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C: The Scheme page 1.
The Length of the River is near Ten Miles. It is intended that the Navigation shall come up the Stonehouse Branch of the River, which has been judged by the Surveyors to be attended with less Difficulty and Expence than by the Stanly Water. It will pass by Fourteen Mills, which will require as many Locks, besides Two others, and also Four Stanks. Besides these Works, a Reservoir is to be made in the Meadow below Wallbridge, the superficial Contents of which are proposed to be Two Acres. This may be filled by the Sunday's Water, and at Two Feet deep will fill any one of the Upper Locks, when the Vessel is in, 41 Times and upwards. This Body of Water, being let out regularly from Monday Morning to Saturday Night, I presume will pay all the Waste of Water to both Branches of the River.
This Scheme is calculated to bring up as high as Frumbridge Vessels of 60 or 70 Tons Burthen, from Frumbridge to Wallbridge those of 30 or 40 Tons.
The Whole has been calculated and surveyed by Three different Sets of People, brought from different Parts, who have all agreed and subscribed their names to the following Estimate.
An ESTIMATE of the General Expences for making the River Stroudwater Navigable
To be purchased, Nine Acres of Land, at 50l. per Acre, - £450 0 0
Cutting of Nooks, and Widening the River,- £200 0 0
First Lock and Draw-bridge at Framiload Mill, - £1000 0 0
Second and Third Locks, at 450l. each, - £900 0 0
Twelve other Locks, at 300l. each, - £3600 0 0
One Lock at Lodgemoor Mill, - £350 0 0
£6500 0 0