Gloucestershire Archives D1180/1/8
Minutes from 21 June 1904 to 30 June 1919
of the Committee of Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation
No reply from Dr Perkins.
Towing paths closed March 25-29 in sections. Books with formal requests signed without demur.
Messrs Davis of Gloucester to sell angling licences for canal. Commission 3d per ticket.
Council using Rowley Regis stone by canal for use on roads.
County Council wished Stroudwater Navigation to make offer on lease or otherwise undertake working of T&S Canal from Chalford to Stroud by 29 September next.
General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage since 1 October 1911 £661 16s 7d. After wages, etc, balance £421 2s 6d. Dividend of £1 declared.
Clerk had again written to Dr Perkins re damage to canal banks at Ryeford. No reply. Chairman to meet Dr Perkins’ solicitor.
Report on annual inspection of canal Wallbridge to Eastington read. Thanks of. Messrs Davies and Little to inspect lower part, Eastington to Severn, on an early day.
Mr Little informed Committee on steps taken to induce traffic on canal.
Clerk’s interview with Messrs Dickinson & Cox. Wish to sub-let portion of premises rented by them. Permission granted. Messrs Dickinson reminded they were not getting their coal by water.
Traffic since 1 April £110, 1911 £112.
Inspection of winding hole at Ryeford. Little difference between old plan of 1781 and present width of canal to an old pile of original bank. About six feet beyond trodden by cattle and into canal on a hard bottom. Difficulty in barges being turned. Canal towing path damaged. Angle of winding hole about 90' 0'from towing path wall as on plan of 1781. 4-5 feet of mud. To be dislodged and piled. Cost about £10.
Mr Whittingham and Mr Snape should offer to meet Dr Perkins’ solicitor, Mr Playne, on spot to arrange matter pacifically.
Question of total weekly payments under National Health Insurance Act payable by Navigation in case of James Harris, tidesman at Framilode, who receives 1s 10d per day, lives rent and rate free in Company’s house. He had over 15s a week. Would have to pay 4d and Company 3d a week.
Letter from General Post office re wayleaves payable for telephone poles and wires crossing canal. Mr Whittingham to draft a reply for Mr Snape.
Messrs Dickinson & Cox promised to do some trade by canal from Polesworth as soon as Mr Snape could get a boat loaded.
Messrs Smith & Sons, Brimscombe Brewery, asked to sublet coach house and stable at Ship Inn, Wallbridge as a Bottle Exchange. Agreed but Messrs Smith had selected another premise.
Report on Annual Inspection of lower canal by Messrs W Davies and Mr F A Little. Thanks for services.
Mr Truscott reported that nuisance at Newtown had been stopped.
Mr Brunsdon had moved his wagon from Company’s land at Ryeford.
Traffic 1 April to 17 June £236, 1911 £206, 1910 £244, 1909 £196.
Sir W H Marling congratulated Mr Snape on completion of 40 years with Navigation. Ten guineas from Committee to mark their sympathy with him in his recent severe illness and recognition of his long and assiduous work. Minutes of meeting 4 April 1872 read when appointment made. Everyone of Committee had passed away.
Letter of thanks from Mr Snape for ten guineas from Committee.
Mr Playne had met Mr Whittingham, Mr Snape and Chairman at Ryeford re damage to canal bank. No agreement.
General Post Office re Telephone Wayleaves: Company to act in unison with Canal Association.
Messrs Dickinson & Cox were beginning to have coal over canal from Polesworth.
Stroud Brewery Co steam coal by water.
Two boats of Bideford gravel had come up canal for Stroud Rural District Council.
New gib fixed to crane at Dudbridge. Thoroughly overhauled. One of best cranes in district.
Lodgemore swing bridge has had considerable repairs done.
Saving of £19 10s per annum in wages at Dudbridge Wharf.
Cost of Employees Liability Insurance increased. Raising of premium from 7% to 10%.
Case in London. London & General Omnibus Co fined £7 + £5 5s costs for driving a heavy motor car over a bridge belonging to Great Northern Railway on which notice placed prohibiting its use for vehicles over 5 tons weight.
No August meeting. At meeting of Thames & Severn Special Committee, Chairman gave reasons why Stroudwater Navigation should not be urged to take over working of upper canal. Memorandum of figures and argument should be submitted for information.
No meeting in August 1912.
Damage to canal banks at Ryeford by Dr Perkins’ tenant.
Nothing heard from Messrs Ball Smith. Matter dropped.
Mr Whittingham had considered correspondence with Canal Association re wayleaves for telephone posts, etc. Mr Snape to write to Post Office authority. 1s per pole, stay or street. 1s per wire for crossing canal. Maximum charge of 5s where more than 5 wires crossed canal together.
Inspector of Weights and Measures found one of weighbridges incorrect. Mr Snape to have it repaired.
Saul Bridge to be repaired shortly. Timber hauliers using bridge warned against taking heavy loads over it.
New pair of top gates with cills, etc, complete, fixed at top lock of Double Locks at Ryeford.
Merrett of Ebley, a timber haulier, caught netting canal for fish. Net confiscated. Merrett called at office and apologised. Decision not to prosecute.
Placing on bridges iron plates with warning notices under recent Motor Act considered. Decision to avoid expenditure and reaffix printed notices as required.
