Gloucestershire Archives D1180/9/14
Letters written by Percy G Snape between February 1919 and March 1922
Acknowledgement of receipt of compensation paid for September to November 1919.
Please acknowledge receipt of Probate which I enclose herewith, which you will have to forward to Messrs Little & Bloxam.for production at the next Committee Meeting.
Monthly figures in duplicate for receipts and payments for month of December enclosed.
Details of financial position plus statement of financial position of Company if tolls charged for actual traffic for the year to 30 September 1918 had been charged in accordance with your scale..
Details of traffic on canal and staff employed for November 1919.
Receipt of your letter of yesterday's date acknowledged; plus receipt of similar letter today and letter to the Chairman..
The Company will repossess the Lockhouse at Dudbridge if you have not given possession by 12 January.
Your letter will be considered by the Committee at their meeting on Monday next.
Answers to Mr Dade's letter re grading of indoor clerical establishment.
Acceptance and details of Mr Jackson's offer for withy at Framilode
Notice enclosed re the canal being under the control of the Canal Control Committee, Ministry of Transport.
Thank you for Draft for December 1919 amounting to £60.
The places where boats and barges discharge can be found in the Company's tonnage books, and set out below are the names and address of merchants and carriers.
Your letter of yesterday's date is receiving my attention.
Concerning the amount of dredging to be done from Wallbridge to Framilode. Excluding the portion for which the Sharpness Docks Co is responsible, Stroudwater Navigation Co has about 7 miles to be dredged - the details of which are illegible. Information set out when canal and certain areas were last dredged; but Company has had maintenance work including dredging with a hand spoon dredger carried out regularly. Details of maintenance charges set out.
Crossed out, not sent - see letter 115
Crossed out, not sent - see letter 115
The Chairman has written about dredging to Mr Preston who has replied asking for further details. Do you have suitable dredger and what are your costs?
Dredging from Wallbridge to Framilode (River Severn) excluding responsibility for portion dealt with by Sharpness Docks Co, is about 7 miles. Estimated tonnage of deposit last dredging in 1879, since when and up to 1914 regular maintenance including dredging with hand spoon dredger has been carried out as per details receipt details set out. I am trying to get a definite figure of the costs.
Monthly figures in duplicate for receipts and payments for the month of January enclosed.
Re: the wall at Eastington. The only plan I have is the duplicate of the plan you hold..
Details of who controls the canal and the date, since when no share holders' meeting. The accounts are being made up to the end of last year.
I thought perhaps there was a dredger on the Worcester & Birmingham Canal suitable for the work.
Words have to be added to letter no. 115 so that the sentence reads differently; plus details of weekly wages paid to each man with boat.
Figures of traffic carried on the canal and staff employed for month of December 1919. .
Concerning the taking of clay from a bank on Captain E G Bengough's land in the past and in the future.
Monthly statement in duplicate of revenue, receipts and payments for month of February.
Enclosed traffic figures for February.
Notice of intended stoppage.
Parts illegible - something about the books and accounts up to 30 December, something has been sent out to the shareholders, something about dividends.
Largely illegible, appears to concern share(s) of the late Mr E Broderip.
The names of the committee are Evans (Chairman) Bussage; Margetson, Marling, Little, Caruthers Little, R Bloxam, Stroud; Davies, Amberley; Little, Woodchester. Also enclosed signature cards re Chairman, Margetson, Marling, Bloxam and Snape. Do you have the other signatures in your records.
Enclosed copy of letter from Mr Dade.
Re copy letter from Mr Gardom. I will communicate with Mr Evans.
I have sent a copy of your letter to Mr Evans, the Secretary of the Dock Workers Union at Gloucester.
John Margetson, a director of the company, and I shall attend the conference.
Due to unfavourable weather, the stoppage referred to in my letter of the 3 March, will not now take place.
I will convey the particulars of your letter and enclosure to my Chairman.
I've received your cheque, but you've not paid all of it. Our books show that the two items you have struck out were delivered.
The letter of the Canal Control Committee is a minuted item for consideration by my committee at the its next meeting. Do other controlled canals contemplate making such application.
Messrs Browning and Peck of Gloucester and Stroud wish to be one of the agents for your fishing permits.
Enclosed statistics of traffic on the canal for four weeks ending 29 February 1920.
Confirmation of my telephone message, that the swing bridge is unsafe and this is notice that if you use it you do so at your own risk.
Is your Board willing to continue the arrangement as they did for last year?
Thank you for your letter of yesterday's date. The rest is illegible.
Re your letter: my Committee will consider the question at their next meeting. Do you have details of the terms the Ministry of Transport will be willing to take?
Enclosed in duplicate statement of revenue, receipts and payments for month of March.
The Manager of Lloyds Bank has been instructed to make arrangements to pay (the dividends?).
Instructions as to recipients of shares/dividends as a result of death of E Broderip.
Noted that the matter has been referred to the Ministry of Transport by Mr Preston, who will communicate with us as soon as he receives a reply.
re Wall at Eastington, and estimate to be obtained from Mr S Parsons of Wallbridge.
When do you think your inspection of the canal will take place? My committee's meeting is next Thursday
Acknowledgement of receipt of compensation payment for period February and March 1920.
Figures of how wages increased to the 1st April. Is my assistant to receive the full wage?
Further information about increase in wages.
Canal Control Committee's instructions re wages from 1 January last.
Thank you for your letter re workmen's compensation.
I note the Board will continue the tenancy for the present year.
Enclosed Policy re Workmen's Compensation for endorsement. The letter from Messrs Riseley is dated 31 December last.
The Policy has been forwarded to Mr W Colwell, for endorsement.
The Committee is sorry about Mr Evershed's continued absence; when is it likely he will be able to visit the canal.
