Gloucestershire Archives D1180/9/19
Letters written by Percy G Snape between August 1948 and December 1952
Your letter will be considered by my Committee at their Meeting 15 September.
Re enclosed letter from Mrs Sawyer. Death of fish caused by contamination of water from River Frome. Dead fish near Sandfield's bridge in Berkeley Canal. Trouble arises from length of canal for which you are responsible waterway between Berkeley Canal and your intake from Frome at Whitminster.
Excess Employers Liability Policy. Receipt of your letter 4 September enclosing cheque for £7.7.0.
Cottage at Dudbridge. Re your letter 17 August
Your letter 17 September will be considered by my Committee at their next Meeting.
Receipt of your letter 16 September.
Return of your letter 19 September. Contact Clerk of County.
Re X053247. Card posted to Blackpool instead of application for new card to your office.
Re P G Snape 695/1550/3. Company's cheque for £1.19.0 enclosed.
No objection to diverting watercourse from the canal weir to the River Frome if new cut sufficient to take overflow from canal. No objection to you doing away with the sluice and weir next your mill. Assume new cut to be made before filling in of water course and no obstruction to be caused to flow to river from our canal waterway during the execution of the work.
No outsider should use private door into headquarters of Company. Small door in entrance gates to Wharf. Key to be kept by one of your staff.
Re Catherine Holbrow Bonamics.. Your communication is receiving attention.
Copy of letter. Window made in wall of your house may remain. 1/- shilling per annum. No right of entry to Company's private towing path.
Your letter 8 October will be considered by Committee 20 October.
Your letter with two copies of your drawings will be considered by Committee 20 October. Height of pipe from water level only 5'6". Height not less than that of present arch of bridge necessary for passage of traffic."
Re yor letter of 13th inst
Meeting of Committee shortly. Kindly reply to my letter 7 October.
Agreement sent to Mr McEvoy per L Pockett.
Crossing of canal by oil pipeline at Whitminster. Ministry will pay £2 to inspect crossing. Letter handed to Company's solicitors Messrs Little & Bloxam
No objection to water main crossing canal next Bristol Road bridge. Clearance to be same as that of existing bridge. Company's Solictors
Receipt of your letter 20 October enclosing P.O. for 1/- year's rent re window opening on Company's private property.
Committee not disposed to sell cottages at Dudbridge. One occupied by our lock keeper.
We need provision for free swinging of balance poles on gates
Re your letter 9 October
Committee Meeting Wallbridge17 November at 3 o'clock pm.
Committee Meeting Wallbridge 15 December at 3 o'clok pm.
Committee Meeting Wallbridge 15 December at 3 o'clok pm.
Committee Meeting Wallbridge 15 December at 3 o'clok pm.
Committee Meeting Wallbridge 15 December at 3 o'clok pm.
Committee Meeting Wallbridge 15 December at 3 o'clok pm.
Committee Meeting Wallbridge 15 December at 3 o'clok pm.
Chairman would like you to see draft of circular. He will write to you direct.
Receipt of your letter 7 December.
re Water Supply Thornbury Area. Trunk Main. Canal Crossing. Re your letter 17 November. No objection to water main crossing canal at lower level. If canal restored
2 Cedar Villas
Committee Meeting 26 January 1949 3.30 pm. General Half Yearly Meeting 3 o'clock pm.
Re Income Tax 2 Cedar Villas
Income Tax 1/D.6593 File 570. I have informed Inspector of Taxes that Demand Notice has been sent to you.
Re 1/D 6593. File 570. Your communication re above sent to Messrs Dudbridge & Sons
Income Tax P G Snape. Ref 695/1550/3. £2.12.0 cheque enclosed re above.
Insurance against Fire
No objection to your cutting the hedge bordering towing path Eastington Bridge to West End.
Rent Receipts. McEvoy
Re garage at Stonehouse
No objection to your laying gas pipes at Dudbridge. Half mile £1.5.0 extra rent (@£5 per mile). £1 for pipes on towing path.
Your letter 20 December before Committee 26 January. Negotiations for cost of acquisition of easement need not hold up work.