Letter from Mr S J Coley re drinking water supply to Double Locks cottage. Well must be thoroughly cleaned and put in order.
Traffic 1 April - 31 August £451, £425 1911, £438 1910, £418 1909, £365 1908.
No reply received from Post Office in reply to offer re telephone wayleaves, etc. Copy to Mr Gardom, Thames & Severn Canal Committee.
Weighbridge at Wallbridge repaired and passed by Inspector of Weights & Measures. Also weighbridge at Dudbridge.
Well at Double Locks cottage thoroughly cleaned. Pump repaired.
Notice from Inspector to Stroud Rural District Council. Wharf House at Dudbridge to be at once connected to public sewer.
Bench marks affixed to some of Company’s walls and structures between Stroud and Framilode by Ordinance Survey Officers.
Letter in full to Mr Gardom, Clerk of County Council answering request that Stroudwater Company should take over working of T&S Canal. Letter in full. Estimates of receipts and payments for T&S Canal. Not cheaper for lower canal to take it over. If leasing, Stroudwater Canal bound to allow for contingencies. Accounts have to be kept separate. Act of 1895. Money almost entirely spent on canal upper section, Chalford to Inglesham. Stroudwater Navigation contributes £150 yearly to the £1200, Stroud Urban District Council £50. Large industries depend on lower part being kept open, e.g. boatbuilding works at Brimscombe, would make heavy claim for compensation.
Minute continued on page 215.
General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage since 1 April £711 19s. After wages, etc, balance £198 19s. Dividend of £1 declared.
Reserve Fund balance £1183 9s 2d.
Continuation from page 213 https://stroudwaterhistory.org.uk/document/6352/.
County losing nothing by keeping canal open. Itemised estimate of cost £1859.
Trading accounts for past half year read and compared.
Copy of letter to Postmaster General asking for reply to offer by Company re wayleaves. No reply received so far.
Letter from Messrs Smith & Sons Ltd claiming further reduction in rent of Ship Inn re compensation under Finance Act 1912. Mr Whittingham to deal with it.
Letters from Canal Association re proposed legislation. Agreement of Committee on views expressed.
Estimate for proposed connection of Dudbridge Wharf House with main sewer. Mr Snape to see work carried out.
Traffic Return. Good increase over previous years. 1 October – 17 November 1912 £175, 1911 £135, 1910 £138, 1909 £122.
Letter from Secretary of Post Office. Terms agreed. 1s per annum paid by Post Office for each telephone pole, strut or stay on Company’s property. 1s for every wire crossing canal. Maximum of 5s for every crossing if four or more wires. Mr Snape to meet government official and settle number of poles etc. and wires to be charged.
Messrs Smith’s verbal withdrawal from suggested deduction from rent of Ship Inn.
Objection to Stroud Electric Co’s proposed Act. Dangerous to Gas Co’s main. Most undesirable to have cable laid under towing path.
Connection of cottages at Dudbridge to main drainage system being attended to. Mr Hopson would carry out work to satisfaction of Inspector.
Traffic Report 1 October - 16 December 1912 £266 again compared favourably with 1911 £246, 1910 £224.
Telephone Co had placed struts, etc, on Company’s property without giving notice of a number being used beyond what were charged to them. Clerk to settle number to be charged.
Reply to Electric Lighting & Power Co and letter received. Objection maintained to cables being placed on towing path and to act in conjunction with Gas Co. Mr F A Little, Mr Margetson and Mr Whittingham on committee appointed to deal with subject.
Enquiry into proposed formation of new District of Sewers at Wheatenhurst.
Sharpness Docks Co. successfully resisted action against them by Corporation of Worcester, seeking to render Company liable to strengthen their bridges. Increased weights now used on public roads. Corporation intended to appeal.
Traffic Return 1 October £342, 1912 £304, 1911 £297, 1910 £324, 1909 £279.
Bank Credit Balance £448 12s 8d. 1912 £416 18s 4d.
Inspection of canal re telephone posts etc. Statement of telephone officials did not agree with facts. Another interview arranged.
Stroud Electric Lighting Co decided to strike out Stroudwater Navigation from Schedule of the Order. Subsequent application to Board of Trade Act 1882.
Through traffic year ending 30 September 1912 £368 4s 7d. £377 12 11d average for last years. Decrease of £71 11s 2d. No payment due.
£150 to Gloucestershire County Council.
Messrs Smith & Bingham of Ebley intending to use small traction engine to haul manure over Oil Mills Bridge, asked Company’s permission. Company accepted no responsibility.
Sir Alfred Apperly’s firm had abandoned idea of having a coal wharf on canal. Serious difficulty in getting boats loaded with Forest coal. All mills experiencing same difficulty. Large foreign vessels coming to Sharpness and carrying off coal in some cases booked by Stroud Valley traders. Very serious for canal as well as manufacturers. Sir W H Marling had already tried to get it altered.
Mr J F Kenworthy of Sheepscombe declined to pay 14s charged for repairing damage to canal property. ‘Extortionate’. Offer to pay off in settlement. Committee accepted no reduction.
Midland Railway Co have closed all their wharves and yards on Saturday afternoons. Local agent to close entrance gates to canal wharf at Stonehouse. Reply to Mr Snape’s telegraph to Midland Headquarters at Derby, ‘closing gates Stonehouse matter under enquiry’.
