Gloucestershire Archives TS/164/a
Committee minutes from 1783-1793
Wharf on the Thames, negotiations started
Mortgages issued
Water supply at Thames Head to be ascertained and enquiries made about a fire engine
James Perry to provide timber for six boats
House to be built at the Bourne for the carpenter and a storehouse to be built over blacksmith and carpenters shops.
Warehouse at Stroud to be made a dwelling house
Reservoir at Daneway, plan and estimate to be made
Daneway Lock upper cill to be lowered
Feeder at Eisey pond, trunk and paddle to be put down
Mr Hawkins of Down Ampney not to obstuct Company
Stone from quarry in Beasely common
Thames Commissioners to be urged to complete Mr Jessop's plan
Mr Whitworth to view the whole canal
Mortgages issued
Report on supply of water - details given
Mr Black to meet wih Mr Watt to view proposed site for engine
Report on proposed fire engine - details given
Mr Watt's view on the proposed fire engine
Reports on shaft and fire engine
Coals to be delivered into possession of Samuel Smith in trust for Messrs Chalie & Chambers
Driver to be ejected from Barton Mill
Samuel Smith to examine state of tunnel
Feeder at Cirencester to be arched over in Mr Self's garden
Samuel Bird to build boat on new construction
Feeder at Cirencester to be arched over in Mr Self's garden
Watch houses and warehouses to be finished at Cirencester, Siddington, Cerney, Cerney Wick, Cricklade, Marston, Kempsford, Inglesham, Coatesfield
Messrs Chambers, Black & Carter to meet Mr Morgan on the part of the inhabitants of Kempsford about the road at Hay Lane and other matters.
James Perry to purchase Fowler's and Bidmead's mills
James Perry wishes to resign
Samuel Smith to purchase American oak
Samuel Smith to procure a draft of tunnel
Two more stops to be put into the tunnel
Mr Nicholas, road to be made to his land
Land to be taken for road from Rucks Bridge to Mr Fletcher's land
Branch collateral, point of land to be taken off
Walls in tunnel to be taken down
Repairs in tunnel under four feet of water to be first done
Samuel Smith to procure some miners
Mr Smith to fence open quarries
Mr Black to continue his consultation with Mr Watt re fire engine
Cerney Wick pound, brook course to be widened and waggon way made to Lord Eliot's land
Messrs Chambers, Black & Carter had met Mr Morgan at Kempsford and viewed the Ham Field and the course of the feeder. It was agreed that the sufficiency of the trunks to carry off the flood waters under the feeder should be minutely examined and that the inhabitants should specify in writing any other complaints.
Mr Black report on discussions with Mr Watt and letter to Mr Watt - details given
James Perry asked to follow former requests
Mortgages issued
Response to Mr Watt's letter - details given
Mr Proctor to investigate the circumstances of the layer of blue clay
Report from Mr Proctor on experience with engine - details given
Mortgages issued
James Perry, his letter on a fire-engine dated 6 Jul 1790
Samuel Smith to pay John Proctor's salary
Mr Mylne to be applied to on subject of water
Samuel Smith to purchase timber
Order re road from Rucks Bridge to be suspended
Sir Isaac Fitscher to be paid an annual rent for land
Differences with inhabitants of Kempsford
James Perry to treat with Mr Jones for water taken from his tenant's mill stream
Millers claims for loss of water to be considered
Samuel Camfield appointed book keeper at Brimscombe
Daneway, buildings on Mr Hancock's land to be taken down and removed to tunnel mouth and a small house and workshop to be built with them there
R Adamson to be paid and discharged and he to leave his house.
Seal to be attached to deed of exchange of lands with Catharine and Elizabeth Gough.
Thomas Bagnal to continue as watchman
Elizabeth Bagnal to continue in the care of the house at Brimscombe
Brimscombe, account of housekeeping expenses at to be kept and proprietors to pay for their board when not on business
Samuel Camfield, his board in the house to be placed to credit of housekeeping account
Mr Smith to treat with Mr Window of Stroud for so much of the garden in occupation of John Baker opposite buildings belonging to his house to improve road leading to the wharf and divert the water which comes down the hill.
Loan of £60,000, application to be made to Parliament
Fire engine, Mr Watt's letters
Fire engine, Mr Watt's letters
Fire engine, Mr Watt's letters
Mortgages issued
Mortgages issued
William Stephenson, terms for handling money entered into
Loan application to Parliament to be postponed
Mr Mylne's report on water supply to be considered - details given
Following Mr Mylne's report, agreed to order a fire engine - details given
Mortgages issued
James Black to procure plans of Thames Head etc
Mortgages issued
Mr Black's report on fire engine and Mr Watt's letters
Land to be purchased for engine, reservoir and wharf
Mr Pitt to settle with Mr Dalloway on land at Brimscombe with mortgage
Agreed limiit on tolls for coal
Oak 28in x 30in x 24ft to be purchased for engine beam
Two working blacksmiths to be sought
Horse engine to be conveyed to Thames Head
Summit level weirs to be 5ft 1in above upper cill level at Daneway and Siddington
James Black to make preparations at Thames Head for fire engine, smithy and house
Following request from Mr Hill of Cirencester and John Baker of Brimscombe, Mr Smith to consider a site for a salt warehouse at Brimscombe
Lately built vessel called the Experiment to be sold
Appliation for a loan to be restricted to sum of £60,000
Person to be sought to estimate value of the mills from which water has been taken
Draught of bill for a loan of £60,000 approved
Approved payment to John Rosier for preparing the bill for a loan
One clerk to be appointed for Stourport and one for Brimscombe
Man to be sought to assess annual value of Mills
Requested that next General Meeting of Thames Commissions be at London
Kelvedon oak purchased from Mr Preston for £80 to be cut into two halfs, the butt end to be 24ft 9in long, and both halfs to be taken to Limehouse Sawmill Dock
Leakage in pond between Bowbridge and Wallbridge to be repaired and trees adjoining bought of Mr Arnold to be cut down
Road from Hampton Common to Brimscombe to be repaired and widened, and direction post to be placed on Hampton Common
Samuel Smith, his accounts audited
Roof and chimney of house at Daneway, lately occipied by Mr Nock, to be repaired
William Saunders to attend to business at Cricklade Wharf or be dismissed
R Adamson to pay balance in hand to Mr Smith
Cottage adjoining Brimscombe Port House to be let to such persons as Miss Goughs approve at a rent of £4.
