Gloucestershire Archives D1180/9/15
Letters written by Percy G Snape between April 1922 and April 1925
Recording amount received in respect to through traffic to and from T&S Canal for year ending Sept 1923
Thanks for letter of 13th Feb re dredging canal at Lodgemore
Re possibility of tipping mud dredged at Lodgemore on Fromehall Meadow if agreement can be reached with Mr Palmer's tenant. Awaiting instructions
Re trees at Ebley House, Stroud. Much obliged if you would have the necessary done soon.
Enclosing Statistics of Traffic for January 1924
Enclosing cheque for £6 0s 3d for Poor Rate. Please in future collect rates from J Ashenford
Re Stroud Hospital Effort, parking of cars on our wharf next July will be at your responsibility
Committee feel they must cease to subscribe to the Hospital Fund
Committee feel that wait until some progress has been made with the bridge before choosing site for stable. The material in the stable could be stacked
Enclosing draft agreement for water pipe at Newtown
Saul Bridge not suitable for your Steam Tractor with trailer. Only intended for ordinary traffic at time built.
Continuation of 308. You will be responsible for any damage or accident happening
Re £100 shares owned by E H Clutterbuck deceased. No dividend since June 1922. Details of transfer
Enclosing key to company's seal box as requested
Since the re-opening of the canal the Committee makes no reductions to the toll of 1s 7d per ton. They are willing to allow a toll of 3d per ton for coal hauled from the wharf to Lodgemore in Jan and Feb 1923
Your letter of 11th will be put before committee on 19th. Why do you require this information?
Committee agree to your lowering the wall at Stonehouse Wharf to the level of that on Mrs Penn's garden
Diagram of railings required on top of lowered wall
Returning cheque for £7 8s 2d and demanding £11 6s 11d for 181 tons @ 3d and 141 tons @ 1s 7d
Committee have been compelled to consider whether to continue their subscription unless it is reduced to £1 1s per year
Charge of £10 for water pipe has not been paid for this year. Need cheque by Saturday to close books
Rent of £6 due 29th Sept 1923 for Stonehouse Wharf need to be paid even if not continuing there
Re house at Dudbridge your rent of £1 17s 6d for quarter ending 25th March is unpaid and rates amounting to £1 10s 10d for last year are outstanding
The agreement for the water pipe at Newtown is ready for your signature
Will put your letter of 28th before committee when they next meet
Enclosing £1 6s received from Mr Brain for preparing the agreement
Company have no cottage vacant at present
Enclosing Statistics of Traffic for February 1924
Committee will meet you at Ryeford Station at 2.30 on 15th
Failure to remit sums in my letter of 3rd [31 March] will result in Company Solicitor being asked to act
Enclosing receipt for rates of £1 10s 10d. Your rent payment still outstanding by £10 10s 10d
Your letter of 7th forwarded to Dudbridge and Sons, who will send signed copy of accounts
Shares are not quoted; but last sale took place in June 1923 @ £20
Please forward signed copy of accounts to the Inspector of Taxes
Enclosing letter from Ministry of Transport. [Rest unreadable]
Have sent your letter of 3rd to our auditors and am awaiting their reply
Enclosing letter from Ministry of Transport. Last tolls notice is dated 10 Dec 1921
Request for cost of planks delivered to Gas House Bridge at Downfield
Order for oak and elm as per quote of 19th March
Request for quote for planks delivered to Stroud Gas Co Works at Downfield
Enclosing draft minutes of last meeting for return before meeting next Wednesday
Please reply to my letter of 19th March so I can report to committee meeting on 16th
Asking for reply to letter of 19th Mach
Fourth application for outstanding rent of £6 for wharf
Your letter re railings does not say that you agree to conditions laid down in letter of 19th March
Committee discussed your letters re cottage at Dudbridge. As there is only one lavatory for the two cottages the Committee have decided it should be let to the son-in-law of the tenant of the other cottage
Unless a cheque in full settlement is received by 1st May the matter will pass out of the Committee's hands
Special Committee meeting called for 15th May to go over the pound with you.