Certain railway traders trespassing on canal wharf by railway siding. Tonnage rate charged in future on railway borne coal carted over Company’s property.
Traffic 1 October 1912 – 19 February 1913 £455 18s 9d, 1912 £437 3s 15d, 1911 £412 7s 4d, 1909-10 £431 17s 4d, 1908-9 £390 14s 8d.
Bank Credit Balance £3469 16s 2d, 1912 £538 2s 7d, 1911 £417 7s 3d.
Telephone poles, struts and stays on Company’s property reviewed. Question as to whether wires just passing over properties at wharfs should be charged. Matter referred to Head Office at Cardiff.
Messrs Smith & Bingham told Navigation could not sanction their passing heavy traffic over Oil Mills Bridge. Their responsibility if anything happened. No reply.
Mill owners complained of difficulty getting coal from Forest of Dean by water. Larger foreign steamers loaded in preference.
Mr Kenworthy of Sheepscombe to pay larger proportion of Company’s demand.
Stonehouse Wharf, notice prepared. ‘No Road to the Railway Siding’.
Accident to employee of Messrs Abdela Mitchell & Co. Company had lent them use of crane to lift a boiler. Correspondence with Inspector of Factories as to fencing of the cogwheels. Mr Snape to carry out recommendations.
Accident to Alfred Bassett, Company servant, at Lodgemore Bridge. Insurance company notified.
Repair of Gas House Bridge. Short time since last redecked noted. Necessary to proceed with repair. Part of cost with Company, remainder borne by Gas Co. Good hard slow grown larch would last as long as the oak last used and far cheaper.
Traffic 1 October to 17 March £540. Compared well with £506 1 October 1911 – 31 March 1912, though longer period of fortnight.
Mr Kenworthy of Sheepscombe paid 11s cost of repairs to Gas Works Bridge.
Fencing of cogwheels of Dudbridge crane in hand.
Accident to Alfred Bassett notified to Insurance Company. Bassett expected to return to work 24 April.
Redecking of Gas Works Bridge: Relative life and cost of oak, elm and larch considered. Oak with elm planking above selected.
Stroud Urban District Council to place proposed effluent drain across Company’s property at entrance to Dudbridge Wharf. Rent 2s 6d per annum.
Letter from Clerk to Severn Fishery Conservators asking permission for their water bailiff, Smallwood of Sharpness, to ride his bicycle along Company’s towpath and if Company would grant them a lease of fishing rights in canal. Fishing offered for £20 a year. If accepted Company would give water bailiff a pass to ride bicycle on Company’s property.
Mr Geo Foster Abell, manager of Lloyd’s Bank at Stroud, appointed Treasurer in place of Mr Dunsford, retired.
Traffic to end of financial year £84 16s, 1912 £57, 1911 £52, 1910 £60.
General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage since 1 October 1912 £721 8s 7d. After wages, etc, balance £416 11s 5d. Dividend of £1 declared.
Reserve Fund balance £1195 12s.
Fencing of cogwheel on Dudbridge crane fixed. Lock and chain to prevent unauthorised use.
Redecking of Gas Works Bridge to be completed next day.
Alfred Bassett’s claim for compensation paid for by Insurance Co. Doctor’s bill of £2 5s refused. Company not liable to refund this. Offer to Bassett to pay half amount, £1 2s 6d, as act of grace under special circumstances.
Stroud Urban District Council objected to paying annual rent for desired easement. Company willing to accept lump sum.
Clerk to ask Severn District Fishery Commissioners to lend Company copy of Provisional Order of 1911 on which they base their alleged rights over watershed of Severn.
Letter from Board of Trade. Provisional order granted to Stroud Electric Lighting Co. but Stroudwater Canal omitted from Third Schedule,
Application from five of employees of Navigation for increase of wages discussed. Wages of Jas White, W Bullock, A Bassett raised by 1s per week, J Clutterbuck, F White by 2s per week.
Tonnage 1 April – 20 May £160, 1912 £148, 1911 £136, 1910 £150, 1909 £128.
Letter from Dr Steadman re repayment of his bill for medical attendance during illness of Alfred Bassett. No increase to £1 2s 6d fixed at last meeting.
Letter from Stroud District Council to proposed effluent drain at Dudbridge Wharf. Clerk to meet Mr Milnes on the spot.
Company to write to Mr Stallard of Worcester, Clerk to Board of Conservators of Severn Fishery District. Company willing to accept rental of £15 per annum for right of fishing (rod and line only) on Company’s canal.
Premises near to long stable on Dudbridge Wharf now let to Mr W Mourbey of Dudbridge, rental £16 12s.
Annual inspection of canal left till September.
Tonnage 1 April – 18 June £244, 1912 £243, 1911 £237, 1910 £247.
Severn Fishery Board agreed to Company’s proposals, except for any condition as to amount of licence Board of Conservators should charge. Fee of 1s added to Board’s present charges would produce greater revenue than present fee of 2s 6d. Company to agree if lease not less than five years.
Stroud Brewery Co asked for sanction by Navigation of use of two of canal bridges by their motor lorries. Maximum weight not exceeding five tons five hundredweights. Not allowed. Bridges wooden swing bridges, utterly unsuitable for such traffic.
