Gloucestershire Archives TS/164/a
Committee minutes from 1783-1793
James Perry, letter to him on business with Mr Ames and charge for ten canal boats
Thomas Toward to be tender of the fire-engine - conditions given
John Pierce to engage miners to sink the engine pit
Joseph Cripps, suggested arbitration on his claims
Purchase money of Siddington glebe invested
James Perry, letters to him on coals and canal boats
James Perry, letters to him on coals and canal boats
James Black to go to Stourport to settle with Ames
James Perry, letters to him on coals and canal boats
Aaron York asked to help resolve the dispute with Mr Ames
Mr Ames's account not appearing to correspond with that agreed with Mr Perry, Mr Ames's agency to be suspended
Aaron York to be engaged to keep supply of coals.
James Barber to be offered contract for supplying coals
James Perry, balance of his account settled
James Perry to enquire for a proper agent at Stourport
Thames Commissioners asked, when water levels are low. not to demand more tonnage than that for what a vessel is actually carrying
Thomas Cook to raise and scabble 2000 tons of stone for Bristol
Mr Smith to cause the wall around part of the wharf at Brimscombe Port to be completed by continuing such wall to the extent of the boundaries of the Company’s land.
House at Fowler's mill to be repaired
Mr Pitt to report on verdict obtained by Mr Capel and to provide title and mortgage deeds of estate late Dallaway
Sir E Littleton asked to apply for a Custom-house officer for Brimscombe
Agreed carriage rates of grain from Cricklade and Cirencester to Bristol
Mr Adair & Mr Plomer to be asked if Thames Commissioners can be forced to take action.
Mr Mylne to survey Thames near Oxford and projected Union Bucks Canal at Hampton Gay
William Large to prepare stops for summit level of canal.
Mortgages issued
Jamrs Barber contract for coals
James Black reported violent behaviour of Mr Edmunds at Kempsford. Committee due to meet at Fairford.
James Black to attend meeting of Thames Commissioners
Stone bridge to be erected near the Ash Coppice on road through Hannington to Highworth.
Swing brdge now near the Ash Coppice to be removed to Hay Lane, Kempsford.
Articles agreed with the residents of Kempsford
James Barber would not engage with his proposed contract for coals
James Black to order second boiler for fire engine
Settlement for land with vicar of Kemble
Mr Hall to survey a canal to Bristol going near the coal mines at Westerleigh.
Large scale maps of the counties of Glos, Berks, Wilts and Oxon to be procured and lodged at Brimscombe House.
Plate of the canal, fifty copies to be sent to Brimscombe House
Mr Rimington to be given refusal of farm at Brimscombe at a rent of £40 pa.
George Hartshorn to be reprimanded for not lightening the trow Chalie
Lowbridge Bright to appoint Thomas Holmes agent at Bristol
Land and four tenements at Quar House to be purchased from from George Blackwell
Fifth stop-gate to be placed in the summit near Thames Head
New watch house to be erected on the high banking at Furzen Leases
Cheese storeroom to be made at west end of house at Thames Head
Benjamin Haynes, house to be fitted up at Thames Head
Mortgages issued
James Perry's accounts for coals settled and letter to him about Mr Ames account
Received Mr Mylne's report on a link between the Thames at Oxford and the projected Buck's Canal and between the branch at Hampton Gay and the Thames westward. Sent to Mr Loveden.
Company's accounts in their Journal approved - no details.
Thomas Smith to plan improved road from Brimscombe to Stroud in the Hill estate
Lower part of road from Brimscombe Port House to Hampton Common to be widened
William Stephenson to pass balance of Coal & Boat Account to his General Account
Agreed tolls on limestone, coal and ashes
Samuel Smith to purchase Bakers Mill and Mortons Mill
Samuel Bird to build a barge for use of the Company - 36ft keel, 10ft extreme width, covered house of 20ft in midships, raking stern and platform
Samuel Smith to settle with Ames
Boathouse to be built for the Company's barge in the recess of the canal between Brimscombe Bridge and Samuel Butler's house.
Brimscombe grist mill and the dwelling house and chamber over it together with the stable next the gate to be let to a proper tenant at a rent of £40 pa
Joseph Cripps to be settled with for water damage to his mill
John Smith to be wharfinger at Cricklade.