Please confirm that spiked fence will be continuous and a coat of tar will be placed on it after erection
A member of my committee will meet you at Stonehouse Midland off the 2.10 train
Enclosing receipt for cheque of £11 6s 11d.
Mr Sibly has queried charge for his boat. I understand the charge is 23s for single journey, How many did he make? What charge do G&B make for boats tied up for many months, e.g, at Junction? We have three such boats at Framilode, one at a farm
Your estimate for ceiling at Wallbridge is accepted. Not to exceed 45s. Let me have estimate for papering
A lower estimate was accepted by the committee. Your account will be sent to Committee next meeting
Mr Sibly charged £3 3s per annum. What is rate for single voyage? Thank you for stating rates for boats moored for more than 4 weeks free. Is there any reason why we should not charge the same if moored in the Framilode pound?
Can you be at Stonehouse Midland at 2.10 on the 15th
If rent not paid forthwith the matter will pass into the hands of the Company's Solicitors
Mr Hill from West Glos Power Co will be at Ryeford Station at 2.30 to meet committee. May I call a taxi for the members coming from Stroud?
Last share sale before 31st January 1924 took place in June 1923 @ £20
Enclosing Statistics of Traffic for March 1924
Re letter of 3rd May the matter will now pass into the hands of the Company's Solicitors
In receipt of your letter of 8th. Solicitors will take no action until Monday 12th
Committee will meet you at Ryeford Station at 2.30 on 15th
The agreement with Mr W T Mills re the cottage at Dudbridge was signed on 7th May
Account for 283 tons of coal hauled to Lodgemore Mill £22 9s 3d
Please supply 360ft of 9in x 3in Red as per quote of 12th April
Requesting taxi at bottom of Rowcroft on 15th at 2:10pm
Enclosing letter from Inspector of Taxes
Your letter of 7th May has been forwarded to our auditors
Re your letter of 17th, matter is in the hands of the Inspector of Taxes, Stroud
Inspection committee wish to draw your attention to defects at Shallow Lock
Re application for motor boat, Committee informed you in May 1923 that normal charges must apply
Returning share certificates 118 & 119 and probate. Contact Little & Bloxam to facilitate matters
Re cables along towpath, committee expect considerable disturbance to canal traffic. Your proposal of 1s per 100yds cannot be entertained. Committee propose £12 per annum. Rental for part of wharf at Dudbridge will be £40 per annum
Continuation of 351. The intended buildings to be submitted for approval. You to pay all legal expenses
Permission to put flywire from top of Dock Roof at rent of 1s per annum
Re plans for Parapet Wall at Pike Bridge and Stable at Wharf, nothing can be agreed on stable until next committee inspection, which will not be for some time
Explaining route of Stroudwater. Explaining that the T&S is no longer navigable beyond Chalford
Asking when boilers that have been on wharf for 12 months without charge will be removed
[Unreadable first paragraph] Accounts enclosed. No decreases in tolls since December 1921.
After committee meeting on 18th I will inform you if we will send a member to the Special Meeting of the Canal Association
Call tomorrow to give estimate of repairs for committee
Despite almost continuous dredging the barge "Severn Bridge"" was unable to get past to Lodgemore Mill"
Enclosing Statistics of Traffic for April 1924
Will put your letter of 4th before committee when they next meet
Re problems with delivery by railway to Stroud Water Works at Chalford. Consignment note did not agree with timber delivered (3 planks missing). Transfer account from Stroudwater to T&S Canal. Deliver 24 planks to Brimscombe and bill to Stroudwater.