Correspondence with agent of the Excess Insurance read. Company declined to renew policy except at rate of 20s per cent per annum. Committee decided to pay.
Order by Court of Sewers for Lower Gloucestershire and correspondence produced. Requirements would not cost much so agreed.
New Saul Bridge completed.
Damage caused by heavy tides to walls and pierhead at Framilode repaired.
PO Telephone Dept had not yet paid rents due to December 1912.
Traffic since April 1913 £313, 1912 £326, 1911 £282.
No Committee Meeting in August.
Vote of condolence to be sent to Miss Stanton on death of her father Mr Walter J Stanton, for many years member of Committee.
Letters to Severn Fishery Board NS Stroud Brewery Co.
Work at Saul required by Court of Sewers in hand.
Difficulty in navigating canal between Walk Bridge and Shallow Lock. Sharpness New Docks Co has done the necessary dredging.
Miss Ethel Heath and Mr Arthur Winterbotham applied for leave to take water from canal to gardens at Bridgend and near Bond’s Mill. Allowed for £2 2s each p.a. and costs £1 1s and stamp duty.
Claim by Severn Fishery Board to charge fees for Angling licences where already obtained from Stroudwater Navigation had Parliamentary rights, could not be controverted.
Mr Jack Margetson, Mr F A Little, Mr W Davies, Mr Jack Ball to inspect canal.
Mr Milnes, Stroud Urban District Council, called at Company office. 10s accepted as compensation for placing pipes under Company’s property at Dudbridge. Urban District Council to keep ground over it in repair continuously, not merely for 12 months.
Charge 1½d per ton for use of Wallbridge Wharf to haul across railway borne coal to Lodgemore Mills just.
Traffic 1913 1 April – 17 September £491, 1912 £478, 1911 £465.
Arthur William Stanton and Reverend Samuel Swire claimed share no.175, will of Reverend Arthur Henry Stanton.
Draft of Agreement with Severn Fishery Board for lease of Fishing rights.
Letter from Mr Long, Surveyor of Court of Sewers at Wheatenhurst. Satisfaction with work carried out by Stroudwater Navigation but recommended canal bank should be strengthened. Piling being done.
Miss Heath agreed to pay £2 2s fee for supply of water to her garden at Bridgend, Stonehouse. No reply from Mr Arthur Winterbotham.
Report of inspection of canal, Framilode to Eastington 23 September by Messrs Wm Davies and F A Little.
Saul Bridge, 37feet long, satisfactory piece of work, but not fit for heavy brewery motor wagons.
Mud clearing from Frome River bank. No work done on opposite side, opposite small drinking place for cattle in river. Bank between river and canal appears weak. Requires piling or strengthening.
Upper gate of Shallow Lock requires new footboards. Gate shut and water level about foot higher than below.
New chimney to house occupied by Tudor. On his wharf stacks of coal. Heaps of road metal on either side of canal. Evidence of small trade.
Weeds on both sides of canal above Bristol Road seeding.
Balance pole at Westfield Lock requires easing and renewing.
Workshops clean, clear, still, trade being absent.
Minute continued on page 241.
General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage since 1 April £732 12s 5d. After wages, etc, balance £510 17s 3d. Dividend of £1 declared.
Reserve Fund balance £1207 18s 1d.
Continuation from page 239 https://stroudwaterhistory.org.uk/document/6366/
Mr Milnes, Surveyor of Stroud Urban District Council, to place pipe under road and keep road under repair for three years. Fee 10s.
Litigation with Corporation of Worcester in maintenance of canal. Bridges at sufficient strength for motor traffic. Canal Association’s request to Company to contribute.
Certificate of Mr Snape’s share, no.199 deposited with Company’s Treasurer in 1878 as a security. He now wished to dispose of share if Company accepted other security. Accepted if Mr Snape guaranteed by an approved Guarantee Society, sum of £200.
Draft lease of Fishing Rights to Severn Fishery Conservators. Alterations agreed, including permission for fishing on Sundays. Rights to Navigation to close and lock wharves as now.
Piling of canal bank at Saul near completion.
Stroud Urban District Council’s surveyor had not yet taken instructions of his committee re repair of pipe trench at Dudbridge.
Enquiry re charge for supply of water for Council’s boiler at the outfall works. £2 2s per annum for intake through a 2 inch pipe.
4 guineas to fund raised by Canal Association in support of Sharpness New Docks Co in litigation with City of Worcester re strength of bridges under present day heavy traffic.
Mr Snape obtained certificate of his share no. 199 from Lloyds Bank, Stroud. Guarantee with Guardian Insurance Co, sum of £200.
Notice by Stroud Urban District Council to connect Ship Inn, Wallbridge, with main drainage system. Storm water needed dealing with.
Leakage from canal into cellars from some houses at Ryeford belonging to Sir W H Marling repaired.
Traffic 1 October £162 14s 2d, 1912 £137, 1911 £126.
Piling of canal bank at Saul completed. Large leaks repaired.
Flooding by storm water unavoidable. Proposed plan of alteration to W C arrangements at Ship Inn approved. Connection to main drain estimated to cost £12 3d. Roof of office in bad order.
Portion of narrow towing path between canal and brook below Double Locks should be piled and sheeted for about 26 yards. Cost uncertain.
Letter from Postmaster General about altered charges for wayleaves that commenced 1 January 1912. Amount due should be paid shortly.