My Chairman thinks the matter of my salary increase should be put to you. Details of work undertaken, partly smudged.
Acknowledgement of a copy letter to the Committee. The rest is illegible.
Enclosed copy letter from Ministry of Transport plus details of Mr Snape's salary from Stroudwater Navigation and T&S Canal Co and request for Committee's support of the application to the Ministry of Transport for an increase in salary.
Acknowledgement of his letter and that it is being sent on to Mr Evans together with a letter asking for the Committee's support.
Acknowledgement of their letter. The rest is illegible.
Enclosed monthly statement for April of revenue, receipts and payments.
Enclosed the S.E. Mr Dudbridge will see you re the Accounts.
Display of posters and their measurements for the Territorials.
Concerning the transfer of shares to Mr C Broderip and Captain Broderip. Please send me the share certificate.
As a result of confirmation of increase in salary, does this include/not include bonus.
Confirmation of how remuneration is made up: salary plus bonus?
continuation of 162: pleased to answer questions, apologies for trouble I'm causing.
I'll try to get the traffic report ready to post to you on Monday night.
Concerning Mr Pockett's war bonus.
Details re salary plus bonus plus war bonus omitted from previous letter and from letter to Mr Evans.
As the future control of the canal is to be discussed at the Committee's next meeting, could you let me have a copy of the present Act.
Details of Mr Pockett's wage employment package plus permission for a post office on the premises; details of predecessor's employment. Details of Mr Pockett's war bonus, the value of the rent of the house, the post office money received by Mr Pockett for the months the office has been re-opened.
continuation of 166: Post office work done by Mr Pockett's wife. Will try and bring the matter before my Committee tomorrow. P.S. re the other lock keepers' houses.
Statistics of traffic on the canal during 4 weeks ending 28 March 1920 enclosed.
Enclosed key of safe box which is now locked.
The Committee consider that the increase in Pockett's wages should be confirmed; full details of his remuneration, plus rateable value and thus value of the house if let per annum.
The Committee consider a formal undertaking should be made under the Ministry of Transport Act 1919. Full information was given when the application was made in July 1919 under the Defence of the Realm Act but if you require more, I should be happy to give it.
re Charles Broderip deceased. Thank you for enclosed share certificate.
Enclosed 10 share certificates in name of E F Broderip and 5 in name of Capt J Y M Broderip.
I will meet the 12.20 (train?) on Monday.
The bill for repairing the iron railing at Stonehouse swing bridge damaged by your timber wagon will be sent to you.
Enclosed in duplicate monthly statement of revenue, receipts and payments.
In reply to your letter, the last sale took place in July 1917 at £20.
Your letter will be brought before the Committee on the 16th.
The particulars of traffic enclosed as requested.
very difficult to read, ends with …to the wharfinger at Wallbridge.
Our auditors, Messrs Dudbridge, will see you on this matter.
Details of workmen's wages paid on specified dates.
Enclosed is a copy form for you to obtain W Broderip's signature to it as this Company's address has to be corrected..
Enclosed is a copy form for you to obtain W E F Broderip's signature to it as this Company's address has to be corrected..
Best to bring your boat to Chalford from where canal communication is good to the Severn, Sharpness Docks, Gloucester Docks and Framilode.
If the arrangement as set out is not discontinued, I shall have to report the matter to the Committee.
Notice enclosed of the intended stoppage on the Canal.
Messrs Hitchings, White, Bassett, Mallison, Stevens and Cook are now receiving payment of £32.10s per quarter.
Accounts enclosed for 1 April to 31 August 1919 and 1 September to 31 December 1919.
Acknowledgement of receipt of compensation paid for May to August 1920.
For what period do you require particulars of wages paid to our employees?
Because of formalities re transfer of shares, please contact the Company's Solicitors, Little & Bloxham, re the death of Mr C M ?
Re draft for £8.19.10 - the formal acknowledgement was posted yesterday.
I am dealing with the form enclosed with your letter of 21st instant re number of boats on this canal.
Acknowledgement of Dade's letter re boats working on canal.
Re canal bridge at Ebley - could you do the work at our expense as we have no material.
You will be accepted as a yearly tenant if you will sign the usual agreement and pay the solicitors fees and costs of £2.17.0.
I will put your letter of 28th inst re riding bicycle on towing paths on this canal before the Committee.
Reinstate the outbuildings which you, as tenant, have allowed W Clarke to trespass on.
Mrs Penn's cheque for £2.17.0d enclosed. Also enclosed Dickinson Prosser(?) & Cox lease which expires on 29 September.
Enclosed in duplicate monthly statement of revenue, receipts and payments for June.
Re your letter of 26 June: a cheque has been sent to the Chairman for signature - I trust we are fully insured in the meantime.
The Committee has accepted Mrs Penn as a yearly tenant for the premises at Stonehouse, at the rent of £28 per annum.
Your letter of 2 July will come before the Committee at their next meeting.
Particulars of rents etc enclosed (but not given)
Statistics of traffic on the canal during 4 weeks ending 23 May 1920 enclosed.
Table of boats filled enclosed: Stroud Gas Co, J Smart, L Whiting, E T Ward, J Smith, F Boucher, T Andrews, F Tudor.
Your circular letter of 9 July is receiving attention.
Premises at Stonehouse: I will see Mrs Penn.
Particulars of wages enclosed; your letter of 26th will be put before next Committee meeting.
Let me have a short plan or your proposals to put before the Committee on the 29th.
It is unlikely that a representative of this company will attend the meeting of the National Union of Railwayman and Transport Workers' Federation on the 16 July.
Details of the Reserve Fund.
As the Chairman is away he has asked if Mr J Margetson can attend the meeting as the Company's representative.
Can you attend a meeting in Whitehall re transport wages?