co.
Proposal from Mr G W Sibly asking for decision to allow a numbers of pleasure boats built by his pupils, not exceeding 11, to be placed on canal. With four boats already in use, payment of £2 per annum made. Total of 15 boats for inclusive charge of £5 per annum. One month’s notice of termination on either side.
Letter from Saul Parish Council. Mr Snape met some members and offered to lend them use of Navigation boat free and of men to carry out raising of banks. Saul Council to pay wages.
Traffic return 1 October to 17 January. Tolls on tonnage £305 as against £256 1910. Highest since 1905.
Correspondence re Land Valuation.
Officials of Gloucester & Berkeley Canal Co objected to gorse plants, placed by Rev F Teesdale on canal, being allowed to remain.
No response from Mr G W Sibly re pleasure boats at Stonehouse or from Parish Council of Saul re canal banks.
For year ended September 1910 £403 10s 5d through traffic and £373 18s 10d average of last three years. Decrease of £75 5s 3d.
Repairs to cottage at Framilode completed, also reparation banks and towing paths made necessary by late floods.
Prospect of increase in use of water borne stone for County highways and in Stroud Urban District Council area.
Conveyance of two cottages at Downfield to Stroud Gas Co for £475.
Credit Balance £542 3s 5d.
Cheltenham Billposting Co Ltd to continue to rent for wall space for £7 p.a.
Saul Parish Council to raise canal bank from weir in Framilode Pound to withy bed near Junction, at own expense.
Postmaster at Gloucester given permission to fix a wall letter box in Company’s wall at Framilode.
Proposed Telegraph Construction Bill would interfere with existing rights of Company and payments to it by National Telephone Co. £3 3s contribution to fund for opposing provisions in Bill objected to.
Rough estimate of traffic, commencement of half year to 13 March £489 against £472 1909/10 and £443 in 1908/09.
Letter from Cheltenham Billposting Co agreeing to take walls as at present at £7 to be stamped.
Post Office to make good any damage caused by erection or removal of letter box on Company’s property at Framilode.
Weighbridges at Wallbridge and Dudbridge tested and found in order.
Good quantity of stone for County Council would be coming over canal this year.
General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage since 1 October 1910 £715 16s 4d. After wages, etc, balance £438 4s 8d. Dividend of £1 declared.
Stone traffic for roads had commenced, increasing trade.
Letter from Mrs Pockett re rent of cottage at Framilode. No reduction. Could apply for reduction on rates.
Report of Messrs Margetson and Evans on inspection of upper section of canal, also report of Messrs F A Little and H R Hooper on lower section, read.
Swing bridge leading to Brush works at Upper Mills, Stonehouse. Mr Snape to write to Messrs Vowles & Sons asking for contribution of £40 towards cost of stronger bridge to avoid danger of heavy traffic proving too much.
Estimate for repairs of cottage at Eastington Docks £6 10s 6d.
Sub-committee of Sir W H Marling, A J Morton Ball, E P Little, H R Hooper and P J Evans to consider leasing Thames & Severn Canal from County Council.
Traffic 1 April to 20 June £220 compared with £223 for 1910, and £185 for 1909.
Mr Truscott repaired wall at Newtown around land rented by him.
New swing bridge at Shallow Lock erected.
Mr E P Little, seconded by J Margeston, proposed to raise floor of dairy occupied by Mr Pockett at Framilode so that the level of water in Framilode Pound can be raised six inches to enable heavy traffic to pass. Cost about £2 10s.
Middle gates at Double Locks to be repaired. Timber of heads, spliced, and three new bars, 27 feet by 6 inch cube @ 3s 6d = £4 16s 3d. Two new balance poles.
3 feet 4 inches of water in centre of Framilode Basin. Dredging after salmon fishing season when mud can be deposited in river.
Special Committee of Thames & Severn Canal Trust at Gloucester 10 July. Wish that Stroudwater Navigation should make proposal re leasing T&S Canal.
Traffic 1 April to date £285. £305 1910, £289 1909, £240 1908.
Mr Vowles’ offer to pay £5 towards £12 cost of bridge repair, Upper Mills, Stonehouse. Committee preferred new bridge.
Cost of work completed at Eastington Dock house £7 10s 7d.
Floor of dairy at Framilode raised, £2 10s. Water raised nine inches.
Middle gates of Double Locks replanked. Back boards fixed to top gates.
Messrs Brunsdon at Ryeford to place wagons on canal wharf. No traction engines.
Double Locks cottage and lean-to at back repairs.