Tonnage from 1 October £231, 1912 £250, 1911 £237.
Draft agreement with Postmaster General approved. Schedule of wayleaves agreed was produced and passed.
Estimate for proposed connection of Ship Inn with main drainage £14 from Mr Hopson accepted.
No opposition to Swindon Corporation Bill.
Tolls received re through traffic over Stroudwater Canal to and from T&S Canal for year ended 30 September 1913 ascertained in compliance with Section 43 of Thames & Severn Canal Trust Act 1895.
Work at Ryeford to be completed in three weeks.
Claim made by tenant of Sir W H Marling for 10s for damage alleged to have been caused by leakage of water from canal. Company’s entertainment of claim could set an unacceptable precedent.
Mr Snape would deal with the unsatisfactory state of surface of Newtown Wharf, Eastington.
Arthur William Stanton claimed share no.96, will and codicil of Walter John Stanton.
Traffic since 1 October 1913 £330, 1912 £350, 1911 £335.
Memorandum. Three members of Committee present. No quorum.
Agreement with Postmaster General as to erection of wires, posts, stays, streets, cables in canal sealed.
Claim by Mr A G Alder of Ryeford for damages of 10s caused by leakage of water from canal.
Statement of through traffic year ended September 1913. £398 6s 11d for year, £375 18s 5d average of last three years, 1894 £449 4s 1d, decrease of £73 5s 8d. No payment due.
Stone for repair of Newtown Lock expected.
Letter from Mr J E Edwards, 127 Victoria Street, Bristol re Stroud Electric Lighting Order 1913. Application for wayleave to run mains from entrance of sewage works to road leading from bridge near Gas Works to Cainscross Road. Clerk to meet him.
Traffic 1 October 1913 to 17 February 1914 £396, 1912 to 1913 £413, 1911 to 1912 £437.
Three members of Committee present. No quorum.
Agreement with Post Office re wayleaves exchanged. Costs paid by department.
Stone for repairing wharves and bridges at Eastington delivered.
Application by Mr Herbert Edwards of Bristol for wayleave for overhead cable across canal near Gas Works granted. £1 per annum.
Traffic 1 October 1913 to date £525, 1912 £555, 1911 £503.
Telephone wayleave charges to 31 December 1913, £27 13s 5d, paid.
Mr Alder’s claim of 10s paid but not regarded as a precedent.
Certain gentlemen to be asked to come on the Committee.
Stroud Urban District Council willing to accept Navigation’s terms re effluent drain at Dudbridge.
Letter from Canal Association re successful appeal of Worcester Corporation against Sharpness Docks Co. Need to carry case to House of Lords. Contribution of other Canal Companies should be increased. Committee to give another £4 4s to fighting fund.
Letter from Mrs Lewis’ solicitor. Company asked to repair ‘camp sheeting’ on side of canal at Anchor Inn, Ryeford. Duty of owners of property to repair this.
Messrs Peake & Co claimed damage to swing bridge at Saul not caused by them. Then offered 10s towards 15s claimed by Navigation. Whole 15s to be paid.
General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage since 1 October 1913 £758 19s 10d. After wages, etc, balance £463 14s 2d. Dividend of £1 declared.
Reserve Fund balance £1220 7s 3d.
Mr Alder of Ryeford paid 10s claimed for alleged damage by leakage from canal.
Messrs Peake & Co. had paid balance of 5s due for damage to Saul Bridge.
Stroud Urban District Council paid 10s agreed and requested a receipt in full of all demands which Clerk declined to give in view of undertaking given to maintain the surface where broken for their purpose for three years.
Mrs Lewis’ solicitors written to, declining any responsibility for repair of camp sheeting at Ryeford.
Canal Association had sent copies of several proposed Bills in Parliament for opinion of Committee.
Mr Worth of the Ham Mills declined offer to come on Committee. Mr R J Caruthers-Little was prepared to join.
Arthur William Stanton claimed shares nos.43,44,76,86, will of Charles Holbrow Stanton.
Traffic to 19 May £142 4s 4d, 1913 £141 9s 4d, 1912 £120 18s.
Copy of receipt to Stroud Urban District Council for payment re effluent drain.
Mr Whittingham reported on Parliamentary Bills & Unemployment Extension Order submitted by Canal Association. No observations.
Two new loggerheads required for bottom gates at Framilode Lock. £2 10s for timber.
Stonehouse and Eastington Wharves repaired. Ready for County Council stone.
Traffic 1 April to 17 June £218 1s 5d, 1913 £219 1s 1d, 1912 £239 8s 1d. Delivery of road stone much later this year
Loggerheads to bottom gates at Framilode fixed.
Correspondence with Excess Company re renewal of policy No.4788 (Workmen’s Compensation Insurance). Renewal of policy for three years at present rate.
Traffic 1 April to 14 July £286 11s 7d, 1913 £303 0s 7d, 1912 £314 4s 7d.
Workmen’s Compensation Insurance Policy endorsed.
Mr Knight Barnard had not paid rent re water from canal and pipe over Oil Mills Bridge at Ebley. Week to pay or Clerk to block pipe under towing path and give Mr Barnard three months’ notice to remove pipe over bridge. Agreement 8 July 1904.