Hill estate at Brimscombe (late Dallaway) to be let to James Hill at £40pa, allowing the Company to make roads through the estate.
Samuel Smith to settle with James Barber of Stourport for coals, deducting the charge for use of ten canal boats
Agreed to publish advertisements of the canal being open. Mr Smith to visit his contacts in Salop.
Samuel Smith to settle with James Barber for coals
Richard Miller taken as an apprentice.
Joseph Pitt of Cirencester to answer bill filed in court of Chancery by Charles Jones
Mortgages issued.
James Perry to provide details of his agreements with Charles Jones
James Black to examine engine etc for improving.
Stop-gates to be put up from time to time to test the retention water
Short pond above Boxel Springs to be examined
Boards to be taken off weir at Thames Head
Petition to House of Commons to be prepared on state of Thames navigation.
John Smith wharfinger at Cricklade to be agent at Stourport.
A board to be put up to give notice to the public of the intention to alter the Stroud to Brimscombe road to improve the ascent of the hill.
Mr Smith was authorised to purchase a tenement under Miss Penfold’s wood on the side of the road leading to Brimscombe containing half an acre and a cottage which may be useful to accommodate the barge masters. Also a corner of Miss Penfold’s wood between the new road leading to Brimscombe and the old road containing useful quarry stone and convertible into a site for tenements to lodge boat owners and masters, about 2.5 acres.
Mr Williams of Chatham Place had offered to lease wharf at Thames St to the Company. Mr Black to investigate.
Samuel Patman to be wharfinger at Kempsford
James Black his report on the engine
Extension of Dudley Canal to be petitioned against
Deputation to confer with subscribers of canal from Hampton Gay to Isleworth
Thomas Lane to prepare petition against Dudley Canal
Petition to House of Commons on condition of the Thames to be prepared
Deputation to meet promoters of Gloucester & Berkeley Canal
Deputation to attend General Meeting of Stroud Company accompanied by Mr Whitworth, engineer
Company's answer to Charles Jones bill in Chancery sealed.
Company's accounts in their Journal approved - no details
Clarification of the role of Thomas Holmes at Bristol.
James Perry to apply to Committee of Staffs & Worcs Canal for warehouse late Ames at Stourport.
Request from Mines Royal Copper Company to advance the freight on copper not agreed, but willing to draw on London until a local agent is appointed.
Robert Barrett can lease land opposite the wharf at Wallbridge behind 70ft from the canal on a building lease of 99 years at 1s per foot [front] per annum rent.
Mr Arkell of Kempsford can divert some water from the Whelford feeder.
Unemployed trows to be kept at Brimscombe, not Stourport.
Coals to be purchased for employing the trows.
Committee, passed through tunnel from Brimscombe to Cirencester.
The Committee passed by water from Cirencester to Lechlade, giving orders to Samuel Smith on the way.
John Proctor to treat with the millers who had overstated their claims,
John Mills to qualify himself for cost-bearer at Brimscombe.
John Holmes recommended for Bristol agent in place of Thomas Holmes
Mortgages issued
Mortgages issued
Joseph Sills to be engaged in the Company's service
Bristol boat to be put on the stocks on the plan of the one already built
Treasurer to pay bill drawn by Mr Pitt of Cirencester. [No autumn accounts]
Joseph Sills to superintend the cost-bearers and men navigating the Company's boats on the canal and River Thames.
James Perry to take warehouse and wharf at Stourport
James Black to attend meeting of proprietors of Bristol & Abingdon canal
James Black to visit Brimscombe and direct the preparation of the Company's accounts
Mortgages issued
Mr Whitworth to be asked to prepare plans of the junction with the intended Bristol & Abingdon Canal.
Mr Black had visited Brimscombe Port and had prepared estimated accounts of receipts, payments and convertible stock (details given).
Report for General Meeting: Need for a special General Meeting to raise money.
Barges between Brimscombe and Stourport to be constantly employed
Barge masters may hire hauling men between Diglis and Stourport
Samuel Hartshorn, master of barge Radnor, to be dismissed
Thomas Holmes to hand over to John Holmes at Bristol