Feeder and feeding weir at Whitehall to be raised
Wharfage & housage rates at Oxford and Stourport to be inquired about
Salt warehouse to be built at Brimscombe adjoining the old warehouse for John Baker of 20ft clear in the front and of such depth as the ground will admit.
Wall to be built to the garden adjoining the road leading to the wharf and that so much of the wall already built to be raised to the wooden bridge leading into the granary and that a neat post and double rail be placed next the wall of the Court Yard.
Ralph Sheppard to fill up scaffold holes in tunnel
Samuel Bidmead to make out his title and perfect the conveyance
John Disney to provide plan of the course of the Thames etc
William Large to build Thames boat on plan of the Experiment - dimensions given
Mr Watt was asked to send engineer to supervise works at Thames Head
Buildings to be insured against fire - Brimscombe House & Mills £900, stables and outbuildings £100, warehouses £1500, Cirencester warehouse £200, Cricklade warehouse £200, Kempsford warehouse £100.
John Smith, wharfinger at Kempsford, to occupy house at Kempsford and take lodger.
John Proctor and Thomas Smith's salaries increased
Feeder from Jenours Mill to be repaired and raised 12 inches
Wharfage & housage rates agreed for corn and bricks
Samuel Smith to pay Mr Keeble for his land
Thomas Bowers of the Ironsides, his conduct re Customs to be inquired into
Samuel Smith to let the Experiment to John Smith of Droitwich
Dry ponds to be repaired
Short waste weir to be put down in the Bourne pound opposite to the saw pit
R Adamson to quit house at Wallbridge.
Money paid to John Rosier for passing Act to borrow £60,000
Millers claims going to arbitration
Paid James Preston of Walton Abbey for the Kelvedon oak and carriage to Limehouse Dock
Formal agreement with millers re water - details given
Agreed to pay Lord Eliott in part for lands in Down Ampney and Eisey and to meet in Gloucestershire to settle details
James Black to inquire into state of fire engine and Lord Eliot's claims
Mortgages issued
Samuel Smith to pay damages to mills
James Black's report on state of works mentions leaks in summit etc
James Black's report on Lord Eliot's lands mentions various matters - details given
William Large to prepare stops for canal
Samuel Smith to pay bills mentioned in Mr Black's letter of 7 July
Stops to be put down on summit
James Black to consult Mr Clowes about repairs
Josiah Clowes, his report about general state of canal - details given. To avoid mud entering the canal from the Badbrook, Clowes recommended a culvert under the canal to take the floodwater into the river and still let the common water come into the canal as at present.
Agreed to put a small lock in the Boxal Spring Pond and deepen the reach to Wilmore Lock and other repairs recommended by Mr Clowes
Agreed possible terms to settle with Mr Capel
Agreed possible terms for setlement with John Pickston, cutter
Bennett of Dudgrove to be settled with for damages
Mr George to be settled with for land in Kemble
Owners of lands in Lechlade to be settled with
Rev John Parker to be settled with for land in Kemble.
Trutees of Lord Colraine to be settled with for lands in Kempsford
Samuel Smith his accounts audited
Mr Ames of Stourport to send his account for transacting our business
Raikes's Gloucester paper and the Oxford paper to be taken at the Brimscombe house
Machinery of fulling mill and racks at Brimscombe to be taken down
Richard Hall to take levels from Thames Head to Myntie and from west end of canal towards Swindon and to map Brimscombe Hill estate
Mortgages issued
Joseph Cripps, orders respecting his claims for his mill
Samuel Smith to continue as first clerk and reside on the line of the canal and to view the whole as often as convenient.
Thomas Smith to remove to Brimscombe, vice Samuel Smith
Mortgages issued
Bristol crane to be ordered for the warehouses at Brimscombe
Benjamin Haynes to make a crane for the wharf at Cirencester
Bridge to be erected from wharf to warehouses at Brimscombe
Samuel Smith to pay millers for damages
Agreed newspaper advertsement that canal was open for business
Agreed handbill giving tonnage and freight rates for grain between Cirencester and Bristol
Agreed prices for Staffordshire coals at Cirencester and Cricklade
Mr Chalie and Mr Chmbers to be indemnified in their coal account if any fluctuations in prices
John Smith (brother of Samuel) to be wharfinger at Cricklade in place of William Saunders, discharged
Joseph Cripps, claim for damage to his mill to be considered
Samuel Smith to purchase coals from barges
Samuel Bird to build schooner to go to South Wales
James Black to view fire engine and consider how to encourage trade