Stroud Electric Lighting: Decision to inform Mr Edwards, the Promoter, of rent fixed at £5 per annum for proposed overhead cable at Downfield. Agreement to be prepared at Mr Edwards’ cost.
Cheltenham & District Billposting Co allowed rent rebate of one half of rent for six months, if paid punctually.
Mr Knight Barnard had paid rent due.
Correspondence between Company’s solicitors and Mr J Herbert Edwards. 21 years lease at £5 per annum offered to Electric Lighting Co.
New heads fixed to top gates at Blunder Lock and Pike Lock. Serious leakage stopped at Newtown Lock.
Repairs to Westfield Lock, Bristol Road Bridge and Kings Bridge.
Retaining wall near Roving Bridge partly rebuilt.
Messrs Dickinson & Cox applied to underlet Wharf House and premises at Stonehouse to late manager Mr Penn. Granted.
Cheltenham Bill Posting Co repeated request for 75% reduction on rent till the “end of the war”. Rebate of one half 15 August – 5 December. Future payments to coincide with financial year of company.
Minutes continued on page 265.
General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage since 1 April £758 19s 10d. After wages, etc, balance £522 19s 8d. Dividend of £1 declared.
Reserve Fund balance £1233 3s 5d
Continuation of page 263
Sub-committee to meet Stroud Urban District Council and Mr Edwards, promoter of proposed Electric Company for Stroud.
Proposal by Messrs Dickinson Cox to sublet Stonehouse Wharf and premises not carried out. Mr Penn left their employment.
Repairs at Wallbridge and Dudbridge. One of piers of entrance gates at Dudbridge Wharf injured by Stroud Brewery Steam Lorry. Repaired by Brewery Company.
Pier of bridge at Ryeford damaged by Brunsdon’s servants. Promise to pay cost.
Traffic since 1 October £126 15s 6d, 1913 £135 19s 1d, 1912 £158.
Sub-committee report re crossing of wires over canal from proposed Electric Power Station. £60 as commutation of rent for right to cross. Electric Power Co to have all their coal by canal. Safeguard to interests of Navigation and traders.
Manager’s report: Pier of bridge at Ryeford repaired. Account to Mr Brunsdon.
Gas Works Bridge repaired. Gas Company to pay half cost as usual.
Several yards of towing path near Ryeford Bridge piled. Also at Ebley.
Swing bridge near Bond’s Mill required slight repair. Cost £2.
Notice sent to Mr Bush. Trees belonging to him needed lopping or cutting down. If no reply, Company would do needful lopping themselves.
Mabel Harriott Daubeney and William Lock Mellersh claimed shares nos.2,125, will of Hugh Frederick Daubeney.
No reply from Mr Bush, The Leazes, Eastington as to trees near Pike Bridge. Letter to solicitors.
Two new balance poles for Bristol Road Lock and Pike Lock, Eastington.
Smith & Son Ltd., Brimscombe Brewery, in liquidation. Owe Navigation £10, lent to Christmas. Mr Whittington to look into lease of Ship Inn. Possible compensation if license(sic) refused renewal as result of threatened application by Supt. Biggs.
Mr J W Homer appointed Treasurer in place of Mr G F Abell.
Traffic return 1 October to 20 January £302 15s 7d, 1914 £358 7s, 1913 £342 4s 10d.
Postcard from Mr Bush. Appointment to meet on spot.
Balance poles for Bristol Road and Eastington Locks. Mr Whittingham attended Stroud Brewster sessions re renewing of licence of Ship Inn adjourned to 5 March.
Middle gates of Double Locks at Ryeford will soon require renewing. Messrs Peake & Co.’s estimate of £32, lowest, accepted.
Letter from Mr Homer, Lloyd’s Bank, thanking Committee for his appointment as Treasurer.
£150 to Glos County Council due for Thames & Severn Canal Trust.
Through traffic year ending September 1914 £331 10s 9d. £366 6s 9d average for three years. September 1894 £449 4s 1d. Decrease of £83 3s 4d. No payment due.
Mr Snape unable to be present through indisposition.
Son of Mr Bush met Mr Percy Snape at Eastington.
Messrs Smith & Son liable to pay compensation to Navigation for loss of license(sic).
Judgement in House of Lords on case of successful appeal by Sharpness New Docks Co against decision of Court of Appeal re repair of bridges in Worcestershire considered. Covered case of bridges on Stroudwater Navigation.
Dock house at Eastington let to Mr Arthur Alexander Banks at £12 p.a. from 25 March.
Traffic from 1 October £457 6s 4d, 1914 £511 2s 5d, 1913 £533 17s 11d.
Mr Snape absent through indisposition. Mr Snape Junr reported that Mr Bush had not yet done lopping to trees on property at Eastington.
Correspondence re Ship Inn between Messrs Little and Whittingham and Mr Treasure of Gloucester discussed. Mr Whittingham to negotiate terms on which compensation should be claimed and to consult with Mr Treasure as to advertising Ship Inn building as ‘being to let’.
Sharpness Docks Co to raise charge on coal from tip at Sharpness from 1½d to 3d per ton. At Thames & Severn meeting at Gloucester, Mr Gardom stated proposed increased charge could not be made.
Application by Mr Fifield re Ship Inn.
Mr Snape to write to General Post Office about amount owing to Navigation for Telephone Wayleaves and requesting payment.