National Telephone Co paid balance owing.
Traffic 1 April to date £460, 1910 £468, 1909 £477, 1908 £390.
Swing bridge at Stonehouse to be strengthened by addition of longitudinal timbers beneath cross planking and replacement of unsafe planks.
Mr Brunsdon to pay 1s per week for placing timber on wharf.
Repairs to Double Lock cottage agreed.
Correspondence with Mr Clifford’s agent and Mr Cullis of Gloucester & Berkeley Canal Co re cleaning of culvert under canal close to Walk Bridge. Liability of Company discussed.
Wheatenhurst Rural District Council complained of nuisance at ditch from sewage from property not belonging to Navigation. Company not responsible.
Letter from Mr Gardom. Results of working of lower part of Thames & Severn with reduced staff known in year’s time. Navigation might make offer of terms on which to lease undertaking from County Council.
475 tons of sand and mud dredged out of Framilode Pound.
General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage since 1 April £708 0s 3d. After wages, etc, balance £525 5s 5d. Dividend of £1 declared.
Messrs Vowles’ offer of £5 towards repairs of swing bridge accepted. Advice to test bridge with dead weights before taking heavy traffic across.
Mr Boulton of Saul inspected culvert near Walk Bridge. No stoppage. Bed out of level. Water standing at spot.
Local cases of diphtheria which might have arisen from effluvium in ditch at Newtown. Mr Snape advised to clean it out. Messrs Godsell & Co and Mr Truscott to desist from turning the sewage into the ditch and so into canal.
Chairman to represent Company on Gloucester Harbour Board.
Need to put banks of canal in order. Mr Snape to get and use necessary timber.
Tonnage since half yearly meeting £124 13s 7d, 1910 £111 14s 2d, 1909 £115 4s 7d.
Mr Brunsdon refused to pay wharfage charge for wagons on Ryeford Wharf. Removed all but one under repair.
Messrs Godsell & Sons carried out alterations to prevent overflow on Company land. Nothing from Mr Truscott.
Stroud Urban District Council proposed to lay sewer pipe near entrance gates at Dudbridge Wharf. Mr Whittingham to write to Mr Witchell, Clerk, re payment of compensation and repair of damage.
Damage to canal banks at Ryeford by pigs and cattle. Owner of land, Dr Perkins of Sketty, R S O Glamorgan. Matter referred to Messrs Ball, Smith & Playne of Stroud.
Letter from Mr Barrett Cooke.
Appointment of Mr P J Evans, Company’s representative on Gloucester Harbour Board.
T&S Canal balance sheet to 30 September 1911 received.
Messrs Vowles had not yet tested repaired and strengthened swing bridge at Stonehouse with dead weights.
No nuisance at Newtown from sewage entering ditch.
No repairs so far to offside of canal at Ryeford, damaged by pigs and cattle.
Cost to County in working T&S Canal year ending 25 March 1913 not to exceed £640. By operation of sinking fund reduced to about £500.
Cheltenham Billposting Co account paid.
Through traffic year ended September 1911 £361 3s 8d. £377 11 5d average of three years last. £449 4s 1d September 1894. Decrease of £71 12s 8s.
Severn & Canal Carrying Co delivered 58 tons 10cwt of resin to Messrs Bailey & Co works at Bowbridge at 8d per ton. Request for reduction of 2d per ton. Need to ‘cut the freight’ to get the trade for canal from Birmingham.
Estimates for timber at Saul Bridge not quite satisfactory.
Closing of towing path to public last week of March. Would be passers to sign request for permission in books.
Because of Mr Snape’s illness traffic records not up to date but heavy as mill owners laying in stocks of coal in view of possible general strike of colliers.
Mr Snape’s recovery from serious illness.
Manager had written to Dr Perkin’s company to repair damage by cattle and pigs and charge cost to owner.
Tonnage rate on resin to Staffords’ Mills by Severn & Canal Carrying Co not reduced but paid.
Revised estimates for oak timber for Saul Bridge. Less than former figures.
Towing path closures: Wording drafted for written requests to pass along towing path.
Angling licences: Messrs Davis & Son of Gloucester and Clerk of Conservators for Severn Fishery District in discussions. Mr Davis to act as agent for licences. Fee 2s 6d p.a. Commission of 4d each paid by them.
Licence granted to the Olde Atlas Angling Association, £1 p.a.
Tolls to October £500. 1911 £504. But for coal strike figures considerably higher.
Use of canal for stone for roads increasing.
Credit balance £403 8s 6d. 1911 £372.