No traffic on canal for many years. Proprietors considering Abandonment. Fair that should should be informed of the position in view of the importance of the canal water supply to your company.
Enclosed Notices returned by Manager Lloyds Bank. You may be concerned with these estates.
Your letter handed to my Chairman Mr W R Bloxam of Rowcroft
Receipt of letter 19 January enclosing Proxy Form. Impossible to reckon expenses of winding up Company. No funds to distribute to shareholders but no levy likely to be made.
Re Stroudwater Navigation Ltd. Copy of Statutory Accounts
Gas Main. Proposed Crossing at Ryeford. Main at lower level than arch of bridge. Matter for Committee who will require drawing of your proposal.
Water Main. Bristol Road. Whitminster. Re your letter 20 December. Your offer of £30 accepted if Corporation carries out any alteration caused by change in use of land below pipes.
Re Stonehouse Wharf. Your letter 7 December. Committee desire to retain 8 feet frontage along canal but is prepared to consider offer to purchase remainder of Wharf.
Re Stonehouse Wharf. Your letter 5 January. Committee desire to retain 8 feet frontage along canal but is prepared to consider offer to puchase remainder of Wharf.
Stonehouse Wharf. Your letter 2 February before Commmittee 16 February. No objection to your approaching Planning Authority for information. In your offer of £400 an acre do you include Garage Buildings now let to tenant? Building substantial but needs attention. No demolition order.
Re your letter 5 February. Your offer of £30 per annum accepted.
Committee Meeting Wallbridge 16 February at 3 o'clock pm.
Committee Meeting Wallbridge 16 February at 3 o'clock pm.
Committee Meeting Wallbridge 16 February at 3 o'clock pm.
Committee Meeting Wallbridge 16 February at 3 o'clock pm.
Committee Meeting Wallbridge 16 February at 3 o'clock pm.
Committee Meeting Wallbridge 16 February at 3 o'clock pm.
Gas Main at Bridge at Ryeford. Your plan 5 February before Committee 16 February.
Your letter 7 February before Committee 16 February.
Water Main. Bristol Road. Canal Crossing. Your letter 4 February sent to Company's Solicitors
Kindly have tree near canal at Newtown
As you are acting for Mrs Dunn
Re your letter 15 Feb. Committee not prepared to accept offer of £400 per acre for Stonehouse Wharf.
Re your letter 14 February. Committee ask you to make an offer for Stonehouse Wharf. Once let at £52 per annum
Re your letter 14 February. Committee is not prepared to accept your offer of £150 for Stonehouse Wharf.
Special formalities required as to shares by Act of Parliament. Company Solicitors are Little & Bloxam
Certificates of shares in Stroud Navigation. No. in name of Walter Charles Stanton
Enclosed with 83: To fees making necessary entries in Minute Book
I enclose the Census of Production. I should be glad of your direction as form has to be returned not later than three months from date of issue.
Committee Meeting Wallbridge 16 March at 3 o'clock pm.
Stroud R D C Sewage Scheme First Section. Kindly let the Chairman have your observations on enclosed letter from W Herbert Bateman & Partners. Letters and plans enclosed.
I suggest writing to Mr Rowbotham
Re your letter 2 March. I enclose longditudinal section of proposal for crossing No.3
Stroud R D C Sewage Scheme. Chairman thanks you for your letter 6 March. Letter to be sent to Herbert Bateman & Partners.
Re your letter 11 March
Receipt of your letter of yesterday's date.
Re Shares 59 & 60. Falling off of traffic on canal. No interest on shares. 16 September 1884 shares transferred to Official Trustees of Charitable Funds
Receipt of your R.13. 26? Dated 14 March.
Stonehouse Wharf. Only small Committee present. Matter postponed to next meeting.
Stonehouse Wharf. Only small Committee present. Matter postponed to next meeting.
Stonehouse Wharf. Only small Committee present. Matter postponed to next meeting.
Trees on your property next to canal Newtown Lock and Pike Bridge
Census of Production 1908? 970/179 duly completed.
Income Tax P G Snape. Ref 695/1550/3