Minutes of meeting of Canal Association 9 April read. Costs in case of Sharpness Docks Co v. Corporation of Worcester not yet taxed. Amounts contributing companies called on to provide not yet known.
General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage since 1 October 1914 £649 1s 7d. After wages, etc, balance £408 5s 2d. Dividend of £1 declared.
Reserve Fund balance £1245 6s 11d.
No agreement on amount of compensation paid by Smith & Sons Ltd for loss of licence of Ship Inn.
Mr Whittingham with Chairman and Mr Gardom, Thames & Severn Canal, met Mr Foster, Mr Hamilton Mills and Mr Waddy and discussed notice given by Sharpness New Docks Co of rise in charge for use of Berkeley Canal and tip from 1½d to 3d per ton. Chairman and Mr Whittingham authorised to agree to charge of 2d rather than risk going to arbitration.
Applications to rent Ship Inn received from Mr G J Fifield and Mr Lee of Bridge Street, Nailsworth.
Repairs needed to Lodgemore Swing Bridge.
Stone traffic from Rowley Regis about to commence. 4000 tons expected during season.
James Harris at the Lock House, Framilode, applied for increased wages during period of war. !s a week rise.
No agreement with Messrs Smith & Sons re compensation for damage by loss of licence of Ship Inn. House let to Mr Lee of Nailsworth on lease at £22 per annum for 21 years, 24 June 1915. Terminable at end of 10 or 15 years. Engrossment of lease duly sealed and attested. Certain portions of premises retained for Company’s use. Mr Hopson’s estimate for decoration to house (late Ship Inn) £21 13s.
Lodgemore Swing Bridge repaired. Further timber required shortly to renew central beams.
George Tyler, tenant of Dudbridge Warf House gave notice to leave on 24 June. To pay Ladyday rent and that for present quarter out of proceeds of sale of his furniture. Mr Snape Jnr to relet premises, £12 per annum.
Messrs F S Whittingham and J Margetson undertook annual inspection of canal from Framilode to Eastington. Chairman and Mr F A Little to inspect upper portion, Eastington to Stroud.
Request for increase in wages from workmen on canal. Increase from 18s to 19s per week of Frederick White and John Clutterbuck. Others provided by Company with no rent or rates to pay, no change.
Sharpness New Docks Co to charge increase of ½d per ton only in traffic from tip at Sharpness to and through Stroud Canal instead of extra 1½d per ton, i.e. 2d per ton instead of 3d.
Tonnage 1 April to 15 June £283 13s 7d, 1914 £227 12s 5d, 1913 £295 11 9d.
Messrs Smith & Sons to pay £250 compensation for loss of Ship Inn licence.
Mr Tyler, late tenant of Wharf House, Dudbridge paid rent due. Mr Perks of Nupend offered to take the house with office and stable at £12 per annum.
W Bullock to have wages raised to same as other men, with house found him as now.
Mr A S Winterbotham’s proposal as to exchange of land at Stonehouse. Agreed to convey all Company’s land between the Ocean and Stonehouse Court property in exchange for equal area of meadow land adjoining mud tip on west side of the Midland Railway embankment from main road to Stonehouse and Eastington to River Frome. About ¼ acre. Company to erect and maintain a suitable and substantial boundary fence.
Reports on canal inspection by Mr Jack Margetson and Mr Whittingham – lower section and Mr F A Little and Chairman – upper section.
Mr Whittingham to write to Mr de Lisle Bush as to trees at Eastington. Cutting required at once.
Cheques in future to be signed by Chairman and member of Committee.
Gloucester Harbour Board, usual subscription £3 paid.
Letter from Canal Association re decision on appeal to House of Lords on Attorney General v. Great Western Railway Co in favour of Railway Co, following judgement in case of Sharpness Docks Co. Canal Association stated proportion required of amounts in aid of costs in Worcester Corporation and Sharpness Docks Co case, 50% subject to possible reduction in case other companies subscribe.
Traffic 1 April to 21 July £282 1s 8d, 1914 £300 10s, 1913 £327 1s 5d.
Mr Percy Snape to be Clerk in place of late Mr W J Snape. 6 months trial. Salary £3 10s per week. Use of canal house free of rent and rates, help of a clerk accepted. Committee’s deep regret at loss of Mr Wm Jas Snape. 43 years as Clerk and Surveyor.
Wharf House at Dudbridge let to Mr Perks. Yearly tenancy £17 10s p.a.
Letter from Mr Ernest Armitage. Mr A S Winterbotham agreed to terms of proposed exchange of land at Stonehouse.
Mr Whittingham to write to Mr de Lisle Bush re cutting of dangerous trees.
Mr V Lawson attended on behalf of Mr J Herbert Edwards, Stroud Electric Supply Ltd. Allowed to carry wires over canal at Dudbridge at sufficient height. £3 3s p.a. 3 months notice.
Application from John White, lock keeper at Eastington for week advance on wages agreed.
Albert Bassett, wharfinger at Wallbridge applied for time off between 5.30 and locking up time, and half day on Saturdays. Allowed without injury to interest of canal or traders.
Tonnage 1 April to 10 August £318 5s 9d, 1914 £329 4s 6d, 1913 £391 3s 5d.
