Letter from James Houghton, Undated

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From James Houghton


Delivery of bricks and lime to Chippenham's Platt

Verbatim text

Estimate for freight or Carridge by Water of y^e Sand for y^e use of y^s New Navigation C^o from y^e Severn Side to Chipnam Plat @ 6^s/ per Boat Load
Per James Houghton.
Esrimate for Delivering the Bricks from y^e Brick Kilns or yard for the four Locks to be built at Chipnam Plat at 8^d per Thousand
Per James Houghton.
Estimate for Buring (y^e Stones being Delivered on y^e Spot) y^e Lime for y^e Use of the Navigation Company @ 7^s/ per hund^d Bush^l - y^e Company finding all Materialls
Per James Houghton.

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