Last sale before 10th June took place in June 1923 @ £20
Enclosing an account for wharfage for March and April of £1 9s 4d bringing total owed to £23 18s 7d
Repeating what was said in unreadable letter of 6th June - your letter forwarded to our auditors for reply
Re use of Framilode Bridge by traffic other than ordinary traffic at time of construction at own risk
Enclosing receipt for £9 12s 6d. Enclosing account for £12 2s that has been long outstanding
Acknowledging receipt of £6 received from John Richings
Forwarding report of canal inspection on 28th May and copy of History of T&S Canal by Mr Gardom
Describing Stroudwater, and pointing out that T&S not navigable from Inglesham to Chalford. Giving tolls from Junction to Wallbridge and Wallbridge to Chalford
Continuation of 365. Unreadable, but seem to repeat what is in 365 plus address
Re bathing in canal by pupils of Wycliffe College. Annual charge to be £5 5s from 29th September
Re yew tree branches stacked on canal side at Ryeford. Might get into canal and eaten by cattle. Please destroy
Stonehouse Cross Bridge and Ebley Oil Mills Bridge will suffer structural damage unless steel put in
Inspection committee will be at Framilode on 25th. Could meet Mr Harris at the lock at 12 o'clock
Enclosing letter from E T Gardom re T&S Canal. What time should committee meet before conference with T&S Canal Committee?
Enclosing draft report on T&S Canal. Please return by Saturday so Mr Bloxam can get a fair copy ready for Tuesday
Meeting of committee has been called for Tuesday 1st July at 3.15 at Wallbridge
Committee have thoroughly investigated the affair in your letter of 21st and cannot accept responsibility for the alleged damage
Acknowledging receipt of probate of will of Miss E Asbury and share certificates 57 & 107. Please contact Little & Bloxam re procedures required by Act
Unreadable except for "Cheque for £14 4s"
Enclosing cheque for £12 12s for renewal of Workmen's Compensation Insurance Policy
Enclosing notice of stoppage in holiday week to fit new bottom gates to Blunder Lock, Eastington
Canal will be closed from Westfield Lock to Newtown Lock from 2nd to 10th August
Same notice as 376 but no addresses
Enclosing notice of stoppage
Gloucestershire County Council are applying for closure of T&S Canal. Will affect through traffic tolls. Need meeting to discuss some common policy
Gloucestershire County Council are applying for closure of T&S Canal. Will affect through traffic tolls. Need meeting to discuss some common policy
Gloucestershire County Council are applying for closure of T&S Canal. Will affect through traffic tolls. Need meeting to discuss some common policy
Canal will be closed from Westfield Lock to Newtown Lock from 2nd to 10th August
Canal will be closed from Westfield Lock to Newtown Lock from 2nd to 10th August
4 men have been dredging stretch around Lodgemore Mill from February to June, removing 34 boat loads (700 tons). Cannot continue dredging as work required elsewhere on canal. Barge containing 54 tons of coal could only be got up to the mill on 27th.
Continuation of 383. Very serious position if Painswick Stream not allowed to pass under canal as it should. Our wage costs for dredging exceed £137. Committee need assurance that this extra cost will be made good to this company
Enclosing Statistics of Traffic for May 1924
Enclosing notice dated 10th December 1921
Did you receive letter sent to you on 27th June?
Re proposed closure of T&S Canal your letter of 11th has been sent to our Chairman Mr Margetson
Can you please let me have details of how you got your navigation open and a short history of your canal
Thanks for letter re Stonehouse Cross Bridge and Ebley Oil Mills Bridge
T&S Canal not navigable beyond Chalford. May be able to lift boat out and take by rail from Chalford to Cricklade. Can't tell you fees for G&B Canal or River Thames. You may not be able to lift boat out at some of our locks.
Thank you for letter of 23rd re Yew. Committee do not feel our men had anything to do with it.
Thank you for letter of 15th July, which has been sent to our Chairman, Mr Margetson
Thank you for information on opening of the Stort. I wish you success in your contest with the railways
Please forward to J Margetson a copy of you issue of 12th July re the re-opening of the "Stort"""
Thank you for letter of 17th re T&S Canal
Your letter of 18th will be before the committee tomorrow
Your letter of 18th re T&S Canal will be before the Chairman on his return next week
Thank you for the pamphlet on the River Stort, which I will forward to our Chairman
Enclosing copy of protest sent to the Ministry of Transport re Gloucestershire County Council application to close T&S Canal
Protest to the proposed closure of T&S Canal by Gloucestershire County Council
Enclosing copy of protest sent to the Ministry of Transport re GCC application to close T&S Canal
Enclosing copy of protest sent to the Ministry of Transport re GCC application to close T&S Canal