Chairman’s meeting with Mr Gardom, Clerk to County Council re salary to be paid to Mr Snape by Stroud Water Co and Thames & Severn Canal Committee of County Council. Provisional agreement. Thames & Severn Canal Committee to pay £2 2s 6d per week, Stroud Water Co £1 7s 6d, with use of Canal House free of rates and taxes. County Council to contribute 12s 6d per week towards wage of an assistant.
Notice to Albert Bassett to leave and give up house. Inability to find house. Further time refused.
Mr Herbert Edwards of Electric Supply Co desired to bring wires over canal bridge at Ryeford. Metalling too thin to allow this. Plans requested. Wires over bridge at Dudbridge refused.
Mr F W Lee to rent house at Wallbridge Wharf occupied by Albert Bassett. £14 p.a. Mr Lee to take stable adjoining Ship Inn and loft over wash house. Long lease. 30s per annum. Power to sublet and option of further 8 or 10 feet of frontage on wharf.
Letter from Canal Association about appeal against judgement in Thorne County Court re placing notices, Section VI Locomotive Act 1861, on structure of bridge. Necessary to see to it that notices are placed. Whitminster Swing Bridge to have needful notice.
Mr Bush’s responsibility of damage of fallen trees at Eastington.
Bottom gates of Pike Lock unsafe so repaired. Three new bars fixed.
Decking of Gas House Bridge repaired.
Planks put in swing bridge at Lodgemore. Very weak. Needs renewing early next year.
Canal weeded and trimmed. Men again at work between Ocean and Stonehouse Wharf. Painting of bridges next.
Dredging badly needed: Lodgemore Bridge to Gas Works Bridge, Dudbridge Wharf, Ebley Mill to Double Locks, Stonehouse Wharf to Nutshell Bridge, near Bristol Road Wharf. To be done after painting.
Tonnage from 1 April £421 18s 6d, 1914 £449 2s 10d, 1913 £494 6s 10d.
Albert Bassett had not vacated house on wharf taken by Mr Lee. Chairman to see him.
Interview between Mr Herbert Edwards, Mr Edward Little and Chairman re taking electric wires over bridge at Dudbridge. Two years tenancy, six months’ notice. Wires to pass outside walls, not over crown of arch of bridge. Rent £1 1s p.a. Mr Edwards’ request to allow wires to cross arch refused.
Bridge notices cast. To be affixed to Walk Swing Bridge at Whitminster at both ends.
Dividend to be reduced because £150 due to Thames & Severn Canal, payable next February. Also necessary to purchase of timber for new bridge at Lodgemore, and need to allow £30 for timber for middle gates at Ryeford.
To invest £100 in 4½% War Stock.
General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage since 1 April £645 14s 10d. After wages, etc, balance £4024 15s 6d. Dividend of 15s declared.
Albert Bassett to vacate house on Wallbridge Wharf by Christmas or earlier. Company to contribute £5 towards cost of painting to tenant Mr Lee, in view of inconvenience caused.
Electric Supply Co’s wires across canal outside walls of bridge at Dudbridge.
Mr Lee to rent stables and loft adjoining Ship inn. 30s per annum.
Notice fixed to swing bridge at Whitminster. Second notice on all bridges carrying public road.
Extremely high prices for pitch pine. Strengthening of existing Lodgemore Bridge with iron plates. Mr H J H King of Newmarket to advise.
£3 to Canal Association towards expenses of litigation in Sharpness Docks v. Worcester Corporation case.
Correspondence with Sir Ashton Lister, acting County Surveyor re carrying larger proportion of stone used in highways by water.
Tonnage £105 14 11d., 1914 £125 14s 4d.
Albert Bassett vacated Wharf House at Wallbridge. Mr Lee entered on tenancy from 25 November.
Electric Supply Co paid rent of £1 1s for wayleave for one year in advance.
Messrs Cadbury Bros of Bournville erecting works at Frampton-on-Severn. Asking for rates of carriage of milk churns from Stonehouse to Junction with Berkeley Canal.
Mr Whiting, tenant at Eastington Wharf, claimed right of lopping withies there. Cut by Company three years ago.
Agreements with Mr Lee for tenancy of loft and stable at Wallbridge, and Mr Arthur S Winterbotham re exchange of land at Stonehouse and taking of water from canal there.
Mr H J H King of Newmarket inspected Lodgemore Bridge. Advised use of steel girders in place of pitch pine timber. Extreme prices owing to war.
Deficient sanitary provisions at Canal House.
Tonnage only £170 1s 5d against 1914 £205 15s 5d.
Correspondence with Messrs Cadbury. No definite proposal. Milk traffic should be carried on for at least two months at authorised tolls to provide data for rates for future.
Mr Winterbotham, 1s rent re taking water from canal.
Tie rods placed on Lodgemore Bridge to brace structure.
Cheltenham District Billposting Co received extension of time for reduced charge for their stations.
Planking of bottom gates of bottom gates of Blunder Lock required renewing and two heads to be scarfed.
Planking of Pike Lock bottom gates required renewing and one new balance pole.
Planking of top gates at Dock Lock being renewed.
In recent gales, damage done to roofs of property at Dudbridge, Wallbridge and Framilode.
J Harris of Lock House at Framilode applied for increase of wages of 1s per week. 13s and house rent free.
Tonnage 1 October to 18 January £254 19 7d, 1915 £283 14s 8d.